How to use massage to relieve feelings of touch deprivation during lockdown

Relaxed African American woman receiving head massage and enjoying at spa with her eyes closed.
A simple massage could solve your coronavirus stress (Picture: Getty Images)

For humans, touch is a natural part of how we communicate. But in a world where we are constantly told to stay apart, you might feel like you’re suffering from touch deprivation.

Touch makes us feel connected, so how can we reconnect at a time when contact is limited and a wellbeing boost is very much needed?

The answer might lie in the simple art of massage. This is the practice of using touch in order to boost wellness, alleviate pain and help manage some health conditions. It’s something you can do at home, to yourself and to others in your family.

‘I define massage as a manual manipulation of soft tissue,’ says Earle Abrahamson, chair of the General Council for Massage Therapies and registrant board member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.

‘It involves manipulating and applying pressure to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (the connective tissue). A massage treatment is not simply about placing the hands on the body, it is a combination of physical, spiritual and psycho-social elements that create a whole experience.’

There are lots of different types of massage therapy but the most common is Swedish massage – something many of us will have experienced in a spa before lockdown.

‘Swedish massage involves kneading the tissue, friction-like strokes to break down adhesions, and longer, flowing strokes like effleurage (circular stroking with the palms) and petrissage (a lifting and rolling motion) to create a relaxing experience,’ explains Earle.

‘Sports massage employs different Swedish techniques with active movements that impact joint mechanics and range of motion. Effective massage is not about painful techniques but rather a combination of skills that work to reduce pain, improve function and aide recovery.’

Young woman having massage in spa salon; Shutterstock ID 1447852889; Purchase Order: -
‘The pathways that pick-up touch travel to the brain a lot faster than pain.’ (Picture: Shutterstock / Pixel-Shot)

One style you might not have heard of is myofascial release, popular for helping alleviate symptoms of stress and associated health conditions.

‘Myo pertains to muscle, and fascia is the very large web of connective tissue around our muscles and organs that connects systems within the body,’ says Earle.

‘For example, imbalances in the temporomadibular joint (between the upper jaw and cheek) can impact the function of the lower back, thighs and calves.

‘Fascia also stores emotion and trauma so past stressful experiences can impact the fascia function and lead to tightness and adhesion in the tissue. Myofascial techniques can help to release all these tensions.’

From a physiological point of view, Earle says any form of touch promotes a positive reaction in the brain: ‘The pathways that pick-up touch travel to the brain a lot faster than pain.’

So, as massage can be a great way to boost your mood and manage stress, we’ve asked Earle to share some simple techniques to try at home:

To rejuvenate complexion:

Place your thumbs/index fingers gently on the forehead. Apply circular pressure by moving your thumbs outwards from the middle of the forehead towards the ears. Repeat the motion across the cheeks.

Starting at the middle of the upper lip just under the nose, move the thumbs/fingers outwards towards the corners of the mouth. Repeat on the bottom lip and chin. Repeat three times.

These slow, firm and controlled techniques help distribute blood and lymph flow to the skin and some deeper tissues. The increase in blood/lymph flow helps to eliminate waste and nourish the tissue.

Shot of a young woman enjoying a massage at a spa
Promote good sleep by applying lavender oil to the back, shoulders, face, hands and feet (Picture: Getty Images)

To promote good sleep:

Using the palm of the hands and slow calming strokes, apply lavender oil to the back, shoulders, face, hands and feet. This helps to promote relaxation by encouraging the release of serotonin and the production of melatonin (feel good hormones). These then promote deeper breathing and influence the parasympathetic nerves which enhance a calm response.

To cure a headache:

Place your index fingers high on your cheekbones, by your ears. Gently apply pressure in a circular motion with your fingertips to your temples.

Continue making circles as your move along your hairline, until your fingertips meet in the middle of your forehead. The pressure applied activates the mechanoceptors which relay information to the brain and release endorphins to mitigate the stress response

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