This Pride month, let’s take the time to reflect on how to build a better society

Owl and friends at Pride
Places where I can celebrate and be myself without fear of judgement or harassment, even if just for a short time, are vital (Picture: Owl)

I cannot even begin to count the amount of times I’ve been shamed, ridiculed or abused for being who I am.

When I first started my transition, I had to endure stares and name-calling when I was simply going about my own day, alone and with friends.

In the most severe instances I was harassed in clubs, had alcohol poured over me and words like ‘she-male’ hurled my way. That’s not to mention all the sexualisation and harassment I think almost anyone who is perceived as a woman can sadly relate to.

So, places where I can celebrate and be myself without fear of judgement or harassment, even if just for a short time, are vital – and not just for my mental health, but the emotional wellbeing of the community as a whole.

This is where Pride comes in. June marks Pride month in the UK, which is dedicated to advocating for LGBTQIA rights and celebrating people’s lives and identities. 

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, most Pride events have been cancelled, although some are taking it in their stride and going online instead where people can join in safely. 

I sometimes think it might be difficult for people who aren’t LGBTQIA to understand the true liberation that Pride brings. When you’ve never experienced what it’s like to be made to feel ashamed for loving who you love, or expressing yourself how you feel most comfortable, you can’t truly get it.

One particular Pride festival will always have a special place in my heart: Trans Pride Brighton.

The first time I attended was in 2017, where I helped put on the Trans Pride Film Night with My Genderation, a project I co-founded that celebrates transgender lives and experiences. The festival itself has many highlights, but the annual film night and protest march are both truly remarkable.

Seeing so many different transgender people and their allies gathered together to celebrate our lives and experiences is affirming and inspiring. And unlike many other Pride events, Trans Pride is a protest first and foremost, a grassroots event organised by local trans people.

While people do party, they are also there to advocate for change and fight against discrimination and stigma that sadly is still a persistent and constant problem in the UK.

Ugla Stefanía at Pride
We can still be proud and outspoken this year, despite Pride cancellations (Picture: Sharon Kilgannon)

The march ends up in a local park, Brunswick Square, where there are stalls for community groups, activities lead by transgender people and performers and speakers on stage all day long.

It is hard to describe the feeling of this event, because it is unlike anything else. In a world that is often so hostile towards transgender people, it creates a welcome and much needed avenue for peace and safety.

We can still be proud and outspoken this year, despite Pride cancellations. This is a chance for us to continue educating ourselves and to help educate others.

Human rights are under constant attack, evidenced by the ongoing and relentless police brutality against black people in the US, UK and beyond. It’s more important than ever that we come together and show solidarity with each other, and with those different to us. 

In recent years the abuse I face has shifted and changed as I’ve become more of a public person to be predominantly online.

I regularly get called mentally ill, a sexual predator and my appearance and persona is picked apart by people on various online forums dedicated to alt-right ideologies, or even women’s rights (the irony here isn’t lost on me). 

Events where I am speaking are still attended by aggressive, anti-trans speakers who come there solely to harass me.

We cannot have Pride or liberation of any kind without making sure we are creating spaces for all members of our society to be a part of it and where they can be listened to.

Queer people aren’t one homogenous mass; like any other group, they are intersectional and their experiences are different and complex.

So for this Pride month I encourage you to use this time to reflect on yourself, how you need to start speaking up and supporting other members of our society and their struggles, regardless of whether you are queer or belong to any particular minority.

We cannot truly erase prejudice if we don’t eradicate racism, ableism, misogyny, fatphobia and other systems of oppression, too.

Take action, think about how you can educate yourself and those around you. Use this time to reflect on how we can create a better society together, where no one has to fear for their lives or safety or feel ashamed for their gender expression, body or skin colour.

Be proud and speak out. Because In the words of black trans woman Marsha P. Johnson: ‘There is no Pride for some of us, without liberation for all of us’.

LGBTQ+ Pride week

From 22-28 June, is spotlighting the voices of LGBTQ+ people and the unique challenges they face.

If you have an experience you would like to share, please email with LGBTQ+ Pride week as the subject.

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