How to adopt a child – from how long it takes to how you can prepare

An illustration of a woman smiling and holding the hand of a young boy
Everything you need to know (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Deciding to adopt can feel like a long and complicated journey in itself, but where do you go next?

The adoption process not only requires emotional labour but also plenty of time and admin as well.

Whether you’re still exploring your options or you’ve just made the decision to adopt, here’s what you should know about how it works.

The requirements for adoption

To adopt a child in the UK, you need to be at least 21 years of age. There is no upper age limit, but you will likely need to show that you’ll have the energy and health – emotional and pshyical – to care for a child into their adulthood.

It’s good if you have personal or professional experience with children before you adopt a child, with the website for Pact – an adoption charity and family support provider – reading: ‘We encourage our adopters to obtain personal or professional ‘hands-on’ experience with children before adopting a child, particularly if you are thinking of adopting older children or adopting sibling groups.

‘We give advice and ideas for voluntary work including working in a nursery, school or club for applicants to gain experience with children they do not know, as this can be helpful. We can signpost you to agencies willing to offer such volunteering experience.’

You don’t have to be a UK citizen to adopt here, but your main address needs to be in the UK and you need to have lived in the UK, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for at least a year before you apply for an adoption order. It also helps if you have dual citizenship or indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

Illustration of asian female doctor
Smokers might need a doctor’s not to say they’re quitting (Picture: Ella Byworth for

If you’re a UK citizen living in a different country, then you won’t be able to adopt from the UK.

While you don’t have to be in a relationship to adopt, if you are, the assessment process will likely seek to establish how stable your relationship is.

You’ll still be able to adopt if you are the parent and/or primary caregiver of children already but may need to ensure there’s a two-year age gap between any children in your household and the one you’d like to adopt.

You’ll probably want to have a big enough home for each child you adopt to have a room of their own, but this isn’t an absolute necessity.

Ideal adopters are in good health, with the NHS website reading: ‘Any adoption agency will take into account your health and needs when it considers whether you’re suitable to be approved as an adoptive parent.’

Unfortunately for smokers out there, local authorities won’t prioritise a family where anybody smokes when placing children regardless of whether they smoke in our outside the house.

If you smoke and you want to adopt, you’ll have to give up smoking completely and have your GP confirm that you began a smoking cessation plan at least six months before some agencies will work with you.

The NHS also points out that most agencies will prefer that any infertility treatments you’ve undergone (such as IVF) have stopped – often for several months before you apply to adopt.

If you have any pets, they’ll likely be evaluated to check that they’re safe to be around children.

You’ll also be unable to adopt if you have any criminal offences against children on your criminal record, and any other serious offences previously committed may also mean you can’t adopt.

Who is not allowed to adopt a child?

The only people in the UK who are automatically excluded from adopting a child are:

  • Anyone under the age of 21
  • Anyone who hasn’t been living in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for at least a year
  • Anyone with a criminal record against children or serious sexual offences. Other offences on your record could count against you, but won’t automatically exclude you. This also applies to other adults living in your household.

How long does it take to adopt a child?

According to Pact, becoming an approved adopter can take around six months.

The time it takes to be matched to a child is then entirely situational, with those who are more ‘open-minded’ about the children they’d be willing to welcome into their lives more likely to get through the process quicker.

How much does adoption cost?

It’s illegal for an agency to make a profit from adoption.

Being assessed as an adopter doesn’t cost anything – you’ll just be responsible for the ‘financial upkeep’ of the child once the adoption order has been granted.

What else can you do to prepare for adoption?

Adopters Julie and Kevin* tell us you need to be ready for the questions you’ll be asked. They say: ‘When completing the adoption process you need to be ready and emotionally strong enough to cope with all the questions, analysis and self-reflection that takes place.

‘The process can be quite intrusive and make you really question why you want to adopt and looks at how you will parent and even how you have been parented.

‘You need to be ready to face some questions you wouldn’t normally want to think about and subjects you would ordinarily choose to ignore. Saying this though you can be as open as you want to be when talking to the adoption coordinator.’

