Couple in their twenties reveal how they paid off over £72,000 of debt in under two years

bria williams and Adrian paid off their £72,000 debt in 18 months
Bria Williams, 26, and her husband Adrian, 25, have managed to clear their debts in just 18 months (Picture: Mercury Press)

Last year, Bria Williams, 26, and her husband Adrian, 25, made a decision: they were going to go all-in on sorting out their massive debt of $96,000 (£72,253).

In the space of 18 months, with a lot of hard work and determination, the couple managed to clear their debt entirely.

The balance was spread between between $11,527 (£8,677) on credit cards, $38,678 (£34,509) on car loans, and Bria’s $44,859 (£33,768) student loan.

They began to realise how bad their debt really was right after they got married three years ago, when Bria’s car needed replacing.

The couple admitted they didn’t take credit card debt seriously, but soon changed their mindset and started to drastically cut back their spending.

Project manager Bria said: ‘We had credit card debt which we didn’t class as real debt, my car died so I needed a new one and then Adrian got a new truck over lockdown.

‘I would pay for household things on my credit card.

‘I think I’m a very frugal person and I don’t like spending money.

‘Adrian was really into saving and I just thought what is the point in doing that when you’ve got loads of debt?

‘We decided to get on top of it so we could eventually start saving properly and put it towards something positive and our future.’

Bria Williams, 26, and her husband Adrian, 25
The couple cut out all non-essential spending (Picture: Mercury Press & Media)

Sales rep Adrian added: ‘I would just make random purchases on my credit card.

‘Things that I didn’t want to be out of pocket for, I’d just swipe my credit card and think I’ll pay for it later.’

The pair, from Durham, North Carolina, were inspired to go all-in on budgeting and make some big changes to reach their debt-free goal.

They quit using their credit cards, budgeted for their bills and grocery shopping, gave up hair and nail appointments and invested in second-hand clothing.

Bria said: ‘We stopped eating out, we did our food shop at stores with the best rates, I didn’t get my hair done, nails and became quite thrifty and buying nice second-hand stuff.

‘We gave up a few trips, some of our friends went to Europe and we didn’t go.

‘Some of our friends would laugh that we weren’t doing stuff because we were trying to become debt free.

‘If we went to see family we would drive instead of flying.

‘It was hard trying to become debt free and also enjoy ourselves.’

bria williams and husband Adrian in the car
They hope to celebrate being debt-free with a holiday to Antigua (Picture: Mercury Press & Media)

The couple went through their bank statements to work out exactly how much they needed to spend to survive – then cut out any non-essential expenses.

Any money they had leftover from paying bills and buying groceries went straight towards paying off their debts.

Rather than having any savings, all money the couple had banked were used to pay off debt.

Less than two years later, the couple are completely debt-free.

They’re planning to celebrate with a holiday to Antigua.

‘We definitely feel like we’ve had a weight lifted off our shoulders especially with the holidays coming up,’ Adrian said.

‘It’s hard now trying to work out how to not spend what we now have and use it for our savings.’

Bria added: ‘Our end of debt goal was December 2020 and we managed to beat that even with getting Adrian’s truck.

‘It does feel good.’

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