Assuming a Black person is going to sell you drugs is racist – why is it still happening?

Being approached by a stranger and asked for weed or pills is something many Black people have experienced – and it doesn’t feel good.

Obviously, the likelihood of this happening depends on the setting – it happens more often to young people, and in places where drugs are used more frequently, like festivals, bars and clubs.

But, regardless of the context, being mistaken for a dealer is something that is disproportionately experienced by Black people. There is also a gender dynamic at play, with Black men more likely to be perceived in this way – with their physical features making them more likely to be seen as ‘threatening’ and ‘criminal’.

Elliot* – who has asked us to keep his identity private – is Black and works as a club promoter and DJ in Manchester.

He says he has been asked if he is selling drugs countless times on nights out and while he is working, in bars and clubs around the city. Every time it happens it makes him question how he is perceived by others.

‘There was this one week, a few years back, when it just kept happening,’ Elliot tells

‘A white guy asked me if I was selling pills during one shift at a club. I was literally in the middle of doing my job and I found it just really insulting that he clearly looked at me and just thought, “drug dealer”.

‘The very next night, I was walking home and a group of girls – again, all white – asked me if I knew where they could buy weed.

‘I just brushed them off and smiled and said “no, sorry”, but inside I was like – “why does this keep happening?”

‘It made me wonder what people see when they look at me. Clearly that image doesn’t fit with the image I have of myself, and that’s really strange, and also quite sad.’

When things like this happen, it is more than a simple misunderstanding. This common assumption is steeped in historic racism and antiquated stereotypes that equate Blackness with criminal activity and drug use.

‘There has been a longstanding history of seeing drug problems as race problems, with the criminalisation of drugs going hand in hand with the criminalisation of minority ethnic and immigrant communities more generally,’ says Professor Fiona Measham, chair in criminology at the University of Liverpool.

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‘When economic migrants move around the world they take their language, clothing, religions and customs with them, including regarding which psychoactive drugs they use and why.’

Fiona says different cultural groups throughout history have used different drugs for pleasure, pain, spiritual or therapeutic reasons. So controlling and policing drugs has been a tactic to control immigrants for more than 100 years.

‘It’s also a vehicle for creating divisions and hostilities between migrant and host communities,’ Fiona adds.

‘The fear of the immigrant and their different customs is the fear of the “other”, the unknown. So, Mexican migrants were criminalised for taking marijuana to the USA, Indian migrants for taking cannabis to the West Indies, and the Chinese were criminalised for selling opium and cocaine in Victorian and Edwardian England.’

In the UK, the criminalisation of drugs disproportionately affects Black communities.

A 2018 report found there has been a shocking increase in racial disparities in the policing and prosecution of drug offences.

The Colour of Justice report found that Black people are nine times more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs, despite using drugs at a lower rate than white people.

Across England and Wales, drugs searches account for 60% of all stop and searches, and the vast majority are for simple possession. The knock-on effect of this kind of disproportionate policing is that wider society comes to associate drug crimes with the Black community.

‘For all the talk of knife-crime, gangs, and serious violence, the reality is that stop and search is still being used to over-police vulnerable communities for low level drug possession,’ report co-author Dr Michael Shiner said at the time.

‘While studies have repeatedly shown that stop and search has no impact on knife crime and serious violence, it selectively criminalises Black people and those from other minority groups for offences that are largely ignored in other contexts. Whatever the intention might be, stop and search is a driver of discrimination.’

A 2016 American study examined how media portrayals of Black men and ‘manufactured prejudices’ also contributed to the image of the Black man as violent or criminal.

‘In the 21st century, this negative imagery of Black males has frequently utilised the negative connotation of the terminology “thug“, wrote the study authors.

They continue: ‘The synonymy of Blackness with criminality is not a new phenomenon. Documented historical accounts have shown how myths, stereotypes, and racist ideologies led to discriminatory policies and court rulings that fueled racial violence in a post-Reconstruction era and has culminated in the exponential increase of Black male incarceration today.’

With such consistent and negative imagery about Black people pervading so many elements of society, it is not surprising that some of these stereotypes will sink into our collective psyche – triggering the kind of thinking that causes people to associate criminal behaviour with Blackness.

For people like Elliot, these deep-rooted beliefs translate into an insidious form of microaggression that impedes his ability to do his job, and makes him question his self-worth.

What is the psychological impact of being mistaken for a drug dealer?

Professor Binna Kandola, senior partner and co-founder of Pearn Kandola, says that ‘micro behaviours’ like wrongly assuming a Black person is dealing drugs, can have a significant impact on an individual’s physical and psychological wellbeing.

‘These are not one-off incidents, but may, for some of the behaviours, occur on a daily basis,’ Binna tells

‘This form of common microaggression may have an even greater impact than the behaviours we see in the workplace. This is because they are accusatory, containing a strong suspicion of wrongdoing. There is also an imbalance in power and, significantly, they happen in public.

‘Individuals who are suspected of criminal activity will feel less able to protest their innocence, and they are demeaned and humiliated in front of others.

‘Each time an event like this occurs, people will be reminded of previous events, and so the emotion and the negative experience will be multiplied by those memories.’

This can have an impact on people’s self-esteem and self-confidence, says Binna. He adds that these experiences can even limit people’s ability to enjoy events.

‘It means that individuals cannot engage wholeheartedly in a music festival, for example, because they will be mindful of how others are responding to them,’ he says. ‘It can mean that people withdraw from such events and avoid going to them, sticking to social occasions where they feel more comfortable.’

Psychologist Lee Chambers agrees that these negative assumptions, stereotypes and projections are damaging for people of colour.

‘Very few roles in life have the associations that being a drug dealer does, from spreader of addiction to depleter of health, scourge of communities to breaker of laws,’ says Lee.

‘Having this vision imprinted on you can easily bleed into your own self-image and leave you questioning how you look, behave and act.

‘Just having your identity questioned or presumed is stressful, and can lead to feeling invalidated for the individual you truly are.

It then creates challenges when navigating new environments and social situations, pondering if others may be thinking the same thing.’

He calls it a ‘stereotype threat’, and says that even worrying about being perceived in this way can leave people feeling less worthy.

‘The ultimate difficulty faced is when law enforcement make this presumption, leaving you feeling judged, undervalued and at threat by those who serve to protect us,’ adds Lee.

Of course, mistaken identities and misunderstandings happen all the time – particularly when impaired by alcohol and other substances. Mistaking a Black person for a drug dealer isn’t necessarily a conscious act of intentional racism.

However it’s important to look deeper at why that assumption was made, and where that mistake happened – whether it was conscious or unconscious. Lee says it’s also important to remember how these seemingly simple interactions can affect people of colour.

‘While it might seem easy to just laugh it off, we have to become aware of microaggressions to be able to choose when to highlight boundaries being crossed, and the impact caused,’ says Lee.

‘For people of colour, and especially women of colour, raising awareness of every microaggression would be a challenge energetically. But it’s important for allies to have a better awareness of these issues in order to start to shift the culture of lazy negative stereotypes which are often abuse and invalidation bundled as throwaway comments and humour.’

The State of Racism

This series is an in-depth look at racism in the UK in 2020 and beyond.

We aim to look at how, where and why individual and structural racism impacts people of colour from all walks of life.

It's vital that we improve the language we have to talk about racism and continue the difficult conversations about inequality - even if they make you uncomfortable.

We want to hear from you - if you have a personal story or experience of racism that you would like to share get in touch:

This article is a part of High Alert, a campaign from and drug checking organisation The Loop. To find out more about their 2021 harm reduction campaign and how to reduce the risks of drug use, click here.

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