Top tips and tricks to get the best Black Friday deals and avoid overspending

lara joanne jarvis shares her black friday advice
Lara Jarvis shares her need-to-know advice for scooping a great deal this Black Friday (Picture: Lara Jarvis/

Black Friday Bargains and Cyber Monday madness have become more and more popular over here in the UK for the past few years.

With them come the temptation and panic buying of many expensive purchases.

As much as some Black Friday deals may seem incredible, particularly when intensified by everyone’s excitement, all is not always what it seems when it comes to discounts.

It’s easy to get carried away and lured in by bargains, only to end up in debt and regret.

I’ve got you covered with Black Friday hacks and tips for Cyber Monday that will help make sure you really are getting the best Friday deals and saving money.

Set your budget – and stick to it

A deal is only a deal if you needed it in the first place.

Sometimes we can get caught up in the enticing marketing of the sales and end up buying things we don’t even need, just because they are on sale at an amazing price. This just means we end up spending money that we might have wanted to save.

Setting a budget can make sure you don’t stray from what’s on your list, especially when you are buying things online because it’s just a few clicks of a button, rather than handing over cash which devalues the cost of the purchase.

Clear your cookies

Cookies are simply text files on your computer’s storage, and they help websites identify your device; speeding up the process of logging in, remembering who you are etc.

This means, however, that when you’re searching for items to buy – or even flights for a holiday, the site will remember you’ve been here before and potentially put the pricing up on the items or flights that it knows you’re looking to buy.

Plan your Black Friday shop – and go for big-ticket items first

Shop for the items that you’ll save the most money on first.

The big-ticket items such as TVs, white goods and tech gifts will likely be more heavily discounted and may go out of stock first, so plan your attack in order of importance and where you will save the most money.

an illustration of money flying through the sky
Plan, budget, and remain calm (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Buy experiences over things

2020 has taught us that making memories, doing fun things and being with loved ones is so much more important than having stuff.

So, think outside the box when buying gifts on Black Friday. Buying experiences may cost you less and they may be a lovely alternative for giving someone something they will make memories doing.

Get cashback on what you buy

Using cashback is a shopping habit that actually earns you money.

So much so for me personally, that sometimes I can afford to pay for all the Christmas presents I buy each year just from the free money I have earned from using cashback sites such as TopCashback or Quidco throughout the year.

There are Chrome extensions and apps which you can easily use to stop you from forgetting, and this is one tip that I always recommend when buying things – not just for gifts but your gas and electricity or your car insurance throughout the year too.

Keep an eye out for price matching

Lots of places will offer to price match – even Amazon.

Make sure you’re getting the best price for the things you want to buy by asking for a price match.

It’s also a great way of supporting your local or small businesses to buy from them too at a competitive price.

Buy gifts for beyond Christmas

Black Friday is a great time to stock up on birthday gifts for the next year – so take a note of any presents you’d be buying over the next few months and look to buy them while they are discounted on Black Friday.

Try not to get distracted, though, by buying a lot of things that aren’t on your list but just so happen to fall in the basket for yourself while shopping for presents.

As tempting as it can be; remember, a deal is only if you needed it in the first place.

For daily money saving advice and tips and hacks for living your best life on a budget, check out my blog, YouTube channel, and Instagram.

If you want more tips and tricks on saving money, as well as chat about cash and alerts on deals and discounts, join our Facebook Group, Money Pot.

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MORE : This nifty hack will save you money on Amazon this Black Friday

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