Parents love this ‘anti-nightmare’ spray and now you can make it at home

The anti nightmare mist
This could make bedtimes easier (Picture: Getty – Cuckooland)

With Halloween happening this week, your kids might be getting a little frightened and sometimes that leads to nightmares.

But one company has launched an anti-nightmare mist to try to help calm them down.

Obviously, you can’t absolutely guarantee a nightmare free sleep but the mist might be enough to help children settle if they are scared.

The mist contains essential oils like lavender to help kids relax at bedtime.

You just need to spray it on their pillow and around the room, including under the bed and in the wardrobe.

The team recommend getting your little ones to spray it with you before bedtime so they feel like they’re really tackling any monsters they think might be hiding in their room.

In a post on the website,  Lucy Russell, a child clinical psychologist explained: ‘Ninety per cent of the complaints I deal with are concerned with ‘robbers’ and this is often accompanied by the fear of being hurt. Nightmares are a normal part of child development.

‘As children start to learn about the dangers in the world, as well as what death means when they are about 8-years-old, nightmares can be the brain’s way of processing this new information.

‘Lavender is really relaxing for the senses, so this will help. I would advise to start using this spray an hour before bed, to help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, and also to initiate the release of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep.’

The product costs £4.95 but it’s proved so popular, it’s currently sold out online so the team behind it at Cuckooland has released the recipe and instructions on how to make it at home.

How to make nightmare spray

  • Grab yourself a spray bottle – something recyclable and sustainable, a glass bottle perhaps and fill with water.
  • Mix two drops of essential oil per every 100ml of water. Lavender or rose oils are good to use, given their relaxing qualities, but other essential oils can be used as well, why not experiment and find the best fit for your little ones?
  • Finally you need to decorate the bottle and add some ‘secret anti monster’ ingredients. Decorate with friendly ghosts, smiley faces and lots of bright colours.

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