I was told feminism was just for people who went to university – it’s not

Lily O'Farrell
If I can make discussions of sexism and feminism approachable, funny and, most importantly, free, then that’s the ultimate hat-trick (Picture: Lily O’Farrell)

A few years ago, I was a bright eyed 24-year-old, sitting in a meeting room with lots of other keen 20-somethings, eager to learn about the ins-and-outs of TV comedy.

I had a really junior role in the TV industry, and on that day, I was taking part in a workshop all about coming up with formats for television, such as game shows and panel shows. A man in his thirties was leading it — he had plenty of experience in the industry.

While we were brainstorming, one of the other participants put forward the idea of a women-led panel show, particularly one that would create an environment to talk about subjects like feminism. The exec shot it down immediately, arguing that we didn’t want to alienate people.

‘Not everyone’s been to university and knows about stuff like feminism’, he said casually.

I was completely speechless – in fact, I must have dragged my jaw along the floor behind me as I left.

The lack of shame in his condescension was astounding. The idea that the small group of people who can afford overpriced university tuition fees are the only people to care about issues ranging from gender discrimination to racism – everything that feminism encompasses – is extremely patronising.

Like so many other times in my life, I wish I’d said something. However women, in particular young women, are told that those in positions of authority and people older than you know better (this is a lie!).

Drawing inspiration from a flurry of interactions similar to the one in the TV meeting room, I’ve been uploading funny cartoons about sexism online since 2018 via my instagram page @vulgadrawings. I wanted to prove how feminism was for everyone – not just the university educated. Over the course of a few years, I’ve gained a following of 250,000 people.

Cartoon by Lily O'Farrell
I think this is why my cartoons are popular: people want an accessible, fun, slightly educational resource (Picture: Lily O’Farrell)

My drawings observe everything from the very intimate details of my sex life, the sexism I experience and the thoughts that run through my head at 2am, like why country and county are pronounced differently despite only having one letter difference between them.

One of my best known characters is one I’ve named Kyle, a fake nice guy whose sexist attitudes subtly appear in the way he talks to women. He calls you intimidating just for having an opinion and categorises you as either a one night stand or ‘wifey material’.

It’s a popular scapegoat name and conveniently none of my male friends are called Kyle. It just stuck, eventually my followers would tell me about sexist interactions they’d had and would refer to the guy as a Kyle.

Lots of my cartoons have a basic introduction to feminism or how to spot subtle sexism angle, and I’ve encountered some snobbery from people who’ve said my followers should be reading a book instead of learning from cartoons. I find this a really reductive way of looking at how we learn things.

Social media is free; it’s an endless educational resource. I’ve learned more about humanity, empathy and other people’s experiences on social media than any higher education could have given me. Studying sociology meant studying the opinions of lots of old men with big beards, but social media has given me unfiltered access to humanity without the elitism; anyone can share their experience and opinions at any time, without barriers.

If I tweet or post something to Instagram, it’s straight from the horse’s mouth (me being the horse) without a producer/exec type toning down the feminist angle because it’s too alienating. I like that it gives me the freedom to share my messages exactly how I want.

I think this is why my cartoons are popular. We’re fascinated by other people’s experiences, and if those are bad experiences, we want to know how we can help stop them from happening.

Cartoon by Lily O'Farrell
The more feminist commentary there is out there the better, because it means more women are feeling confident enough to approach accessible feminist ‘theory’, with or without a university degree (Picture: Lily O’Farrell)

There was a time when feminism was seen to be exclusively for rich white women, from the Suffragettes to the more modern exclusivity of girlboss feminism. This is where wealthy women become CEOs and essentially break the ‘glass ceiling’ but do nothing to give opportunities to women who aren’t from wealthy backgrounds, who aren’t privately educated and who aren’t white.

That’s starting to change as we have overdue conversations about privilege and gatekeeping, but social media is also playing a big part.

My followers are from all over the world, predominantly young people, 40% of whom aren’t even old enough to go to university yet. The adults who follow me who are over 18 aren’t all academics, like the TV exec implied they’d have to be in order to understand feminism, they’re normal working people – I know this because they’ve requested that whenever I sell merchandise, I release it on the first of the month, just in time for their pay days.

What I’m drawing is just what happens in our everyday lives, like people assuming our careers don’t matter as much to us as they do to our male colleagues, or being catcalled or followed home. Whether you have a degree or not, it’s something that every woman can understand and relate to.

If I can make discussions of sexism and feminism approachable, funny and, most importantly, free, then that’s the ultimate hat-trick.

The Instagram page is just a start, like when you get a free taster of a brownie when you walk past a bakery. It’s something to pique your interest before, hopefully, seeking out more feminist commentary in your spare time.

My start with feminism did not come by way of a book at university, but through the many hours of comedy I watched as a teenager. The women I saw perform on TV like Bridget Christie and Sarah Silverman were doing material about incredibly dark and complex subjects but subtly sneaking them inside hilarious jokes.

In a second, they’d managed to get the entire audience to understand their experience, empathise with them and leave the female audience members with a cathartic feeling of ‘Oh, I’m not alone!’

And in a similar way, lots of my followers have reached out to tell me that my cartoons have been a catalyst for them in their personal life. One woman said it helped her feel confident enough to talk to a co-worker about the way he was speaking to her and the other female and queer colleagues, while another man said it helped him understand his girlfriend’s experiences.

Lily O'Farrell
I’ve learned more about humanity, empathy and other peoples experiences on social media than any higher education could have given me (Picture: Lily O’Farrell)

Responses like these mean everything to me, it spurs me on to keep drawing. I have a book out now, called Kyle Theory, which is filled with these cartoons – I wanted them all to be in one place.

Look out for the pink, colourful, slightly juvenile drawings on the shelves of any bookshop. If you like them enough to pick it up, you’ll discover there are some darker, complex topics hidden inside.

I’m not taking full credit for my success though; it’s the number of people who like and comment that gives me the confidence to keep going.

The likes are little digital hands flying up and saying this has happened to me too! There’s a power in numbers, and that power is knowing what you deserve and standing up for it.

The more feminist commentary there is out there the better, because it means more women are feeling confident enough to approach accessible feminist ‘theory’, with or without a university degree. I’m more than happy to just be one of those voices, a small fish in a very, very big pond.

Kyle Theory by Lily O’Farrell is available now.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing angela.pearson@metro.co.uk

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source https://metro.co.uk/2021/10/03/i-was-told-feminism-was-just-for-people-who-went-to-university-15316143/
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