The John Lewis Christmas advert gets it right: The best lockdown survival tip is kindness

still from the john lewis christmas advert 2020
Being kind is its own reward (Photographer: John Lewis and Partners)

It’s not yet December, but it’s easy to feel festive after watching the new John Lewis advert. 

The advert, which gathers a snowman, hip-hop pigeons and an unforgettable haircut, is a two-minute love letter to performing random acts of kindness.

Their timing couldn’t be better — the advert debuted on World Kindness Day — and celebrates the joy found in helping others.

But the advert is more than just great entertainment.

Studies have proved that kindness isn’t just beneficial for the person receiving the act of kindness, but for the person performing it. 

According to the science, it turns out that acting in a way entirely devoid of self-interest is in your interest.

So as the days grow darker, we believe the best way of keeping your spirits up during lockdown is practicing as much kindness as possible.

Let’s look at the evidence.

Kindness is good for romantic relationships

In 2017, research published in the journal Emotion suggested that random acts of kindness could be the secret to a joyful marriage. 

Psychologists studied 175 newlywed husbands and wives, married for a minimum of seven months, about how often they did something kind for their partner and vice versa.

The acts they found included thoughtful deeds such as removing snow from their spouse’s car before work, expressing gratitude and even changing their plans to fit around their partner’s.

The researchers had assumed that when one partner acknowledged another’s act of kindness, there would be an uptick in mood.

But they also discovered that even when the act wasn’t acknowledged, doers still recorded a boost in happiness.

They even discovered that in these cases, the emotional benefits for the doer were 45 per cent higher than for the recipient of the act.

For the psychology professor leading the study, this suggested that ‘acting compassionately may be its own reward’.

Kind children become more successful adults

John Lewis Christmas advert 2020 (Picture: John Lewis)
According to one study, kind children become more successful adults (Picture: John Lewis)

A 2015 study that monitored kindergarten-aged children’s social-emotional skills followed them until they were in their mid-twenties.

The study defined success by looking at outcomes which broadly represented well-being, looking at fields like education, employment, crime, substance abuse and mental health.

The study found that individuals who behaved in a way that we would broadly interpret as kind — who were friendly and helpful to others — largely ended up being more successful in adulthood than the children who had been highly competent at the scholastic part of kindergarten, but who had found it difficult to get on with others.

How you practise kindness matters

John Lewis Christmas advert 2020 (Picture: John Lewis)
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to finding happiness through kindness, psychology professor Sonja Lyubomirsky suggests.(Picture: John Lewis)

Some of the most detailed research in the field has been conducted by The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want author Sonja Lyubomirsky, who is a psychology professor at the University of California.

As Lyubomirsky reports in The How of Happiness, she conducted a happiness experiment in which she divided participants into two groups and asked them to perform five acts of kindness per week for six weeks at a time.

The first group was instructed to do these acts anytime throughout the week, while the second group had to perform all five acts of kindness on one single day each week ie. every Friday.

As expected, being generous and considerate boosted people’s mood. 

However, the study led to an unexpected finding: this boost in mood was only reported by those who committed their acts of generosity in the space of one day.

Why was this?

Lyubomirsky theorises this may have been because the acts committed were small ones and so spreading them out between seven days reduced their conspicuousness.

She argues that since most of us will commit small acts of kindness on a daily basis without thinking much about it, simply implementing acts of kindness will not necessarily lead to a boost in mood.

Lyubomirsky claims one key factor is that doing more acts of kindness ‘than is your custom’ is ideal if you want to see increased happiness.

A second study she performed on random acts of happiness suggested that variety is also crucial: ‘the extent to which people vary what they do makes an enormous difference’.

Her second study suggested that actually practicing the same act of kindness over and over again could lead to participants actually feeling worse, since it became just another item on their to-do list.

‘If an activity is meant to enhance well-being, it needs to remain fresh and meaningful,’ she writes.

Lyubomirsky argues that there is no one size fits all solution and that if you want to see an increase in mood, you will need to select varied acts of kindness that are right for you and choose acts ‘that you value and that you believe you will enjoy’.

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