They add: ‘Make sure that if you have children already, they are fully prepared.  We thought that our son could cope with the adoption and would be fine but he did struggle and we felt very guilty that he emotionally he struggled so much.  

‘He had been our only child for nearly eight years and then we turned his world upside down. However, nearly six years later we all could not do without our daughter and we all love her so much.’

Andrea and David*, who recently adopted two children, tell us reading up on trauma and attachment theory was a great way to prepare for the arrival of children in their lives.

Andrea says: ‘With children that are adopted, it is assumed that they’ve had a lot of trauma in their background and that’s the reason why they’re in this situation. I think to get a head start on understanding trauma and attachment theory is extremely important.’

They also said networking and ‘building your own little community’ in the adoption world was important for extra support.

Andrea adds: ‘As you go through your journey you can connect to approved adoption and fostering service groups on Facebook or email chains, and to have that is invaluable because you don’t feel alone.

‘Because it is a journey and it’s a positive one, but it does come with a lot of emotional challenges.’

a child in her father's arms
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

Rob Langley-Swain is an adopter and is now Director of Membership with Adoption UK, a national charity run by and for adopters.

He says: ‘You definitely need to be ready to read.

‘Read lots and often while you’re going through the process, in advance of starting the process and even after you’ve been placed with children. It is lifelong learning. Adoption UK has a lending library with 100s of useful books members can borrow, but there are also lots that can be bought relatively cheaply second hand via Amazon etc.

‘Talk a lot – attend meetings (virtually in the current climate), make friends, ask questions, join a parent’s coffee morning as soon as possible.

‘Watch lots of webinars and videos and listen to the advice from experts and other parents who have been there and done that.

‘Prepare where you can. If you end up adopting school-age children, be sure to visit and research as many of the schools as possible to find the one that understands adopted children the most, ask questions about how they’ll spend Pupil Premium Plus funding (in England) to support your child. What is their nurture and support like for children who have experienced early life trauma?

‘With adopted children, a lot of the time (not always), academia is going to take a back seat behind the importance of care/support/nurture/emotional wellbeing. Not to say adopted children can’t and won’t thrive academically too – they definitely can, but there are lots of layers that come before that.

‘It is also important to consider what Post Adoption Support is available from your agency but also from other organisations like Adoption UK.’

Pact echoes the advice that you should be researching a lot to prepare and adds that you should talk to adopters who have already been through it, saying: ‘PACT offers prospective adopters the opportunity to talk to one of our adopters and to social workers to find out more.

‘Spend time with children in your family and friends and look for voluntary work which will give you the opportunity to build up your rapport, experience and skills with children. It can be a good idea to look for ways to volunteer with children who may find life more challenging for a variety of reasons. We are able to provide ideas about this.

‘Talk to your close family and friends about adoption. It is so important that as an adoptive parent you have people around you who will be able to support you practically, emotionally and in an emergency.

‘Find out what your employer’s adoption leave looks like and look to getting your finances in the best shape to leave you free to put all of your attention on your family.

‘It is important to look at the on-going support an adoption agency can provide. Understand the options open to adopters – you can choose to adopt through a Local Authority, a Regional Adoption Agency or an adoption charity (or voluntary adoption agency) such as PACT.’

Julie and Kevin also caution: ‘Don’t think that you can adopt to make your partner happy.  You really both need to be sure that you want to adopt, even if you are adopting for different reasons.  

‘This is really important so that you both feel you can share the uncertainty of it all and know it was a joint a decision.’

Agencies vs local authorities

You’ll need to decide whether you want to adopt straight from a local authority or with the help of an agency.

Children up for adoption are the responsibility of their local authority, which will recruit prospective parents for adoption directly.

Meanwhile, adoption agencies approve adoptive parents and try to find children for them to adopt on their behalf.

Andrea and David* tell us that the advice they’d give to people who want to adopt is to know how many children you want and their approximate ideal age and to research agencies and/or local authorities you’re interested in to make sure you ‘understand their values and what they can do to help you on that journey.’

Andrea says: ‘Because I think each local authority or agency you might go with could offer different things.’

Andrea and David adopted through an agency and really valued the support they got from social workers post-adoption. Andrea explains: ‘The post-adoption support you get is really valuable, depending on the children you end up being matched with and their trauma backgrounds.

