How to stay warm when you’re working from home without putting the heating on 24/7

illustration of woman in winter coat
Layer up (Picture: Ella Byworth for

It looks like we’re all going to be working from home through the winter.

It was a lot more fun when you could enjoy a sunny lunch break – but now into autumn and winter just around the corner, prepare for things to get chilly.

If you usually work in the office, you’re more used to sticking the heating on for a few hours a day but suddenly you need your home to be warm 24/7 and it’s your heating bill that will be affected.

If you can afford to pay a little more towards your bills, do put the heating on for a little more but there’s lots of other things you can do to stay warm and keep costs down.

Firstly, take some time to make sure your house is actually energy efficient. Now is the time to block up that draught you’ve been ignoring for years. Pulling curtains or blinds can help to keep heat in.

Keep doors closed to keep the heat in where you are too, and if you can, focus on heating the room you’re working in all day, turning radiators down in the rest of the house.

Make the most of not having to dress up for the office and wear clothes that are cosy and warm instead. Look for long sleeve tops or jumpers that you can layer up.

We asked some long term WFH-ers to tell us how they get through winter. The top tip was to get a hot water bottle, which you can refill whenever you need to. You can keep it on your lap and use it to warm up your hands.

We’ve put together some of the other tips for staying warm this winter:


Get a small electric radiator and put it close to, or under your desk. That way you don’t need to fire up the whole house heating system to keep warm. They’re not that expensive to run.


A hot water bottle, loungewear, glugs of tea, and a quick blast of the heating.


It’s all about the layers and morning exercise to wake the body up and get you naturally warm so you can resist touching the thermostat a little longer.


Get some draught blockers for your windows and doors.


Thick socks and hot orange squash. It also helps to get up and move every hour so you’re pumping warm blood effectively around your body. Chuck on your favourite tunes and blast out a 3.5 minute dance session!


I love an electric heated throw or an electric heat pad (which are great for period pain too). They’re fairly cheap to run but mean you can make your chair nice and warm while you sit in it.


I like a flask of tea at my desk. Any time I’m feeling cold, I can just top it up from there. It’s especially handy when I’m in a meeting or on a call and feeling cold but can’t go downstairs to make a cup of tea.


Fingerless gloves, a blanket on the knee, constant tea on the go, getting up often and moving around, mid-afternoon dance party, a hot shower, a brisk walk around the park, lots of layers.


Weighted blanket, woolly hat, fingerless gloves, thermals, many many pairs of socks … from October or April.

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