How I Save: The 26-year-old in London who’s had therapy for her money anxiety

How I Save: Julia, who spends her money on workouts
This week’s saver is Julia, who feels a lot of anxiety around money (Picture:

In our weekly series, How I Save, we take an honest look into how people handle their money, whether they’re expert savers or the type to splurge on impulse buys then be terrified to check their bank balance.

Each week we ask a different person to give us an insight into their attitude to saving, then get them to track a week of spending so we can really analyse their financial habits.

Then we give them some expert advice so they (and we) can save more.

This week we’re chatting to Julia*, 26, a senior PR exec living and working in London.

Like so many of us, she finds herself consumed with money worries, but is starting to tackle those issues and get saving.

How Julia saves:

I earn £26,000 a year, although this will go up to £29,000 in December. My pay rise from my recent promotion has been put on hold for three months due to the pandemic.

In my savings account right now I have £1,500.

I managed to save this by moving back to my mum’s for a few months during the first lockdown. I was still paying full rent for my flat in London at the time, which was more expensive than the place I’m living in now (my friend owns the house and I have the box room, which is why my rent is so affordable), but our bills were a bit less and I wasn’t going out, nor paying travel to get into the office. My gym membership was frozen too.

Until now, I’ve never been able to afford to have savings and money has been a constant source of anxiety for me, so much so I’ve been to therapy to manage how it affects me.

There’s irony in the fact that I’m the most financially ‘stable’ I’ve ever been in a time of such uncertainty. It’s comforting to have a cushion for the first time, but it feels strange to say the pandemic has helped me save – I know how lucky I am.

I’m not entirely sure what I’m saving for. Buying a house is so far off, but I’d like to start putting some money into a Lifetime ISA once my pay rise kicks in.

For now, I’m happy to continue building my safety net – as 2020 has proven, you never know what’s around the corner.

All my direct debits are set up to be taken just after I get paid. I transfer £75 a week to my Monzo for social spending (including socialising, food I don’t make for myself and booze, etc) and try to save the rest, but it doesn’t always go to plan.

I spend most of my money on meals out, exercise and seeing my friends. I never really buy new clothes and hardly ever go on holiday.

illustration of a woman looking in her purse
Julia doesn’t buy loads of clothes or go on holidays (Picture: Ella Byworth for

How Julia spends:

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent: £475
  • Bills: £90 (ish)
  • Cleaner: £24
  • Car tax and insurance: £43.23 (the car is at my mum’s – I don’t want to SORN it)
  • Frame membership: £60
  • Contents insurance: £15.26
  • Phone: £20
  • Netflix: £4.50

A week of spending:

Note: this was a week before the second national lockdown began.

Monday: I always try to do some semblance of a ‘big food shop’ to avoid going to the supermarket multiple times in the week.

Where I live is really communal – my housemates and I share the cooking, so I only end up buying food for two-three dinners a week, as well as bits for lunch. Spent £15.40 in Tesco.

My mum and stepdad have decided to go away next week and have asked if I will cat/house sit for them. Book my return train ticket for £25.70.

When I was at my mum’s, I found a PT who charged little to nothing for one-to-one sessions and we’d made such good progress that I wanted to continue classes when I moved back to London. Luckily, my housemates have curated what’s more or less a fully equipped gym in our garden, so I now do virtual sessions. Transfer my PT £10.

Total spent on Monday: £51.10

Tuesday: Today I went to the office, so treated myself to breakfast from Pret. I’ve taken advantage of their free barista subscription, so got my coffee for free, but spent £2.35 on food.

Seeing as I’m rarely in the office, I decided to get lunch from my favourite stall in the market by work. Paid £6.75 for the privilege but it feels good to support a small business.

Frame class is covered by monthly membership.

Travel to and from the office: £5.30

Total spent on Tuesday: £14.40

Wednesday: Spent 65p on a copy of The i as there was some coverage in the money pages for one of my clients. Very aware that I’m fully entitled to reclaim the 65p, but it feels too petty to charge back.

Wire my PT £10 for today’s virtual session.

Grabbed some Diet Cokes for me and my housemates from the corner shop. Picked up some gum while I was there too. £2.67.

Total spent on Wednesday: £3.32

Thursday: Back in the office today. Took another trip to Pret for breakfast. £4.40.

