We need to stop being defensive about white privilege

Here are some ways to prevent a panic attack
It’s vital to acknowledge white privilege (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

Each and every time a writer publishes an article with the term ‘white privilege’ on Metro.co.uk, I know to expect the same comments.

‘How dare you suggest I have white privilege,’ it will typically say. ‘I’ve been discriminated against in so many ways. I’m Irish/gay/disabled/lower class/mentally ill.’

These comments – often nestled in among abuse towards my Black and Asian colleagues, which, for the record, is absolutely unacceptable – reveal a basic misunderstanding of what white privilege is.

And because the idea of white privilege is so contentious, so able to trigger defensiveness, those who don’t understand it won’t listen to the careful explanations from people of colour, instantly dismissing them as anti-white.

So I’m here, as a white person, to explain why white privilege is a thing that we must acknowledge we have, why it doesn’t mean that your life has been smooth sailing, and what white people should do once they’ve realised they are indeed a privileged person.

Is it ridiculous and depressing that I know this needs to come from a white person for the majority of people to listen? Yes. It’s endlessly maddening to see people I deeply respect being dismissed and ignored because of the colour of their skin. I’m tired of watching it happen – imagine how tired they are.

So, let’s break down what white privilege is.

Privilege is the way certain attributes and experiences benefit the way you move through the world. There are all sorts of types.

White privilege is the basic fact that being white allows you to more easily live in our current world. It means that you are less likely to be discriminated against because of your skin.

This can impact your life in all sorts of ways – BAME people are likely to earn less money than their white counterparts, so having white privilege could not only mean you’re more likely to make it through an interview process, you might then also earn more money.

If you’re a white woman, you’re more likely to survive child birth, while Black women are five times as likely as white women to die in labour.

Black children have the highest suicide rate. Simply being born white instead of Black could be the difference between living into adulthood.

A white person is more likely to get a right swipe on Tinder, to live after getting coronavirus, and to survive an interaction with the police.

White people don’t have to live their everyday lives with the weight of systemic or institutional racism – prejudice against their skin in covert ways in every part of society – and the immense emotional burden of facing racism in small and large ways in everyday life, from having to overcome racist stereotypes to dealing with the stress of microaggressions.

If you are white, you have white privilege.

Illustration of a woman sat at her desk talking on a group Zoom call.
Having white privilege doesn’t mean your life has been easy (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

But that doesn’t mean you are an immensely privileged person, that you have never faced any type of discrimination, and that your life has been plain sailing. You can have privilege and still have had a tough time. You might still struggle to get work, to earn money, to be happy and healthy – but it won’t be because you are white.

I’ll use myself as an example. I have a number of different types of privilege that have made it less challenging to get to where I currently am – living and working in London, in a happy longterm relationship, and existing without the constant burden of fearing for my life.

I’m not physically disabled, meaning the world at large is accessible to me. I’m cisgender, meaning I’ve never had to struggle to figure out my gender identity or had to face transphobic prejudice from other people. My parents both worked as teachers and raised me in North London, allowing me to have a comfortable childhood where I was looked after. I was able to get an education. My parents supported me financially by paying for the majority of my rent during university, allowing me to get a degree, which in turn helped me get a job. I am also white.

These are all ways in which I have privilege. But is my life totally stress-free? Nope.

I’m a woman, which means I can fall foul to all the sexism of our society. I’m bisexual, which brings judgement. I have depression and OCD, both of which have made it challenging to continue in education, find work, and push myself to my full potential (and just get out of bed and be a human person, on some days).

I don’t have massive familial wealth, so haven’t been able to take on unpaid opportunities that could have progressed my career, and buying a home in London is a pipedream, leaving me with the lingering stress of unstable living situations and desperately saving money while paying absurd rent prices.

All of that is difficult, absolutely, and I completely get the desire to go ‘hey, I’m not privileged, look at all this sh*t I’m dealing with’. But the fact of the matter is that all of these challenges can coexist with white privilege, and all the other types of privilege I mentioned. Every challenge I’ve faced has not had the added burden of racism, and that has made it easier in ways that I may never fully understand.

If you’re reading this, you probably have a very similar running list of challenges that have made your life difficult. But I’d urge you to make a list of the privileges you have, too – and to understand that these do not erase your difficulties, but must be acknowledged.

Understanding and accepting our privilege, especially white privilege, is hugely important because denying it – getting defensive and hurt – erases the racism people of colour have faced and continue to face.

We cannot tackle racism if we pretend it doesn’t exist, and if we shout about all the difficulties we’ve faced when discussions of white privilege come up, we’re denying the basic truth that being white means we do not face discrimination because of our race.

Again, that doesn’t erase or deny all the other struggles you’ve faced. Accepting that you have white privilege simply means agreeing that as a white person, you have never been held back because of racism.

Once you acknowledge that… then what?

The emotional toll of watching white people waking up to racism in real time
(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

The good news is that by simply accepting that yes, you have white privilege, and taking this not as an insult or a personal judgement but a simple fact, you’re on the right track. You are already doing so much better in the ‘decent person’ stakes than the guy in the comments section ranting and raving at someone for talking about racism.

The next step is using your knowledge of your white privilege for good.

Knowing that you are less likely to be a victim of police brutality, you can stand at the front of a protest. Being aware that you’re not going to receive racist abuse – at least not to the same level a Black person would – for speaking about race, you can share articles, encourage people to sign petitions and donate, and challenge people you know on their racist views.

You don’t have to believe that you got your job because you are white, but you can acknowledge that getting to the same position may have been harder if you were Black. And you can deal with that white privilege by pushing for diverse hiring choices, by standing up for your colleagues when they talk about race, and by analysing how your company’s hiring processes might be influenced by racism and privilege.

You can look at your own life under the lens of privilege and look at how another person might not have had those same benefits. You can acknowledge your own struggles while understanding that someone else’s may have involved racism, and that’s not something you’ve ever faced.

When the topic of privilege is raised, know that your difficulties are not being erased – they just might not be relevant to the exact conversation that’s being had, whether that’s about police brutality or racial discrimination in healthcare.

Question yourself and the society in which you live. Listen without judgement. Analyse how you have benefited from a racist system, but know that that doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person or undeserving of what you’ve achieved.

Accept that you have a privilege that non-white people do not, that you have lived life without the one specific burden of racism – and ask what you can do to lift that burden for those who have to carry it.

And please, drop the defensive reactions and knee-jerk response of ‘but my life is hard too!’. Prove me wrong when I say I can already predict the reams of comments that will trickle in below from people claiming they don’t have white privilege because they don’t earn much money or were bullied in school.

Instead, take a moment, pause, and understand that saying you have white privilege is just a simple statement, not an accusation.

Do you have a story that you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing claie.wilson@metro.co.uk

Share your views in the comments below.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/17/need-stop-defensive-about-white-privilege-12859398/
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