Introducing ‘Cards Against Masculinity’ – the deck to get men talking about taboo topics

Six cards from the Cards Against Masculinity deck, created by Manual as part of a campaign around mental health and talking among men.
Pick a card and get chatting (Picture: Manual)

A new campaign to improve male mental health has come up with an unusual way to get men talking about difficult topics that are often shrouded in shame.

Introducing Cards Against Masculinity – a deck that features some of the ‘most-feared questions’ among men.

The aim of the game is to making it easier for men to start conversations around issues such as erectile dysfunction, societal pressures, hair loss, prostate exams and mental health.

There is also a humous element to the cards, to make players more comfortable (as an example, there’s a card that has Donald Trump on it).

Created by Manual, the men’s wellness platform, the deck also have a secondary, educational element.

After playing, players are presented with a pop-up screen which offers up information and facts around the topics they have tackled.

‘At Manual, we are committed to challenging the outdated notions of what it means to be a “real: man, tackling the many misconceptions around mental, physical and sexual male health,’ said George Pallis, co-Founder of Manual.

‘The ongoing narrative that asking for help is a sign of weakness is leading many to ignore worrying symptoms and ultimately causing too many men throughout  the UK to die young. 

Six different cards from the Cards Against Masculinity deck
Pair cards with caution to avoid offending the other players (Picture: Manual)

‘Since launching it has always been our mission to create a safe space that encourages men to open up and confront health issues.

‘With our new Cards Against Masculinity game, we hope to initiate the conversation around men’s health and get men to get talking about their most intimate issues, in order to properly educate and drive them to seek help where necessary.’

OK, let’s be honest – it’s unlikely that a deck of cards will suddenly make a man open up about his biggest fears, but it could be worth a shot.

A word of warning though: be careful, as some of the topics might trigger an anxious response in yourself or others.

Similarly, if you make a joke during the game – or pair cards for a reaction – this could potentially backfire if the other person feels attacked or offended.

Proceed with caution.

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