‘Laura told our parents a few weeks before I told them, and they weren’t shocked at all when I said I was too,’ says Claire Jopson, 35, of her twin sister, who found out she was pregnant just weeks before Claire.
‘My dad said to me “well Laura told me a few weeks ago, so of course you are too!”
‘That probably sums up our relationship.’
The pair had no idea the other was trying for a baby until they found out they were pregnant at the same time in 2020 – and they were delighted to go through pregnancy together.
Laura’s son Henry was born on February 12, 2021, and while she was still recovering at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire, Claire had baby Olive on February 15.
The pair, both travel bloggers from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, were in hospital at the same time, and said it has been a great comfort to experience life as new mums together.
Sadly, due to Covid restrictions at the time, the twins couldn’t see much of each other in hospital, but they say nurses ‘made it their mission’ to allow them to meet once per day in a common room.
‘Being able to text each other pictures of our hospital food at 1AM was really comforting just knowing we had each other there,’ says Claire.

Claire and Laura spent much of their maternity leave together.
‘It was nice to spend time with someone you know so well who has a baby exactly the same age,’ said Claire.
Although some of their friends were worried they would unconsciously compare each others’ parenting skills, the twins say the experience of raising their babies together is ‘fascinating’.

‘Some of our friends thought it was simply the best thing ever,’ Claire said.
‘Whereas others were just a bit worried that we’d always be unintentionally comparing how we do things as mothers.
‘Thankfully, we’ve never compared each others’ mothering techniques.

‘Olive was a really bad sleeper, whereas Henry is a brilliant sleeper, but I never compared situations or methods when I guess it would have been quite easy to do that, and it would have made it quite stressful if we did.’
Laura and Claire have said despite being genetically half-brother and half-sister, Henry and Olive are completely different.
Claire says: ‘It’s quite fascinating, in a way, to bring them up and just see how different they are.’
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source https://metro.co.uk/2022/09/08/twin-sisters-had-babies-three-days-apart-at-the-same-hospital-17322611/