Man who faced abuse in foster care opens up about how adopted mum ‘healed’ him

Richard as a kid pictured with his brother, adopted mum and judge
Shortly after becoming a widow, this woman adopted Richard and his brother (Picture: Humans of New York)

When Richard Ripley was a child, he and his brother were put into foster care.

His brother went to a family called the Ripleys while he was less fortunate, having to move around four different homes, where he experienced physical abuse.

The people who had fostered his brother would also take Richard out for McDonald’s every once in a while.

One day, Ms Ripley noticed scars on Richard. Immediately, she enquired about his foster home and made arrangements for Richard to stay with the Ripley family.

Reunited with his brother, Richard was overjoyed to finally have a happy home.

But shortly after, Ms Ripley lost her husband and Richard wondered whether a widow could look after two foster children.

Ms Ripley took them down to court and adopted the brothers, officially making them family.

30 years later, Richard is now a dad and is so thankful to the woman who took him in as a child.

The dad shared an emotional post about her on viral Facebook page Humans of New York.

Richard pictured as a kid with his brother and mum
Richard and his brother moved to a trailer with their adopted mother (Picture: Humans of New York)

In the post, Richard wrote: ‘Ms. Ripley would take us for lunch at McDonald’s, and that’s when she first noticed the scars all over my body. She immediately made arrangements for me to join their family.

‘Back then the word family didn’t mean much to me.

‘But the Ripleys made me feel welcome in their home. Whenever I did something wrong, Ms. Ripley would sit me down and explain why it wasn’t okay.

‘But then she’d say: “You’re not going anywhere. Because you belong to us now”.

‘Shortly after I joined the family, Mr Ripley was diagnosed with cancer. And later that year he passed away.

‘Ms Ripley’s entire world fell apart. They’d been high school sweethearts. And now she was alone with two foster kids. Nobody would have blamed her for taking us back. But instead, she took us to court and made it permanent.’

The family of three then moved to Mississippi, to a wide trailer where Ms Ripley worked hard to raise the boys alone.

Richard as a marine
He then joined the Marines to pay for college (Picture: Humans of New York)

Richard added: ‘She worked whatever odd jobs she could find. We never had much, but we went to movies. We had family game nights. She kept us busy with little league and Boy Scouts.

‘She must have been super stressed, but that’s not at all what I remember. I just remember the affirmation that she gave me. It was always: “You’re smart” and “you’re handsome.’ And “you survived all that stuff because you’re strong”.’

Richard ended up joining the Marines and getting a college education, graduating in law.

As of last year, he is also a dad.

Richard as a kid pictured with his brother, adopted mum and judge
Richard’s brother had been placed with the Ripleys and soon they also took him in (Picture: Humans of New York)

He continued: ‘Last year I had a daughter of my own. And that really put me into an emotional tailspin. Because I realised how every little choice I make is going to affect her future.

‘And then I started thinking about how different my life could have been. Because my early development had been the opposite of what a child’s should be.

‘I should be broken, but I’m not. Because thirty years ago my mum decided to keep me. And somehow, despite all her sadness and heartbreak, she poured enough love into me so that I could heal.’

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MORE: Men suffer emotional abuse in relationships too – I did

MORE: I was unsure of fostering children from war zones, but they have enriched my life

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