We asked people the non-sex things that turn them on

We asked people the non-sex things that turn them on
Get you a man who cooks and a woman who wears mom jeans (Picture: Getty)

As anybody who’s had good sex knows, penetration is certainly not the main marker of a great time.

Beyond that, foreplay and getting to know each other’s bodies can be just as (if not more) thrilling.

And further beyond that still, there are certain things that people do that are a one-way-ticket to feeling sexy.

These things differ from person to person, but can be something as small as watching a woman put her tights on to a man that’s great with kids.

We spoke to different people to see what their non-sex turn-ons are.

Mel, 26

Mine are when a guy is putting something together and all concentrating and their tongue sticks out a bit.

Also this sounds weird lol but see in girls that little bit of chub near the armpit. Armpit cleavage is hot.

As well as that, I love the smell of fresh sweat on a guy. Not like BO but when they’ve been exercising or something and have just sweated. I make my boyfriend let me smell his armpits before he gets in the shower.

Niamh, 28

One i find a bit complicated as it’s goes against my feminist principles is being strong. An ex once fireman’s-lifted me over a fence when we got locked in a park. I guess it was a lot about being saved, which I don’t typically want/need. But strength is a plus.

Secondly just doing little things that are thoughtful, someone being thoughtful and caring is a major turn on for me. My boyfriend started cleaning my kitchen the other week whilst I was working on an assignment so I didn’t have to worry about it – chef’s kiss, weak at the knees. Luckily I was sat down at my desk when it happened.

Carl, 32

Being funny and charming when around other people/my friends and family. Looking over at them/ looking at them and being proud of them.

Cute giggling, especially when it’s at something you say. And when there’s eye contact as well during/after it.

High-wasted, light stonewash jeans. Think Rachel/Monica from early friends episodes. Also, a bit of midriff with these jeans.

Eye contact/look away/eye contact/look away – always good. Also whispering and little touches on legs and arms, when caught off guard.

Leah, 24

Not sure if this makes sense, but I love when a guy is holding something small in their hands and like fiddling with it. Like a pen or a car key or something – just chatting away.

Sandy, 29

Calling me by name actual first name rather than my nickname.

Nicki, 29

I don’t know if this counts as sexual but I’ve always just loved forearms. Like they don’t have to be doing anything, just the fact that men’s forearms exist is enough.

Lily, 27

Not sexually arousing, but messages like this from my brother make me want my boyfriend to impregnate me.

‘From [brother] – ‘[Niece] says uncle [boyfriend] is her best friend ever’.

Ewan, 22

I guess it’s not that uncommon and it’s probably sexual since every man in an 80s porn film has one but there’s something about a moustache on a man that is instantly sexy. If I see someone with one I’m probably attracted to them, if I’m already attracted to someone who grows one I’m definitely marrying them.

There’s also something really attractive about men who are good with kids whether it’s their own or other peoples. I think it’s probably something to do with maturity mixed with a bit of being able to have fun and not take yourself too seriously… could also be daddy issues.

Erin, 27

For guys: being on time, which I know sounds stupid but I have had such issues with lateness that someone not making me wait around is a genuine turn-on. My love language is very much acts of service, so anything that they do to make my life easier, also hot.

Being good at something is always hot, like any sort of talent and passion – music, writing, photography, whatever. And when a guy is explaining something he genuinely cares about, even when it’s nerdy, and you can tell he’s so into it.

Oh and obviously a voice. The sound of someone’s voice is such a big deal. I have literally been attracted to someone primarily because of their voice.

Oh and also! When a guy pulls on a loose T-shirt. This is really specific. They have to be able to look a bit rocker/edgy in a T-shirt and jeans, and when they do, that’s really attractive.

For women: When a woman wears a really oversized cardigan and she lets it slip off her shoulder. That’s a very underrated body part, imo.

When a woman is genuinely confident and self-assured, doesn’t seem to have total self-doubt, that’s hot, but on the flip side so is self-deprecation and being a bit shy. So… either of those.

Intense focus faces are a turn-on, and the same as with guys, being ‘in the zone’ of doing something they’re really good at and passionate about.And aesthetically, either super feminine cottagecore, all soft fabrics and gentle patterns, or edgy with big eyeliner.

Patrick, 34

  • Watching a guy shave and neaten up his beard, self-care
  • Watching a guy cook something quite intricate and difficult
  • A guy getting, or making, you a coffee or tea whilst he gets one himself on
  • Accents
  • Well manicured nails
  • There is def something about watching someone do something. Like sort out their hair before a night out etc.
  • Smile, hair, being public with affection, humour,

Anna, 33

Algebra! That little curvy x does it for me. Like the actual written out equations – quadratic equation [drooling emoji].

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/11/27/we-asked-people-the-non-sex-things-that-turn-them-on-13664754/
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