What Comes Next: Why living through the coronavirus pandemic will make us question every part of our lives

Throughout our What Comes Next series, we’ve looked at how the world has changed due to the coronavirus pandemic, from our working culture to the way we say hello.

The world in which we now live is undeniably different to the one we knew before Covid-19 emerged and spread with devastating speed.

But we’re different too.

For so many of us, living through a pandemic will prompt a personal crisis not unlike the ones typically associated with hitting 50 years old or going through a divorce. The process is already underway – we’re questioning everything, reflecting on the reality of our lived exsistences, and planning to make major change.

That might manifest in a drastic career change, breaking up with a partner, or moving to another country.

But however it appears, this change is borne from a global crisis prompting a personal one, making us question the very meaning and purpose of our existence.

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That process isn’t an easy one. Going through a dramatic personal overhaul of involves confronting difficult emotions and can often be akin to experiencing grief – for the lives and mindsets we had before.

Psychologist Gillian Bond points to a number of psychological models of change to help us understand how we’ll deal with every part of our lives being thrown up in the air – the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle Model, the Transition Model, and Murray Parkes’ Theory of Loss.

A (very) basic overview of psychological models of change

The Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle Model

The model is used to help people understand their emotions through a dramatic change. Often used to look at grief as an emotional process it is also used for helping people to manage other big changes in their lives such as redundancy or an event which is out of control, such as a pandemic. The model states that after a major event people go through 5 stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

The Transition Curve Model

Again, we’re talking about going through different stages in response to a dramatic event.

This model states that people go through 3 stages; Ending, Losing or Letting Go, The Neutral Zone, then Recovery.

Murray Parkes’ Theory of Loss

This one has four stages: Numbness, Searching and Pining, Depression and Recovery.

These are models and stages that we typically associate with losing a loved one – but they can be prompted by any major life event, including the immense stress of living through a pandemic.

‘Once a pandemic starts, then for each of us there would be a period of shock or denial and with it we would experience a range of emotions such as panic, fear, numbness,’ Gillian explains. ‘After that there may be feelings of anger, rage, depression and fears of the future, the uncertainty of it all.

‘As the process has gone on some of us may be stuck in denial for example or rage, others will move towards acceptance of the situation and adjust our thinking and behaviour to adapt to what is required.’

Simply acknowledging that going through all these emotions is normal and to be expected can be beneficial.

It can help to know that these stages are simply essential stops you have to make in order to come out of the other side, ready to make positive change and live in a new way post-coronavirus.

Because yes, the end result of this grief-like process will be, for many of us, a radical overhaul of our lives – and that can feel incredibly unsettling.

‘In developed countries, our “little lives” are built on assumptions that the world is a fairly secure, predictable place and that society will scaffold us if we need help,’ charted clinical psychologist Dr Hamira Riaz tells Metro.co.uk. ‘The global pandemic has challenged the foundations of this belief system so we are all feeling much less safe than we did at the beginning of 2020.

‘That in turn has fuelled a degree of existential inquiry – is this the life I want to be living, what do I really need to be happy, etc.

‘We know people react to change in predictable ways. Any significant disruption to our lives (positive or negative) is accompanied by a rollercoaster ride of emotions from excitement to overwhelm, from denial to depression.

‘2020 is the year that forced many of us to take a long, hard look in the mirror and face into the “bigger” questions we’ve managed to avoid until now.’

What Comes Next: Body image post-lockdown
This is a time for self-reflection (Picture: Metro.co.uk)

It’s likely these ‘bigger’ questions will centre on the purpose of our personal existence, especially as we’ve been forced to confront illness and death on an inescapable scale. While people have always died and been ill, coronavirus became an invisible, all-over threat outside our doors and repeated on social media and news channels by the minute.

We’ve been forced to confront the reality that we’re all at risk. Life is frail and temporary – are we living it in the best, most meaningful way?

‘All human beings have a need for meaning and purpose,’ says Gillian. ‘During and after the pandemic, people will gain some form of personal meaning from this situation and it will have an effect on them. It will be different for each person.

‘The chance to be kind to others may give people a great deal of satisfaction and wellbeing for example and this may lead to them feeling they have purpose and have found meaning in life.’

