Mum shares easy (and free) hack for getting rid of stains on clothes

Toy Story T-shirt before and after sunlight stain removal trick
Mum-of-two Chelsey Whiston was blown away to discover that just leaving a T-shirt out in the sun worked to remove an ice lolly stain (Picture: Chelsey Wiston)

Before you spend a load of money on specialist cleaning supplies, make sure you try this trick first.

Chelsey Whiston, 27, a full-time mum-of-two from Lancashire, was stuck when none of her usual cleaning products worked to remove a stain from her son’s favourite Toy Story T-shirt.

But when she asked for help on Facebook, she was recommended a trick that’s super easy – and free.

All she did was wash the T-shirt as normal, then leave the item of clothing out on a clothes line outside to dry, so the sunlight could lift the stain naturally.

And it worked a treat.

Chelsey told money-saving community ‘I came across the sunlight stain remover tip when I posted for help on Facebook.

mum reveals easy (and free) trick for removing stains
Chelsey’s son had spilled an ice lolly down his favourite Toy Story top (Picture: Chelsey Wiston)

‘My son had spilt his ice lolly down his top and I’d tried everything, including Vanish, Elbow Grease and Pink Stuff cleaning products and nothing removed it.

‘A few people said try sunlight as they heard it removed stains.

‘I tried it thinking it really wouldn’t work.

‘I washed it, put it on the washing line wet and left it to dry. When I went to get it the stain had actually come out!’

Chelsey was blown away by the results, and recommends everyone tries the trick as their first call before faffing about with intense cleaning products.

‘I was very surprised and now do this with all the clothes the kids stain,’ she said.

mum reveals easy (and free) trick for removing stains
When her usual cleaning products didn’t work, Chelsey tried out the sunlight trick – and was stunned by the results (Picture: Chelsey Wiston)

‘I washed the top then hung it out to dry.

‘If you see it’s just faded and the stain hasn’t 100% gone, just try again and hang it back out in the sun.

‘For deep stains like grass stains, I have since done this and it’s worked!

‘It has saved me money not only in cleaning products but in replacing the clothes,’ she adds. ‘I would highly recommend it!’

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