Online shopping, PayPal and data-harvesting – what you need know to avoid being scammed

metro illustrations
Falling victim to fraudsters is more common than you think (Picture: Ella Byworth for

With more of us doing our Christmas shopping online this year due to lockdown, Black Friday on November 27 is set to be a huge spending occasion.

But police and banks are concerned that it will also be a huge opportunity for scammers to con people out of their hard earned cash, at a time when more people than ever are already falling victim to online fraud.

Figures from Barclays last week showed that Britons lost the biggest-ever amount of money to scammers in October this year, with more than half of victims suffering in silence rather than admitting that they have been defrauded.

‘An increasing number of us will find ourselves the victim of a scam or know someone who has been’ says Jim Winters, head of fraud at Barclays.

He adds that we are seven times more likely to admit to being burgled than to being a scam victim.

‘Being the target of a scam really is nothing to feel embarrassed about,’ Jim adds.

‘In fact, far from it, it is important people do talk about their experiences, in order to make others aware of what’s happening. The only way we can really take on the fraudsters is by sharing our experiences to help protect each other while eliminating the stigma associated with being scammed.’

Katy Worobec, head of economic crime at UK Finance – the trade association for Britain’s banks – adds that there has already been a huge rise in purchase scams, where customers pay for goods that are never received, while other types of scam are on the rise as well.

‘As consumer spending has shifted online, criminals have ruthlessly adjusted their approaches to pursue those shopping on the internet. With Black Friday and Christmas approaching, fraudsters are again stepping up their efforts to take advantage of consumers searching for bargains,’ she says.

‘Always take a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information, and don’t let a criminal rush or panic you into making a decision that you’ll later come to regret.’

With increasingly sophisticated scammers, and many of us too busy and stressed, it can be easy to overlook warning signs. Here’s a guide to identifying fraud, and what to do if you become a victim…

What are the different types of online shopping scams?

There are many different types of scams and some are more common than others. Certain types of fraud are now becoming more prevalent in the current climate. These include:

Impersonation scams

Barclays’ most recent scam data suggests that impersonation scams, where fraudsters take advantage of consumers by pretending to be from a reputable organisation or the police, are up 21 per cent.

Jim Winters, from Barclays, says that impersonators appear to come from a variety of reputable places.

‘Impersonation scams may come from someone reporting to be from a utility company, a service provider or a government department such as HMRC. They may tell the victim to make urgent payments or try to obtain personal information,’ he says.

‘There is often an elaborate story such as fraudsters have been trying to access a bank account or the local bank staff are being investigated for fraud. The scammers may even have some personal information to make the call seem genuine.’

Purchase scams

UK Finance says its latest intelligence shows a rise in purchase scams, particularly on Christmas gifts and home improvement products.

In these cases, a customer pays in advance for goods or services that are never received. More than £27million was lost to such fraud in the first half of 2020, according to UK Finance figures, amounting to an average loss of around £720 per case.

Katy Worobec, at UK Finance, says buyers of games consoles, bicycles and clothing are at high risk — as well as those making home improvement and DIY purchases, with social media platforms, online marketplace and auction websites all particular hotspots for these types of fraud.

Data-harvesting scams

Katy adds that criminals may also step up data-harvesting scams this year, with more people shopping online for Christmas.

These scams attempt to prompt consumers to provide details through phishing emails advertising cheap goods and by impersonating organisations and businesses.

They then collect financial and personal information, including debit and credit card details, and this information is later used to commit fraud.

PayPal fraud scams

Rather than aiming for people buying items, Action Fraud, the UK’s fraud prevention website, says that these type of scams typically target people selling goods via online marketplaces such as eBay, something many people are doing to try to make some extra money for Christmas.

The fake emails trick victims into believing they have received payment through PayPal for the items they’re selling on the platform. Thinking they have been paid, the seller then sends the item to the criminal.

Action Fraud says this has led to nearly £8m in losses in the nine months to September.

‘We know that criminals will go to great lengths to target people on online marketplaces, especially now many more people are selling items online due to the coronavirus pandemic,’ says head of Action Fraud, Pauline Smith.

