Incredible foster mum teaches the black children she cares for about their heritage and culture

Jessie Hall
‘I tell every child that I’ve ever looked after that I will always be there for them’ (Picture: Five Rivers)

A foster carer from Islington is calling for cultural identity to be celebrated for children in care, who are living away from their birth parents and family.

Jessie Hall, who has been fostering for more 15 years and looked after 23 children, says it’s vital to nurture the culture of her foster children and help them to appreciate their cultural background.

‘When a new child comes to stay with me, I often go to my local bookshop and read up on where they’re from and learn about their cultural background,’ says Jessie.

‘I take time to learn about their heritage, their community, the food they eat, and I teach myself to make meals for them, so they feel in touch with their roots.

‘It’s important for me to understand where the foster children I look after have come from, so that I can encourage them to celebrate their identity and make sure their culture features prominently.’

As well as celebrating the culture of her foster children, Jessie also takes time to share her own Jamaican heritage with them, especially through food.

Jessie prepares traditional dishes like her West Indian fried red mullet, which she always cooks at Easter.

She is currently foster parent to 22-year-old Jamal* and 16-year-old Isaac* who have been with her on long-term placements for 15 and 11 years respectively.

It’s a rewarding, but tough job and Jessie has even faced prejudice from some of the young people she has looked after.

‘I cared for a young boy who came to me when he was seven,’ says Jessie. ‘He told me that his grandfather had told him that as a family, they don’t like black people.

‘I was shocked to hear that from such a young child, but when I explained to him that I was black, he seemed surprised as he had no idea what this meant, it was just something he’d heard from his family.

‘Although sometimes young children are told to think these things, I have found that they are non-judgemental, and their prejudices usually come from other people.

‘That’s why I always try to encourage the children I care for to celebrate difference, as we are all different and unique.’

Jessie Hall
‘When a new child comes to stay with me, I often go to my local bookshop and read up on where they’re from and learn about their cultural background’ (Picture: Five Rivers)

Jessie always wanted to be a foster parent. She started working in a children’s home in Hackney when she was just 18 and she has worked as a childminder and youth worker, as well as running her own youth club in Islington with her sister for ten years.

Jessie finally had the opportunity to become a foster carer for the first time when she was 45.

Though she had thought she was too old to foster, Jessie found Five Rivers Child Care, an independent fostering agency and social enterprise, and she began providing emergency and respite care to vulnerable young people.

In Greater London, there are currently 4,090 children in foster care and 900 foster carers are needed across the region to meet demand and help support vulnerable children and young adults.

‘There are a lot of barriers that hold people back from fostering, but whatever background you’re from, everybody has love in their hearts to give to a young person in need,’ says Jessie.

‘I thought I would be considered too old to foster, but I couldn’t have lived with myself if I didn’t apply and I’m so glad I did.

‘It is such a privilege to share someone’s life and to watch them grow up. It has been a journey for me and to be supporting so many children is such a wonderful feeling.

‘I tell every child that I’ve ever looked after that I will always be there for them.’

People from all walks of life can become foster carers as long as they are over 21.

This includes single people, co-habiting couples, same-sex couples and people living in rented accommodation. The only requirement is a spare room for each foster child.

* Names have been changed to protect the identities of the children in care.

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