To allow personal growth and change, we have to be ready to accept and move through the emotions a personal crisis will bring up and let go of our past selves.

‘The degree to which this will catalyse long-lasting personal and collective change depends on whether we were confronted by deeper insights about who we are and who we want to be during lockdown,’ Hamira adds.

So how do we make sure we survive and thrive through a pandemic-prompted upheaval of our life’s values? How can we know the changes we’re making are the ‘right’ ones?

Gillian advises following instructions and guidance by the Government, if only so we have some kind of framework to fall back on when everything else seems unstable. Routine is essential to keep you feeling secure as you go through so much personal change.

‘This provides a framework on what to do, why to do it and when to do it,’ she explains. ‘These instructions keep us going through the transition stages and help us to focus on positive changes and the end outcomes just like in the transition models for loss and grief.

‘To keep well in these times having a routine or pattern or anchor will help stabilise people so for example, going for a walk everyday, sitting with your family to watch a specific TV programme or watching nature can help in keeping people relaxed and well. Small patterns or routines can make a big difference in wellbeing.’

Acknowledge the stages of emotion you’ll go through and treat yourself with care to ensure you can do each one in a way that feels safe and permitted.

‘We know people react to change in predictable ways,’ Hamira notes. ‘Any significant disruption to our lives (positive or negative) is accompanied by a rollercoaster ride of emotions from excitement to overwhelm, from denial to depression.

What Comes Next: Will the pandemic be the end of physical greetings?
We’re likely to question our life’s purpose (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

‘It is important to allow yourself to be human during these periods, instead of benchmarking yourself against unrealistic superhuman standards.’

If you are finding any part overwhelming or you’re finding these emotions difficult to handle it’s worth speaking to a therapist.

As you respond to living through a pandemic, it’ll be tempting to rush straight through to making drastic changes – quitting your job, selling your things and buying a van, or even something as small as shaving your head.

When you’re experiencing a time of crisis, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if you change one thing, everything will be fixed.

Exercise caution and go slow to ensure you don’t do anything you regret.

‘At this point in time I would suggest not making any rash decisions, making a note of what you want to change and why you want to change it and then reflect on this once the pandemic has reduced,’ says Gillian.

‘Some people will have discovered that they need to make personal changes as a result of the pandemic. For others, new activities or behaviours will be a coping mechanism to get through these times.

‘Making a list of the pros and cons of any changes you want to make in your life is a good place to start. Then look at the steps you need to take in order to make the changes.

‘If you approach this in a practical way as a series of steps you are less likely to make a rash decision which can then ruin your future plans.

‘Unless you can actually see an improvement from making personal changes, then do not do it as it is not a good time to do so. Make plans but wait until the situation is more stable so you know that you are thinking clearly.’

Hamira, however, suggests looking within to know if pandemic-prompted changes are the right call.

‘We are the authors of our life stories, regardless of the degree to which our circumstances feel pre-determined,’ she says. ‘If you are not clear on your purpose (the reason why you are on the planet), it is harder to feel sure you are making the “right” choices for you. A strong sense of life purpose acts as a North Star.

‘You know you are on your path when the change you’re contemplating makes sense within the broader narrative of your life story. It may seem a rash and uncharacteristic move to some, but that becomes less important if it feels coherent to you and those who really know you well.’

What Comes Next?

After months of strict lockdown measures, isolation and anxiety - we're beginning to look to the future.

What will life look like when we emerge into our new normal?

Can things ever be the same as they were? Do we even want them to be the same?

What Comes Next is our series of in-depth features unpicking the possibilities for the future.

Every day for two weeks, we will look at the future of work, dating, mental health, friendships, money,  travel, and all the other elements that make up our existence.

Our lives have been turned upside down, but change doesn't always have to be a bad thing.

MORE: What Comes Next: Maintaining hobbies from lockdown is an empowering way to reclaim our time

MORE: What Comes Next: More physical affection and smaller circles – how friendships will change as a result of coronavirus

MORE: What Comes Next: The effect coronavirus has had on our minds may change society for good

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/14/what-comes-next-why-living-coronavirus-pandemic-will-us-question-ever-part-lives-12846274/
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