Keeping a houseplant alive is an extreme sport. It takes skill, perseverance and, in our experience, a slightly magic touch.
Watering your plants is super important – that’s plant-care 101. But overwatering can be deadly, and it’s a trap so many people fall into because our plants can’t tell us when they’ve had enough water.
For many, watering is their panic response if they notice a plant looks like it is struggling.
Brown leaves? Droopy stalks? Discolouration? It’s natural to want to grab the watering can.
But experts say that watering isn’t always the answer, and dunking your leafy baby in water too often can actually be disastrous.
So how do you know if you’re guilty of overwatering? Your plant may not be able to speak to you, but it will give you signs. Here are some things to look out for:
Signs you might be overwatering your plants
‘When it comes to watering your indoor plants, watering will vary depending on the type of plant you have, though most plants need watering every 2-4 days,’ says Liam Lapping, from FlowerCard.
‘As a general rule, smaller plants will need more frequent watering than larger plants, and those sat in sunlight will also need watering more frequently – if in doubt, feel the soil.
‘Most indoor plants will thrive in moist compost in spring and summer-time but just be careful not to overwater your plants, as water-logging can be fatal. Pots with drainage holes will allow excess water to drain out, and prevent any wet compost.’
Lynette, from HeyPlants, says that signs of overwatering vary by plant.
‘Some plants are more resilient than others,’ she explains, ‘so we always recommend plant owners research specific care instructions for their plant. As a general rule of thumb, some indicators of overwatering include:
If the soil is wet but the plant is wilting
Soft wilted leaves = overwatering, dry wilted leaves = underwatering.
Rotted roots that appear black or mushy to the touch
Poor drainage or overwatering can create rotten roots and reduce the level of oxygen required for roots to breathe.
Fungus or gnats around the soil
This is definitely not a good sign, as both fungus and gnats thrive in environments that are constantly damp. Which is not what your plant needs.
Brown leaves can be a symptom of either overwatering or underwatering
Stick your finger into the soil near the roots to see if it feels dry or wet. If it’s wet your plant may be overwatered.
How to know if you have been overwatering
Chances are you’re more likely to be overwatering your houseplants, rather than under-watering them if they are looking unhappy. More so in the cooler months of the year.
Firstly, check if the compost is dry or wet by pushing your finger a few centimetres into the soil. If it’s still moist below the surface, hold off watering for a few days and check again.
If the compost is too wet, then plants ‘drown’ as the roots cannot gain access to oxygen and nutrients that are essential for survival.
If your plant has started to ‘drown’, all is not lost, however. In this instance, hold off on the watering for a few days to see if your plant shows any signs of improvement. If your plant does not improve, step two would be re-potting in fresh, suitable compost.
Empty out your plant and gently shake off the old compost. Check for any rotten roots, which are squishy and smelly, cut those away with clean tools.
Clean the pot with warm water and a little diluted bleach or disinfectant and dry. Then replant using the fresh compost.
This isn’t a miracle cure but can be a lifeline for many an unhappy, over-watered plant.
Darran Jaques, horticultural expert at Jaques Larch Design
How to reverse the damage from overwatering
‘Reversing the signs of overwatering can be difficult depending on how severe the damage is,’ says Lynette.
‘Some things you could try include:
Repotting your plant and removing any dead or rotten roots.
Replacing the soil if it smells rotten.
Watering your plant only when the soil is dry to the touch.
Aerating your soil regularly to ensure oxygen can get into the soil. Some of the ways you can do this are by breaking up the existing soil and poking holes into the soil (chopsticks are great for this), changing to a more aerated potting mix, or using a porous pot such as clay.
Relocating the plant to a shady location.
Give the plant a couple of weeks to recover to see if the changes have made an impact.
How much light should your plants get?
The other thing to think about beyond water is sunlight – the life blood of the plant world.
But, like watering, it’s all too easy to get it wrong.
‘All houseplants need natural sunlight to survive, but how much sunlight plants need, depends entirely on the individual plant,’ says Liam.
‘To ensure your house plants receive enough natural sunlight, turn off your light to see how much natural sunlight fills the room where your houseplants live – plants cannot feed off bulb light, so make sure your room is receiving enough light.
‘For plants that need a lot of sunlight, placing them by large windows is a great way to ensure they receive the light they need, while shade-loving plants can sit in corners of rooms or on shelves, for example.
‘Another tip for ensuring plants get enough sunlight is to use a compass on your phone to work out which direction your windows are facing.
‘With the UK being located in the Northern Hemisphere, south-facing windows are the best bet for ensuring maximum light exposure.’
Do you have any green-fingered tips to share? We want to hear from you.
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