Dry January calculator predicts how much you could save if you give up alcohol for a month

New £20 notes and champagne cork.
Giving up your favourite drinks could save you more money than you think (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Ah Dry January – the annual month-long and self-imposed ban of alcohol in our systems.

For some of us, the sheer amount of booze consumed over Christmas and New Year is enough to stop drinking during January.

But for others it’s because our bank accounts are also looking pretty dry.

So, if you’re wondering how much you could save by not drinking in January, we’ve got you covered.

Creditfix, which offers free debt advice, has created a Dry January calculator to show just how much you will save if you embark on a month without alcohol.

The calculator uses average costs of wine, lager, cider, and spirits to predict how much you will save each week and per month.

All you have to do is input what you usually drink each week and it will tell you what you could save if you cut it all out.

The Dry January Calculator lets you input what you usually drink each week (Picture: Creditfix)

The Dry January initiative began in 2012, and calls on Brits to cut alcohol from their lives for 31 days – and, for those considering it, your bank accounts will love you for it.

According to the calculator, if you cut out just two small glasses of white wine and a single gin and tonic each week, you could save £75 for the month.

If you’re partial to a few pints after work on a Thursday, then you could save about £52 if you cut out three of them.

If you prefer something stronger, cutting out just one Negroni a week will save you around £28 every month.

The calculator will tell you how much you will save each week, as well as each month (Picture: Creditfix)

Millions of us nationwide are planning on taking on the challenge in 2025 – but not just for the financial gain.

There are mental and physical benefits too. About 70% of people who cut out booze last year during Dry Jan said they slept better that month, while 66% felt they had more energy.

Priory Group’s addictions expert Dr Niall Campbell previously told Metro that within a week of ditching alcohol, your sleep will improve.

The date you're most likely to give up Dry January:

A poll, carried out by Volvic, found 50% of UK adults tend to give up going alcohol-free by the second week of the month – on January 16 to be exact.

Out of the 2,000 people questioned, 21% admitted they wouldn’t last the whole of Dry Jan  – with three in 10 stating they would be happy if they managed to stick it out for just two weeks.

So when you hit the two week mark try and push through – you’ll double your savings.

This is because getting drunk means you typically fall straight into a deep sleep and skip the important rapid eye movement (REM) phase, giving you one to two cycles of REM sleep rather than the recommended six to seven cycles a night.

It’s worth noting that in the first week of Dry January you might find it harder to drift off – but while you might get fewer hours of rest they’ll likely be of a higher quality.

Are you partaking in Dry January?

  • Yes, I can't face drinking this month
  • No, I enjoy drinking

Dr Campbell also says by week two you’ll start losing weight, due to giving up alcohol’s empty calories.

She says: ‘If you were to stop drinking six 175ml glasses of wine per week, you would have saved 1,920 calories at this point, and 2,160 if you’d stopped drinking around six pints of lager.’

After three alcohol-free weeks, your blood pressure will start to reduce, while after the fourth week you’ll have better skin, improved liver function.

This article was first published on December 31, 2023.

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