Six surprising health benefits of a heatwave

Carefree woman relaxing in backyard inflatable pool
Enjoying the sun has a number of benefits you might not be aware of (Picture: Getty/fStop)

Another heatwave is on the way which means slathering ourselves in sunscreen, drinking loads more water, and struggling to sleep.

We all know the dangers of getting too much sun – it can cause sun burn, permanent skin damage, ageing, there’s also the risk of dehydration and sunstroke – so we need to be careful to avoid the midday sun on hot days.

But it’s not all bad news – a heatwave can actually cause some health benefits too. Sunshine, in healthy, safe doses – can be really good for our physical and mental health, so we should make the most of this time.

With the weather heating up, well-being coach, and MD of Sunlighten UK, Joie Risk, has put together her top health benefits of sunlight… which might surprise you.

Soak up vitamin D

When people spend time outside, particularly when the sun is out, they are helped in the manufacture of vitamin D.

This is essential for a number of reasons, inside and out. It strengthens bones and evens the skin’s natural complexion.

Vitamin D is even related to losing belly fat; the higher the levels of this vitamin prior to starting a plan for weight reduction, the greater the likelihood for success, according to one study.

Many windows block UVB wavelengths, which prevents the synthesis of the vitamin, so people do need to go outside for the rays to work their magic.

Improves your mood

Sunlight does not only trip the release of serotonin but other hormones, known as endorphins, as well.

These are associated with overall calm, less depression, and happier moods.

People may simply notice feeling better when the whole body’s system responds to the sun. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder is also believed to have a link to a lack of sunlight. This form of depression comes when a lack of sun exposure causes a person’s serotonin levels to dip low.

There are a number of studies tying sun exposure to the treatment of mild depression as well as to alleviating the systems of moderate to severe depression. 

How to stay safe in the sun

Spend time in the shade when the sun is strongest. In the UK, this is between 11 am and 3 pm from March to October.

Make sure you:

  • spend time in the shade between 11 am and 3 pm
  • make sure you never burn
  • cover up with suitable clothing and sunglasses
  • take extra care with children
  • use at least factor 30 sunscreen


Sleep more soundly 

Sunlight striking the eyes sends a message to the brain’s pineal gland. This message is to shut down the production of melatonin, a hormone that assists in sleeping by making people drowsy.

When melatonin is overproduced during the day, people experience lower levels of the hormone at night. Sunlight exposure helps to prevent this.

Forego sunglasses in the early morning so that the brain and body receive the message that daylight is here and melatonin is no longer needed for the nonce.

Lowers blood pressure

University of Edinburgh researchers found in one study that nitric oxide, a compound which helps to reduce blood pressure, is released into blood vessels once the sun’s light touches the skin.

This finding was prominent because it banished the notion that sunlight only stimulated vitamin D production.

By lowering blood pressure, sunlight also cuts the risk of strokes and heart attacks. In this way, sun exposure does not only improve people’s health but prolongs their lives.

Helps with depression

Since lack of sunlight is tied to depression and depression is linked to appetite, sunlight exposure can help positively affect the appetite. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls hunger.

It works along with serotonin and aids in relieving hunger. Because of sunlight deficiency causing a drop in serotonin levels, a feeling of fullness sometimes cannot be achieved.

Boosts your immune system 

Exposure to sunlight also helps to suppress an immune system that is overactive. This is why sunlight is sometimes used to treat such autoimmune diseases as psoriasis.

White blood cells also increase with sunlight exposure. These play a prominent role in fighting off diseases and defending the body when at risk of infection.

While best kept in moderation, sun exposure is extremely helpful to the immune system.

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