Mum who saved £25,000 by doing a ‘no-spend’ year shares her top tips for sorting out your money

Lara Jarvis money saving tips
Lara Jarvis, a 36-year-old mum-of-two, spent a year making no non-essential purchases – and saved £25,000 as a result (Picture: Lara Jarvis)

Lara Jarvis, 36, didn’t plan to do a no-spend challenge for an entire year.

But when she saw how much money she had saved after just one month, the mum-of-two decided to keep going.

One year later, Lara and her family had saved £25,000 towards a house deposit – and while they haven’t stuck rigidly to the same no-buy rules in 2020, the family has continued to put away the pennies and pounds throughout lockdown.

And handily for us, Lara, from Hampshire, isn’t keeping what she’s learned a secret, sharing her top money-saving tips that everyone can try.

The challenge saw Lara and her family give up all ‘non-essential’ spending for a month, which turned into an entire year.

That means no new clothes, no takeaways, no restaurant outings, and no new makeup purchases. If something ran out, Lara was able to replace it, but only with a cheaper option.

‘[The challenge] started as a no-spend month, but I really enjoyed it and didn’t find it that difficult,’ Lara tells, ‘which came as a pleasant surprise to me, so I decided to continue.

‘Our initial goal was to turbo mode our savings to buy a house, being somewhat of a spendthrift I thought this would be a huge challenge, but I knew it would be worth it.’

While Lara says ditching excess spending was enjoyable, that doesn’t mean it was without challenges.

The trickiest bit for Lara was ditching the new season, new clothes mindset.

‘When it came to the change in season I would feel like I had nothing to wear,’ the mum explains. ‘But it was a great way of making me much more inventive with what I did have and being inspired to style things I already owned in different ways.

Lara Jarvis sitting in her bedroom
Lara set out to do a no-spend month, but enjoyed it so much she just kept on going (Picture: Lara Jarvis)

‘I also found it tough sometimes saying no to meals out with friends, but it did make me much more social at home, inviting friends over rather than going out to meet and on the occasion I did go out I was so much more grateful for it.’

But of course, the end result makes those tough bits all worth it. For Lara, that was saving up £25,000 in that year alone.

The family had originally planned to put that money right towards buying a home, but unfortunately the coronavirus pandemic knocked their plans off course, meaning they came out of their no-spend year into a rather different world in 2020.

The pandemic and ensuing lockdown has had an impact on the family’s spending and saving habits, but they’ve been determined to keep up the things they learned by doing the challenge.

And thankfully, Lara’s year of minimal outings has prepared her for the more restrained life of lockdown.

Lara Jarvis money saving tips
She managed to radically adjust her mindset and cull impulse buying (Picture: Lara Jarvis)

Lara tells us: ‘Since finishing my no-buy year I have been doing a low-buy year, where I am still very mindful of the things I buy and we still try to save as much of our income as we can.

‘When the year finished people kept asking me what did I splurge on, thinking that as soon as it was over I must have gone crazy with my spending, but I think it took a couple of months before I bought anything at all because I knew I didn’t need the things.

‘I run a supportive and encouraging Facebook Group for likeminded savers – Budget Best Life – and we’ve joked in there that doing a no-buy year prepared us really well for lockdown.

‘We weren’t going out for dinner or to the shopping centres anyway!’

For Lara, it’s been key to make the lessons she learned through the no-spend year work longterm and outside of the stricter challenge rules.

There are some habits she’s kept up, such as her 30-day rule for purchases, which sees her waiting a month before clicking ‘buy’ so she doesn’t end up doing a load of impulse shopping.

Lara Jarvis money saving tips
The mum now shares what she has learned on YouTube (Picture: Lara Jarvis)

Lara also likes to calculate how many hours she would need to work to afford to buy something, which hammers home how much items really cost.

Having seen firsthand the power of learning about budgeting and the basics of personal finance, Lara is keen to spread the word and help people get control of their money, and now shares her wisdom on her website and YouTube channel.

There, she shares advice on cutting costs on the big food shop, investing your savings, and making clothes last longer.

‘I’m really enthusiastic about giving other people the tools to manage their own finances too and help them save for their dream lives,’ says Lara. ‘It’s amazing how many of us didn’t have much of a money education – but it’s never too late to learn.

‘Having discovered my shopping triggers whilst on my no-buy year I was well equipped to understand that boredom, emotion and stress can cause me to shop – learning what makes you shop can arm you with the skills to stop yourself.’

So, what are her top tips? And would she recommend everyone goes to the extreme of making no non-essential purchases for an entire year?

Lara Jarvis shares her top seven tips for sorting out your finances and saving money:

  • My 30-day rule is absolutely key! If you still want the item after 30 days, then you obviously do really want it – but I never actually wanted the items by the time the 30 days elapsed.
  • Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan. Being organised and strategic with your spending can save hundreds per month!
  • Use cash. It’s much more effective handing over hard-earned cash than a quick tap of your card or phone and makes you realise that’s your actual money you’re handing over!
  • Always track exactly what money you have coming in and out of your bank and remove your banking details from your account history. It’s amazing how having to go upstairs for your bank card can stop you buying things!)
  • Take photos of outfits when you like what you’re wearing. Save it as an inspiration folder on your phone for those days when you feel like you have nothing to wear!
  • Know your why. Have your goal somewhere you can see it (ours is a chart on the fridge) so that each time you go to spend you can decide if it’s worth taking it away from your savings.
  • Don’t forget to celebrate the wins and milestones along the way. It’s important to acknowledge how far you’ve come as this will keep you going when you find it tough.

For the latter question, Lara says a resounding yes.

‘Honestly, my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner,’ she says. ‘Sure, it’s tough to start with, but once I got in the flow of it, I really enjoyed it and how it changed me as a person and my mindset along the way.’

To anyone who fancies taking up the challenge, whether for a month or for an entire year, Lara recommends sitting down and establishing your own rules, – ‘you’re doing this for you and no one else, so make them personal to you’ – planning carefully, and adjusting your mindset to make things fun.

‘Mindset is key,’ she explains. ‘Don’t go into this with a mindset of lack – you have so much to gain here.

Lara Jarvis money saving tips
She recommends everyone tries the no-spend challenge (Picture: Lara Jarvis)

‘Planning is important too – make sure you share that you’re doing it with those close to you, share your “why” so that they can support you through it.

‘Finally, don’t treat it like a punishment – if you slip up, that’s ok. It should be a fun challenge, this will help you get through it and not feel bad if you do buy something you’ve been lusting after for months.

‘Sometimes buying something can make you feel really good, and just like a “cheat day” on a diet it can be ok.

‘Bending your own rules when it has a positive impact to the way you feel isn’t something to feel ashamed of – the harder you make it to succeed the less you’ll succeed!

‘Once you get into the rhythm of it you will no doubt surprise yourself at how much you realise you don’t need after all and I didn’t ever need to make these exceptions for my spending.’

While Lara might take a break from an official challenge, she has no plans to stop saving as much money as she can – and sharing everything she learns along the way.

‘Saving for our future is really important to me as well as showing our children how to manage their finances from a young age,’ Lara says.

‘There is always something to save for – I just wish I had started sooner!’

If you want more tips and tricks on saving money, as well as chat about cash and alerts on deals and discounts, join our Facebook Group, Money Pot.

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