Parenting expert reveals why kids don’t want to talk about their day – and how to help them open up

parent holding child's hand
The key is to break it down (Picture: Getty)

Even the most talkative and energetic children can feel a little deflated after school.

So the age-old question ‘how was your day?’ can sometimes fall flat and be met with one-worded, half-hearted responses. 

Dr Siggie Cohen, a family psychologist who specialises in child development, has revealed why kids struggle to answer this question.

The professional, who goes by the name of @parenting.with.dr.siggie on TikTok, explains that the question is too big and broad for a child to answer. 

After all, there are probably so many new experiences and memories that have happened during the day for them to process.

Instead, it’s better to go more specific.

Dr Siggie Cohen then gives some examples of some more focused questions such as ‘during snack time, who did you sit next to?’ or ‘did your teacher say something funny today?’

She says: ‘Help your child breakdown their big experience in a more detailed and balanced way.’

This will help make things a little less overwhelming, but will give them a specific part to hone in on.

The TikTok, which has been watched more than 2.8 million times, has received lots of praise from parents – many thanking the psychologist for her advice.

One person replied: ‘Thank you for this info. I’m guilty of asking the same question. I’m now a little bit more educated.’

While another added: ‘This is my everyday story after picking my son up from school and it upsets me. Thank you for the help.’

Another parent chipped in with their own tactic, stating that they always get a response when they ask their daughter ‘what was your favourite part of your day?’

Dr Siggie’s account is bursting with more helpful parenting advice too – including how to act when your child is having a meltdown and why grown-ups shouldn’t ask kids to ‘promise’ anything, because they lack foresight. 

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