Mum shares how to make your own cheap carpet cleaner with just two ingredients

Homemade carpet cleaner
Just sprinkle over the carpet and let it work its magic (Picture: Facebook)

No matter how many times you vacuum your carpet, you might still find that it doesn’t smell fresh and clean.

There are numerous products you can buy for that finishing touch, but they can be expensive and may not be suitable for pets or young children.

Instead, this mum has come up with an ingenious homemade solution, that’s cheap and easy to make.

The Australian woman called Emma shared her find on Facebook, saying: ‘Carpet sprinkle, it’s so expensive!

‘I didn’t realise until recently that you can buy big bags of bi-carbonate soda for cheap instead of the little boxes. So I made my own sprinkle.’

Emma bought a large bag of bicarb and poured it all into a storage container she already had, adding in essential oils to give the freshener its scent.

carpet cleaner
The larger bags of bicarbonate of soda work out cheaper (Picture: Facebook)

You then dust this over your floors, leave for a while to settle (or use a loose brush to massage it into the fibres) before vacuuming up. It’s the perfect way to absorb any smells and add a fragrance to your home.

‘You can use whatever essential oil you prefer (be aware with cats and eucalyptus oil and a few others as they cause reactions),’ Emma added.

Homemade carpet cleaner
Some drops of essential oils help add the scent (Picture: Facebook)

‘I just used a measuring spoon for ease to sprinkle it about.

‘Much cheaper than a container of carpet sprinkle that only usually does me one run.’

Comments poured in from those who’d tried out the cleaner, with some adding their own spins on how to perfect it.

One person said that they used the bicarb mix with lavender oil for their mattresses, while another said they used a sieve to help spread the powder across the carpet.

Do you have a great cleaning tip you’d like to share?

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