Dog turns blue after accidentally chewing an ink cartridge

Dog eats ink cartridge Pics: Kenndy News & Media
Rosie before and after her ink incident (Picture: Kenndy News & Media)

A dog owner couldn’t help but laugh when her white dog snuck into the bin and bit into an ink cartridge, turning herself blue.

Bichon frise Rosie, seven, managed to find the ink the day after a £40 cut and blow dry while owner Tracey Collin, 50, sat in the living room relaxing.

It was only when the former charity worker got up to make a coffee that she spotted Rosie.

At first, she thought it was just the lighting but then she saw the discarded ink cartridge on the floor.

The mum-of-one stuck Rosie in the bath while frantically ringing 42-year-old architect husband Robert Collin.

Rosie in the bath
Rosie in the bath (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

At the salon, groomers were forced to shave parts of Rosie’s fur off to shift the blue dye while her tiny nails were stuck a blueish hue for weeks.

Although ink can be harmful to dogs, it would have to be consumed in a large quantity to cause problems.

Tracey, from Bo’ness, Falkirk, said: ‘I decided to go into the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee.

‘When I got to the glass kitchen door I had to do a double take. I remember thinking “why is the dog blue?” She looked like a smurf, and seemed very pleased with herself.

‘I thought maybe it was a reflection in the glass, then I saw the ink cartridge on the kitchen floor and I thought “oh my god she’s been into that”. She’d been in the kitchen bin and fished it out.

Rosie and Honey
Rosie and Honey (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

‘It was mainly on her head but her wee nails were blue too.

‘I didn’t know what to do with her so I chucked her in the bath.

‘I phoned my husband who was at work to come and get her and take her back down to the groomers where she’d been the day before.

‘I then sent my friend a Whatsapp voice note, I was wetting myself laughing shouting “the dog’s blue, the dog’s blue”.’

Rosie had to go in for another £40 grooming session to shift the blue.

Tracey said: ‘Rosie goes to the groomers every six weeks, she has her haircut and a wash.

‘She’d just been done the day before and she looked pristine, really beautiful.’

The family kept an eye on Rosie to make sure the ink hadn’t caused any harm, but luckily she was fine.

Tracey, who also owns three-year-old poochon Honey, said they’ve had to buy new bins to stop it happening again.

Tracey said: ‘After this we had to buy different bins so she can’t get in them.

‘Rosie’s a cheeky little lady and a well-loved member of the family, she’s a wee star.’

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