‘The social work team and the therapists, the contacts they have access to – all different levels of post-adoption services – it’s really important you ask them those questions and see what support you do get after adoption because doesn’t stop once you get these little people or older children.

‘It’s a lot to get your head around from a parent’s and from their point of view, because of the change they’ve had.’

David adds that going through an agency opened more ‘possibilities’ because they were able to be approached by family finders from outside their local authority.

However, Andrea also points out that, unlike local authorities, many agencies ‘rely on revenue’ and can therefore close partway through your adoption. If that happens, your case can be delayed as it gets transferred to another agency or local authority.

Can you get time off work for adoption?

Once you adopt a child or children, you may be entitled to Statutory Adoption Leave for a period of 52 weeks.

If you’re in a couple, only one of you can take Statutory Adoption Leave, while the other may be entitled to what is effectively paternity leave instead.

To get Statutory Adoption leave, you’ll need to be an employee, give correct notice and give proof of the adoption if your boss asks for it.

To get Statutory Adoption Pay, you’ll also need to have been employed at your current job for at least 26 weeks by the week you’re matched to a child and earn £120 a week on average (pre tax).

Mum working from home
Do your research (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Is adoption worth it?

Julie and Kevin say: ‘We would absolutely do it all over again in a heartbeat. Having [our adopted daughter] in our lives is the most wonderful thing and she has made our family complete. Life without her is just inconceivable and she amazes us every day.

‘Despite her shaky introduction to the world she has truly blossomed into such a clever, funny and happy little girl who is going to grab life and enjoy every minute of it. She took the news of being adopted in her stride and we will continue to help her through her own adoption journey in every way we can.’

Rob says that, while he’s not looking to expand his family any further, he would adopt again if the clocks were turned back.

He says: ‘It is by no means an easy road and it isn’t something to be taken on lightly, but I don’t think anyone really does. I definitely wish that I knew what I know now about child development, support, therapy etc when we were starting out.

He adds: ‘It is a long road…I would say that becoming a part of a community like the one Adoption UK offers has been invaluable for us to build our network of support and feel part of something much bigger than the daily grind of parenting on our own.’

When asked if they’d do it all over again if given the chance, Andrea and David say: ‘Definitely.’

Andrea adds: ‘We’ve met some amazing people, it’s been a pleasure.’

David says: ‘All the decisions that we made worked out perfectly for us.’

The adoption process might come with its own ups and downs, but David says now that he and Andrea have their children, ‘it feels like it’s always been like this’.

He adds: ‘The house is just filled with love for the children and it’s changed our lives for the better.’

A representative for children’s charity Barnardo’s says: ‘Adoption changes lives – both those of vulnerable children waiting for their forever families and their prospective parents.

‘At Barnardo’s, we have seen the joy and happiness that adoption can bring for the whole family and know that it can give children the chance to have a happy childhood and brighter future.

‘If you’ve ever thought about starting or extending your family and think you can give a child a loving and stable family then please do get in touch to find out more.’

*Names have been changed

Adoption Month

Adoption Month is a month-long series covering all aspects of adoption.

For the next four weeks, which includes National Adoption Week from 14-19 October, we will be speaking to people who have been affected by adoption in some way, from those who chose to welcome someone else's child into their family to others who were that child.

We'll also be talking to experts in the field and answering as many questions as possible associated with adoption, as well as offering invaluable advice along the way.

If you have a story to tell or want to share any of your own advice please do get in touch at

MORE: Talking Adoption: How to watch our weekly conversations with adoptive parents

MORE: Couple adopts seven young siblings after their parents were killed in car crash

Adoption Month

Adoption Month is a month-long series covering all aspects of adoption.

For the next four weeks, which includes National Adoption Week from 14-19 October, we will be speaking to people who have been affected by adoption in some way, from those who chose to welcome someone else's child into their family to others who were that child.

We'll also be talking to experts in the field and answering as many questions as possible associated with adoption, as well as offering invaluable advice along the way.

If you have a story to tell or want to share any of your own advice please do get in touch at

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