Slept so badly last night and was absolutely ravenous by lunchtime. My colleague asked if I wanted to go to her favourite independent takeaway pasta place for lunch, so off we headed. £6.40.

Frame class covered by monthly membership.

Travel for the day is £5.80

Total spent on Thursday: £16.60

Friday: Met a friend for al fresco dinner last night. We hadn’t seen each other for ages and it was really nice to catch up in-person.

An hour and a half wasn’t long enough, so we went for some drinks after. £47.81.

Travel there and back was £4.80.

Bought a bottle of Coke and some crisps for a lady sat outside the tube station – £2.65.

Total spent on Friday: £55.26

Saturday: Oh god, I’m so hungover. Would have bailed on my Frame class but rumour has it we’re going back into lockdown next week – BoJo is doing his speech at 5pm – so want to make the most of it while I can. Bought a Lucozade Sport en route to help soothe the pain for £1.56.

Came back to my parents’ house today. Spent £12.64 on a cab back from the train station. Other travel for the day was £7.20.

I then spent £12.35 on a takeaway for dinner.

Total spent on Saturday: £32.19

Sunday: Had to get a few bits from the supermarket for the upcoming week. £8.99.

Total spent on Sunday: £8.99

Total spent this week: £181.86

How Julia could save:

We spoke to the experts over at Plum, the smart app for managing your money, to find out how Julia can put aside more (and what we can learn from her spending). Please note that tips from Plum do not constitute financial advice.

Here’s what they said:

Hi, Julia! Thanks for sharing your money diary with us this week.

When it comes to managing your personal finances, you’ve already got the fundamentals covered: setting direct debits just after you get paid, dedicating a set amount of money for your social spending and having a comfortable amount stashed away.

However, as you mention, money has been a constant source of anxiety for you. Let’s take a closer look into your spending and saving and see what additional steps you could take so that money anxiety doesn’t rule your life.


If you do find yourself in a situation where you feel like your spending is getting out of control, it’s possible to take that control back with a few simple steps.

Setting a realistic budget is a good start. Since as you mention, you don’t splash out on clothes or holidays, in your budget you should set aside a reasonable amount of money for eating out and takeaways. It will be easier to stick to a spending plan if you’re not being too restrictive and find what works best for you!

Gaining a better visibility into your current spending habits could prove advantageous too. If you don’t feel like tracking every single purchase you make, having a friend like a money management app Plum could prove useful.You can link all your bank accounts and credit cards to Plum to get a complete overview of your finances and see all your transactions in one place.

Setting a budget you can follow and knowing where your money’s going will allow you to feel more in control of your finances.


First of all, you should recognise your financial accomplishments already. Not only will it help fight the financial blues but it will also steer your mindset into the right direction. Having £1,500 stashed away is a great start.

However, with a payrise coming up (well done!), you are in a good position to take your savings even further and make it work harder for you.

If you do find yourself struggling to find the motivation to save, setting savings goals could prove useful. Did you know that, according to NS&I, people who set their savings goal save faster and up to £550 more than people who don’t? Since you already have a comfortable amount stashed away, you could create a treat yourself fund, or maybe even start planning a well-deserved holiday in 2021?

Once you have an eye on the prize, the question remains of how to ensure that you tuck money away consistently. And we might have the ultimate answer – automation!

The underlying principle is that people who automate transfers to a separate savings pocket, will actually save more money overall than those who simply put aside what’s left in their everyday account at the end of each month.

For instance, Plum’s algorithm will analyse your income and spending habits to calculate the perfect amount to automatically deposit each week. This way, you’ll be setting money aside every single month without taking any additional steps.

By introducing automation to your life, you’ll be scoring those financial goals in no time.

*Name has been changed.

How I Save is a weekly series about how people spend and save, out every Thursday. If you’d like to anonymously share how you spend and save – and get some expert advice on how to sort out your finances – get in touch by emailing

If you want more tips and tricks on saving money, as well as chat about cash and alerts on deals and discounts, join our Facebook Group, Money Pot.

MORE : How I Save: The ‘typical millennial’ that loves clothes shopping and buying experiences

MORE : How I Save: The mental health activist whose OCD makes him spend impulsively

MORE : How I Save: The 28-year-old with £20,000 saved who managed to boost her savings in lockdown

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