No, racist language is never ‘just banter’

SoR: Why racism can never be dismissed as 'banter' Getty Images
When a racist slur is dismissed as ‘banter’ in invalidates the response of the person on the receiving end of the comment (Picture: Getty/

This week, professional cricketer Azeem Rafiq revealed that he was regularly called a P*** by a former teammate.

Yet the player accused of using that language initially avoided any disciplinary action as Yorkshire County Cricket Club concluded the incidents were ‘friendly banter’.

They reportedly added: ‘The Panel does not accept that Azeem was offended by (the other player’s) comments, either at the time they were made or subsequently.’

But can it ever be up to an external party to judge whether being called a historically racist term is offensive? And can using racist language ever be dismissed or deemed acceptable because it was just ‘banter’?

Anyone who has experienced racism will know what it feels like to have a white person police your response to that incident.

You may be told that they ‘didn’t mean it like that’, or ‘they were only having a laugh’.

If you do choose to call it out, or express being offended or upset, the shield of comedy or ‘banter’ is often employed to make you look like you’re overreacting, or being too sensitive. Calling racist behaviour ‘banter’ is an effective way to shut down any criticism and silence the views of those on the receiving end of the abuse.

Dr Roberta Babb says the line between racism and banter can be thin, however the focus should not be on the person saying the comment, but on the recipient. 

‘Regardless of someone’s intention, the impact was race-based distress – which immediately signals that a line has been crossed,’ Dr Babb tells

‘It is never acceptable to say that racism is “just banter”. This takes the focus of attention away from the racially marginalised individual’s pain and re-centres it on the non-racialised person. They become the victim in the exchange.’   

It doesn’t matter if a comment was meant to be funny, light-hearted or non-malicious, Dr Babb says the only thing that matters is the impact that this language had on the person who actually experienced it.

‘To say that a racist comment is banter minimises and dismisses the lived experience of the person who was on the receiving end of the comment contributes to race-based emotional distress,’ she adds.

It all comes down to the question of who gets to define racism. In this case, Yorkshire County Cricket Club took it upon itself to determine what counts as a racist slur, which takes the power away from people who actually experience racism.

Nova Reid, anti-racism expert and author of The Good Ally, called Yorkshire CCC’s behaviour ‘abhorrent’, and is still in disbelief at the ruling not to issue any disciplinary action.

‘P*** is not an abbreviated term for Pakistani, it is a racist slur used to dehumanise,’ Nova tells

‘There are so many other words we can choose to use when having a “laugh” with friends, if racist language is your go-to to describe someone’s appearance, that is a red flag and you need to interrogate your racism – and fast.

‘Racism is a public health issue that is corrosive to mental wellbeing, and our children are watching. If we spent more time addressing racism, holding those accountable who are not willing to change and quite simply treating people with respect, rather than wasting energy debating racism, I wonder how much further forward we might be.’

What is the impact of minimising racism?

Having your experiences of racism dismissed or laughed off is both painful and disempowering. To see this play out on the public sphere with an elite athlete, also sends the message that victims of racism are not going to be believed or supported if they speak out.

The Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket acknowledged this in a statement about the case: ‘We commend Azeem Rafiq for the bravery he has shown in speaking up and shining a light on the racism he said he experienced as a Yorkshire Cricketer.

‘We await a copy of the report but recognise both the pain and the distress of participating in an investigation into these matters. It is critical that Azeem, and others who gave evidence, receive appropriate support and we are seeking assurances that this is the case.’

The use of word ‘banter’ in the response to this case is particularly galling, as it suggests that the racial slur can be used in a way that is funny and entertaining. This is particularly painful for people who have experienced racism.

‘Banter is referenced as a friendly and playful exchange of teasing remarks. Racist harassment and abuse isn’t friendly and playful, and neither is it an exchange,’ says psychologist Lee Chambers

‘Banter should be something that is enjoyable and agreed upon by both sides, which is something that racism can never be.