How to avoid online shopping scams

Know what’s normal

Jim Winters, at Barclays, says that you should be aware of what a bank or trusted organisation will or won’t do, so that you don’t get caught out.

‘Your bank will never call you and ask you to move your money to a ‘safe’ account, make a payment, or hand over cash. The police won’t either. If your so-called bank or police try to pressure you into making a payment, it’s probably a scam,’ he says.

Don’t disclose information

Never disclose your PIN or hand over your bank cards to anyone. Your bank will never ask you to give your cards, PINs and personal details. Nor will the police, or HMRC.

Katy Worobec UK Finance
Katy Worobec from UK Finance advises that you take a moment to think before handing over any cash

Take a minute first

UK Finance’s Katy Worobec urges shoppers to ‘Take Five to Stop Fraud’ – take a moment to think before parting with your money or your information.

If you’re not sure whether you’re being scammed, take a moment to call a trusted family member or friend who can help you to ask the right questions.

A genuine caller won’t worry if you wish to do this. ‘It’s OK to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you,’ says Katy.

Don’t trust Caller ID

What appears on your phone might look like a genuine number. These can be spoofed, though, says Jim, at Barclays. It’s always best to phone back, ideally from a different phone.

Keep control

Don’t give anyone remote access to your computer, as they can take a huge amount of data from this.

What to do if you become a victim of an online shopping scam

If you are affected by a scam, the first thing to do is to contact your bank. If a payment has not yet gone through to the scammer, they may be able to get it back and may also be able to refund you, depending on the nature of the fraud.

If money is taken from your account without you knowing, or there is an unknown transaction in your bank account, you should also contact your bank immediately and explain.

In most cases you will be refunded if the action was taken without your knowledge, but this may not be the case if you authorised the transaction, as with impersonation fraud.

Many banks will return money if you paid it to a scammer by accident, but not all will. To maximise your chances, contact the police on 101 within 24 hours, and ensure you contact the bank as soon as possible. If the bank will not pay you back, you can take your case to the Financial Ombudsman.

If your account details or PIN number have been stolen, contact your bank and get the card frozen. Also, look at your credit score to check no one has been using your identity to apply for credit.

If you paid for an item that doesn’t arrive, you may be able to get money back through your credit card, using a Section 75 claim (for items worth more than £100 and less than £30,000), or through your debit card using its chargeback service.

‘I honestly thought that I’d never be caught by a scam’

Lucille Whiting
Jewellery maker Lucille Whiting was a victim of fraud (Picture: Marina Mejrane)

‘I honestly thought I was one of those people who was never going to get caught by a scam,’ says Lucille Whiting, 39, from Suffolk.

But the 39-year-old mother of five found herself embroiled in a complex fraud when she clicked on an email that looked like it came from an old friend.

‘It said: “I found some pictures of the kids when they were little” and as soon as I clicked on it I wished I hadn’t,’ she recalls. ‘My yahoo account locked immediately.’

Lucille Googled the Yahoo UK support desk to try to get her account back, but the number that came up belonged to the fraudsters who asked her for a £99 fee, which she transferred.

She then let them remote access to her computer, to ‘reset’ her email, and that was when she really began to panic.

‘I could see they were uploading all my information – the numbers were whizzing round and round,’ she says. ‘They were trying to keep me on the phone and in the end I shut the computer off.’

Lucille Whiting making jewellery in her studio.
The hackers managed to obtain information about her suppliers

While Lucille received the money she had paid back from Barclays, she was more worried about the data the fraudsters had received.

She runs her own jewellery business,, and all of her supplier addresses and websites were on the computer.

‘I was worried that they were buying gold grain and using all my images,’ she says. ‘In the end I changed all my passwords and information – it took me two weeks to change everything.’

Lucille’s advice to others is to take a moment if you think you’ve clicked on a bad link, rather than trying anything to put it right.

‘We were going through a stressful time and I just wasn’t thinking straight. If I’d thought about it, the Yahoo email was just a personal one and I could have done without it for a bit – and then none of this would ever have happened.’

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