Man eats 18 pies – worth 8,000 calories – in just 43 minutes

Man eating 18 pies and mash
A champion (Picture: Max vs Food)

We all love a pie but perhaps not 18 in a row.

That’s exactly the number of baked goods competitive eater Max Stanford was able to eat in his latest challenge.

Better known as Max V Food online, the expert eater managed to gulp down 18 pies and seven large helpings of mash – all in a mere 43 minutes.

That’s 8,000 calories in less than an hour.

The 33-year-old from Brixton completed the feast at pie and mash joint Manze in Peckham.

He says it is one of the biggest and hardest food challenges he’s competed in, which makes it all the more worthwhile.

And though certainly impressive, the pie challenge doesn’t seem to have broken any records.

But fret not, Max has a different record in the bag.

He became the Oreo world record holder, after munching through an impressive 141 of the biscuits in five minutes.

Man eats 18 pies in 43 minutes
Don’t worry, he finished the mash too (Picture: Max vs Food)

Max, who is ranked second by the British Eating League, defeated the 11lbs pie challenge without busting a sweat.

But not all of his food challenges are as straight forward.

The big feaster often documents his food adventures on his Instagram.

You can see him scoffing down burgers bigger than his head, enormous pizzas, and many, many doughnuts.

He’s also taken on traditional dishes including a Full English breakfast that included eight sausages, eight bacon rashers, eight black puddings, and eight fried eggs.

There were also nine different types of bread, two buckets of tomatoes, a bucket of baked beans, eight pancakes, a banana milkshake and a pint of soya milk.

The challenge was to finish it all in 45 minutes. Unfortunately, Max was unable to finish everything but he put up a fair fight.

We wonder what he’ll eat next.

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MORE: From lab-grown meat to robot baristas, how Covid is changing the future of our food

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