A 40-day Venus retrograde in Aries (repair your love life) starts this week and Mercury is moving into Aries (follow your own path, be a pioneer not a follower).
It’s time to put what you want, need and deserve first and foremost in your conversations, interactions, and demands. And ‘demand’ is the right word.
If you aren’t clear about what you expect and need from someone then how are they to know? And if you don’t hold the line on those things, then why should they bother?
Get a love life analysis on my Etsy if you want more detail or read on to see what the tarot believes you need to ask for this week!
March 21 to April 20

Tarot card for Aries for this week: Five of Cups
Meaning: You want to process, heal, and release a sadness, loss, or regret that you perhaps share with someone close. Perhaps it was something you endured together, or did to one another, or shared some connection over.
This isn’t something that will break you, it’s something that will bind you closer together if you can talk about it, express your feelings about it, and agree on a way forward. Stop trying to bury the past.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21

Tarot card for Taurus for this week: The Sun
Meaning: You want your close/est relationship/s to reach their full potential. The Sun tarot card suggests you have the right people, in the right places, in your life, and it’s now just about having the maximum amount of fun, enjoyment, fellowship, and connection together.
Take each person as an individual and figure out how you best gel, flow, get along. And make time to do that. Invest energy into creating tailored one-on-one time with your best folk. It’s worth it.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21

Tarot card for Gemini for this week: Eight of Wands
Meaning: Communication is always your number one demand in any relationship. Geminis love to talk, and also to learn. You can’t bear to be around people who hide stuff, deflect, dodge questions, play peek-a-boo with you. It’s frustrating. You don’t just want honesty, you want transparency. You want people to tell you exactly what’s happening and how they’re feeling, in real time, just as you do with them.
Express this need. It might come as a surprise to people who assume you’re too busy, detached or disinterested to care for their every move. How wrong they are!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23

Tarot card for Cancer for this week: Page of Wands
Meaning: You just want consistency. You need to feel safe, secure, and locked in. You need to know the other person is invested as much as you are, and that they’re not lying, playing games, hedging their bets, or spinning out time.
Ask the questions, Cancer. And then watch the behaviour. If it’s not consistent then neither are they, and that is your answer, like it or not. Better to know the truth sooner vs later. You need to know where you stand. Find out this week.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23

Tarot card for Leo for this week: The Empress
Meaning: Love is the pinnacle of your life, love is what makes all Leos feel at their best and, without it, life loses its lustre. You have high demands when it comes to a partner – you need thrills, passion, intimacy, excitement, freedom, and adoration.
The Empress reinforces this need and says that you need to be open about it, not suppress it, and not dull your lust for anyone else. If they can’t keep up… well, they’re not your person. Love is so important and you need an equally love-hungry partner. Find them. Maybe a Taurus or Libra.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23

Tarot card for Virgo for this week: The Moon
Meaning: There are unspoken truths, illusions, maybe even secrets lingering around your closest relationship. You can feel the deceit and you need to get to the bottom of it.
The Moon will illuminate the facts, draw out the true feelings, and guide you to the questions or probes you need to instigate. Don’t shy away from this. The truth is happening under your nose anyway, so you may as well know about it, because then you can deal with it. Be a detective this week.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23

Tarot card for Libra for this week: The Emperor
Meaning: There are unbalanced power dynamics to reset in your closest relationship. The upper hand has gone to the wrong person! You like everything on an even keel and nicely balanced, fairness and justice are your sign’s themes. However, life is more complicated isn’t it. People vie for the alpha position, even with those they love. We all want control, even you.
The Emperor enters your realm this week to gift you the force and influence to reset a power dynamic. Choose wisely what you recalibrate. Make it better.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22

Tarot card for Scorpio for this week: Nine of Swords
Meaning: Scorpio, you’re the most secretive sign of the zodiac and the Nine of Swords suggests you’re hiding something painful or frightening from someone you love. Stop.
You need to say what’s going on inside out loud, release the pent-up angst and dread, let it out. When you say the words, the power of this dread will evaporate and you can get it all off your chest. They will understand and care deeply. You will feel 100% better. Do it this week.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21

Tarot card for Sagittarius for this week: Seven of Coins
Meaning: You can feel things shifting and changing in your relationship realm. The Seven of Coins is a slow-moving lava of change, affecting things day by day, barely noticeable to the eye but visible when you look back on a month or a year’s phase.
So, let this unfold. Don’t cling to old habits, opinions, bonds, influences, or activities. Let everything refresh at it own pace and in its unique way. You are changing, so too are your connections.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21

Tarot card for Capricorn for this week: The Hermit
Meaning: Don’t be scared to tell them how you like to be alone, do solo stuff, or just have your own space to exist in. It’s normal and necessary. It’s what everyone needs, but Capricorns especially as you find company draining and need that refuel time for yourself.
Better yet, if the conversation feels awkward or weird, just start doing more stuff solo. Let the actions speak, vs the words. Don’t be cold or aloof, just be yourself, but show them how you like to live life by living it your way. That’s okay.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19

Tarot card for Aquarius for this week: Two of Wands
Meaning: You are the zodiac’s freedom-seeker and independent free spirit. You hate to feel tied down or restricted by relationships, by expectations, by others’ demands. That said, you also want to be a priority to someone and feel like their number one.
It’s a bit of a conundrum and maybe it’s time to talk about this with your closest person. Let them know they’re not going crazy and you’re not being inconsistent. Let them know how you feel and what you want. See what they think, and listen well, this is a two-way thing. Find a resolution.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20

Tarot card for Pisces for this week: Ace of Cups
Meaning: You are yearning for romance, for a rekindling of passion, for a deep intimate connection or soulmate vibe. You are a huge romantic at heart.
The Ace of Cups promises this is coming your way, and soon! If you’re single, look out for a fellow Water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). If you’re attached then make this week a romantic one. Plan a surprise, send them nice messages, buy a gift, organise a date, create private space for the two of you to have fun and talk and play.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Kerry King has been reading, teaching and creating tarot for 30 years. Join her magical, exclusive Tarot Club for forecasts, predictions, lessons and readings straight to your inbox. Enjoy one month free for all Metro readers (no lock-in or commitment) over on Patreon.
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