‘The sad reality is that referencing racism as “just banter” can cause more damage than the racism itself. Firstly, it normalises racism within a culture to be used at will, and secondly, it completely invalidates the individual who has been targeted, putting them in a position where they are disempowered from highlighting the issue.

‘This feeling of hopelessness can be more distressing than the remarks themselves.’

Binna Kandola, co-founder of diversity and inclusion organisation Pearn Kandola, says it is also important to recognise that nuance and context are important when looking at interpersonal communications, and that there is no set line as to where ‘banter’ ends and offensive language begins.

‘Context is really important here,’ says Binna. ‘It is not necessarily about the term itself, but the relationship between the people who are engaged in the conversation. Where there is high trust between the individuals, they understand and appreciate the motivation of the other person.

‘Where the exchange is between people who do not know each other well it is very unlikely that the exchange will be seen as playful or friendly.

‘Where someone is offended by the nature of the conversation, describing it as “banter” minimises the impact it has had on the victim and serves to excuse the perpetrator’s behaviour.

‘It can also move the focus of attention away from the person who said these things towards the target of the comments and their lack of a sense of humour. It is not uncommon for the victim to be asked whether they are “playing the race card”.’

Binna says this ‘quick and effective mechanism’ switched it so the victim becomes the perpetrator and the perpetrator the victim.

In response to widespread public outcry to the case, the chairman of Yorkshire Cricket has now resigned alongside other members of the board. The cricket club has also been banned from hosting international matches, and player Gary Ballance who admitted using the term, has been suspended indefinitely.

‘To be clear – I deeply regret some of the language I used in my younger years,’ wrote Ballance in a statement.

‘I regret that these exchanges took place but at no time did I believe or understand that it had caused Rafa distress. If I had believed that then I would have stopped immediately. He was my best mate in cricket and I cared deeply for him.’

But these actions and apologies have only been issued months after the allegations about Azeem Rafiq’s teammates were first made public, and only following significant backlash.

‘These actions are a start, as it demonstrates the organisations attempts to be responsible, but are no means the solution,’ says Dr Babb.

‘These actions only communicate an organisation’s true commitment to racial equality when they are proactive, rather than reactive. 

‘Unfortunately, when trying to resolve an accusation of racism within an institution or experience, the incident is often separated from historical patterns of structural, systemic, institution and interpersonal racism. Although these actions signify a change, one of the problems with these actions are that they are focused on the individual and interpersonal level.  

‘Until structural, systemic and institutional racism is identified, addressed and eradicated, the problems we are seeing will unfortunately continue.’

Nova adds that a change in leadership team is not enough to change a culture where racism is accepted, and neither are what she calls ’empty apologies’.

‘Taking allegations of racism seriously when they are reported and investigating swiftly, along with anti-racist practice, education and clear communication on what will and will not be tolerated, changes culture.’

She says sports organisations and players need to take a firm stance.

‘That looks like players standing in solidarity with teammates who are receiving racial abuse and refusing to play,’ says Nova. ‘And sports organisations issuing financial sanctions and following through with penalties – such as suspension from hosting or taking part in matches.’

What counts as racism is not a fixed or easily defined concept. Experiences of racism, microaggressions and other forms of racial discrimination as varied, context-dependent, and impacted by lots of different variables. This is why it must be down to the people with lived experience to lead the reactions and responses to racist behaviour.

It should never fall to those on the outside to judge whether or not an incident was racist – those who lived through it are the only ones who can determine this.

‘Banter’ is never a valid excuse for language that makes somebody feel distress, sadness or exclusion because of their race – no matter if that’s on the sports field, in the office or anywhere else.

The State of Racism

This series is an in-depth look at racism in the UK.

We aim to look at how, where and why individual and structural racism impacts people of colour from all walks of life.

It's vital that we improve the language we have to talk about racism and continue the difficult conversations about inequality - even if they make you uncomfortable.

We want to hear from you - if you have a personal story or experience of racism that you would like to share get in touch:

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