You know the story of poor, poor Tessica Brown by now – the woman who sprayed Gorilla Glue on her hair.
The 40-year-old from Louisiana has captured the attention of thousands of viewers after revealing a video of her shiny, glued down head on TikTok.
Even after a month of washing, the glue has stayed on, leading Tessica to seek professional help.
She recently went to hospital where she spent 22 hours as doctors attempted to remove the glue from her scalp.
Unfortunately, the acetone they used did nothing for Tessica’s situation as the glue remained.
Yesterday, Tessica’s hairdresser cut off her ponytail to ease the pain on her head.
Now, as a last resort, Tessica is flying to LA to for treatment with a plastic surgeon who offered his help to dissolve the glue.
Tessica has started a GoFundMe page to help her pay for the trip.
In a newly released video, Tessica is seen with her head in her hand as the hairstylist attempts to cut off the ponytail, using Goof Off superglue remover.
The stylist says in the video: ‘It kind of feels like it may have softened up a bit, but we’re going to use this [Goof Off]. We have some on here already but I’m going to add a little more and then we’re just going to cut this whole ponytail off and try to let it breathe a little bit.’
Now, Tessica is planning to fly to LA to meet with Dr. Michael Obeng.
The cosmetic doctor said he can remove the adhesive with medical-grade glue dissolver, although he believes the process could take up to three days.
This treatment, according to TMZ, costs $12,500 (£9,040) but Dr. Obeng has claimed to offer it for free.
After Tessica set up a GoFundMe page to raise $1,500 (£1,085) for her travel costs, the donation page blew up, raising $17,550 (£12,000).
Tessica has also gained a new legion of followers on social media, all invested to see how the saga unfolds.
Gorilla Glue released a statement about the incident on social media earlier this week.
The brand said: ‘We are aware of the situation and we are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair.
‘This is a unique situation because this product is not indicated for use in or on hair as it is considered permanent. Our spray adhesive states in the warning label “do not swallow. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing”.
‘We are glad to see in her recent video that Miss Brown has received medical treatment from her local medical facility and wish her the best.’
Tessica is now in talks with a legal team to see what action she can take.
We just hope she can get the glue out.
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MORE : Best firm hold hairsprays and gels that aren’t Gorilla Glue
MORE : Woman has hospital treatment after styling hair with Gorilla Glue