Can you take your kids trick or treating this year for Halloween?

Carved pumpkins lining a path up to a door of a house on halloween. The pumpkins have been carved and are lit.
Is Halloween cancelled? (Picture: Getty Images)

Spooky season 2020 is finally here, but its arrival is bittersweet as the pandemic drags on.

This Halloween will see many having to decide if they think letting their kids trick or treat is worth the possible risk.

Dr Giuseppe Aragona, MD and medical advisor at Prescription Doctor, says trick or treating is ‘safe, however within reason’, adding: ‘the correct precautions must be taken’.

He says: ‘The risks are, of course, your children coming into contact with someone who has Covid-19 but perhaps does not know and then the children bringing this back to their household and potentially infecting other family members, especially those who are elderly.

‘Or similarly, a child who has Covid-19, passing it across to an elderly neighbour who is none the wiser and just wants to give the local children treats.’

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His advice for safe trick or treating? ‘If your children are heading out to trick or treat I would advise an adult go with them to ensure they are staying the appropriate distance away from other trick or treaters, and also the owners of the houses they are visiting.

‘If a teenager is going with children, they must ensure that they remain vigilant and keep their distance. Of course most children may wear scary masks, which in itself could act as a barrier however if not they must be wearing face masks at all times. I would also advise them to wear gloves especially if they are collecting sweets from other households. Dressing up gloves will work.

‘Once they bring the sweets home, ensure they are wiped over with an antibacterial wipe before they are transferred to a storing cupboard.

‘The key thing is to remember social distancing and not get too close to other families out trick or treating as well as other households. They must not enter any households or have any direct contact with any other households.

a bowl of halloween candy
In 2020, this looks scary enough (Picture: Getty Images/VStock RF)

‘Dressing up with masks and gloves should act as a protectant but if not ensure that they are keeping their hands well sanitized during the process.’

He adds: ‘I think your best bet is to head to the houses that have Halloween decorations outside. I think this year most houses who don’t wish to be involved may have a sign on their door stating this, or of course many who do want to be involved will similarly state they are happy to have door knockers by having a sign.

‘I think it’s important just to remain aware and respect peoples wishes. If you go to a house, knock and no one answers then you can assume they do not wish to partake.’

If trick or treating in a pandemic sounds like too much faff and stress for you, Dr Giuseppe recommends you ‘throw a spooky party with your household, have a scary film marathon, or perhaps even use your garden to hide spooky treats so the children can almost have a bit of an Easter hunt but for Halloween chocolate and treats instead.

‘There are plenty of ways you can celebrate Halloween which don’t entail leaving your house and mixing with other households. Google will be your best friend for coming up with lots of ideas on how to make it special for the children.’

He adds: ‘If you are wanting to celebrate with friends, you can still do so but of course ensure that you are not breaching the rule of six, and if you are having people over try to keep the party outside if you can.

‘Keep hand sanitiser stations around the house and outside so people are able to keep their hands clean, and ensure that any cups, cutlery, glasses or plates used are washed with hot soapy water or put straight into the dishwasher.

‘If you are mixing households, try to remain socially distanced. It might be an idea to have your guests bring their own drinks and cups and then they can take these back home with them. Dressing up is fine, and in some cases is encouraged as of course if people are wearing masks and gloves this means they are less likely to catch or transmit any respiratory droplets, as long as they keep the costumes on during the party.’

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