Woman realises dream tattoo she’d wanted for years was accidentally inspired by fridge logo

stills from a tiktok where a woman shows her tattoo was accidentally inspired by a fridge
Easily done (Picture: phoebzie)

A woman has posted a TikTok explaining how her dream tattoo bears an unintentional and uncanny similarity to the logo inside her family refrigerator.

Phoebe, who posts under the username phoebzie on TikTok, shared a video showing her wrist tattoo and explaining the situation.

Via voice-over, she explains: ‘A year ago today I got this tattoo.

‘I love it so much. I wanted to get it for literally years and I’d draw it on my wrist and dream of the day I had it.

‘I realise now where I got the idea from. 

‘It’s the design from the inside of the fridge we’ve had for basically my whole life.’

She ends the clip by holding her tattoo up against her open fridge, where the image – a one-line wave design – can be clearly seen on at least three of its shelves.

While the tattoo isn’t an exact copy of the fridge wave, it’s undeniably similar.

The post has gained over 282,000 likes so far, and commenters have shared both their amusement and commiserations over having done something similar.

One wrote: ‘OMG I did the same after I got my floral anklet I realised the plants I requested are the exact ones on all of our plates I’ve had my whole life.’

Another commented: ‘You and that fridge are bonded for life.’

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source https://metro.co.uk/2021/02/05/woman-realises-dream-tattoo-was-accidentally-inspired-by-fridge-logo-14029065/
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