Mum’s previous c-section scar is opening inside her and threatening her unborn baby

Pregnant mum and her previous twins
This mum’s c-section scar from when she had twins is opening inside her and threatening her life and unborn baby (Picture: SWNS)

A pregnant mother is living in fear of losing her baby after the scar from her previous emergency c-section began to open up inside of her.

Anne McNally, 36, is currently 21 weeks pregnant with her fifth child – a baby girl – who is due in November 2020.

Anne’s other children Jack, 18, Macey, 10, and twins James and Millie, four, were all born through emergency caesarians.

But tests during this pregnancy revealed that school cleaner Anne, from Norris Green, in Liverpool, Merseyside was suffering from silent scar dehiscence – meaning the scar on her uterus from her last c-section was opening up.

With Anne’s placenta currently at the bottom of her uterus, doctors warned that it could move into the opening of the scar and cause placental disease.

The scar’s opening has grown throughout her pregnancy and is currently measured at 8cm.

If it keeps opening, Anne’s unborn baby could move into her stomach which could kill both her and her child.

The expectant mother will now undergo scans every four weeks as doctors monitor her progress and track the rate at which her scar is opening to protect her and her baby.

Pregnant Anne McNally
Anne is having to be careful as to not open up her scar (Picture: SWNS)

Anne said: ‘Hearing that my scar was opening up, I immediately started crying. It was really scary.

‘I was terrified because the doctors said it could be life-threatening to me and my baby.

‘It was very overwhelming, especially as I was on my own at the appointment as nobody could come with me because of Covid-19.

‘There is a chance the scar could open up fully, resulting in me dying or my baby dying or even both of us but I don’t even want to think about that.

‘Now, I’m just taking every day as it comes and trying not to move around too much which is extremely hard with four kids including twin toddlers!’

Anne was surprised when she found out that she was pregnant in February 2020 despite regularly taking the contraceptive pill.

She and her partner were excited for a new sibling for their children.

But in April, Anne suddenly started bleeding.

Terrified, they went to the doctor who found the baby was healthy but there was a surprising amount of fluid in the stomach and they eventually found it was because of the scar opening.

Now, Anne is staying positive and trying to move as little as possible but has found it difficult, especially with going to appointments on her own due to the pandemic.

Pregnant Anne McNally's unborn child seen in an ultrasound scan
The baby could move to the stomach which would kill them both (Picture: SWNS)

She said: ‘I’m still scared now, especially when I get pain.

‘The doctors have said as long as the scar doesn’t fully open up, they will take me as far as possible and hopefully everything will go ok.

‘I won’t be able to go to full term so I’ll be getting booked in for an early c-section.

‘We could still both die and there’s a chance I could bleed too much as my scar tissues are so bad that I could basically bleed to death.

Pregnant Anne McNally's twins James and Millie who were born by emergency c-section.
Anne has four other children whom she had via c-section (Picture: SWNS)

‘I am trying to stay positive because thinking about it all the time was making me feel sick and that wasn’t good for the baby or for me, it was just making it worse.

‘The pandemic has made it all ten times worse as I have to do it all on my own without the baby’s dad there to support me.

‘I just want the best for my baby and I have to just take every day as it comes – I’m hoping for the best and doing all I can to look after us both.’

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MORE: Mum, 21, dies while suffering chest pains but baby’s life is saved by c-section

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