McDonald’s worker who thought job made her gain a few pounds gives birth to surprise baby

Daisy and Elijah
Daisy and Elijah (Picture: North News and Pictures)

Daisy Young had noticed she’d gained a few pounds but she put it down to her new job at McDonald’s.

She hadn’t noticed any other problems and was still having regular periods so when she went to hospital with stomach pain on 9 June and a test showed that she was pregnant, she couldn’t believe it.

But the 21-year-old was even more shocked when a scan showed that she was actually 37 weeks and six days pregnant and about to give birth.

She was on her own at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, when staff told her she was already 5cm dilated and in labour, and she wasn’t able to get through to her parents, Maggy and Graham Young, who live in Crook, County Durham, before she gave birth.

By the time she spoke to her mum and dad, her son Elijah John, had been born.

Daisy, who has since moved back home to her parents house, said: ‘I had had stomach pains from the day before that were slowly getting worse so I just thought I should go to the hospital.

‘I didn’t even get my friend to park, she just dropped me off.

Dated: 22/06/20 Daisy Young from Crook, Co. Durham, who didn't know she was pregnant gave birth just four hours after going into hospital with stomach pains that turned out to be labour. The 21-year-old hadn't gained any weight, except a few pounds she had put down to her new job at McDonalds, and had no symptoms of being pregnant when a test taken at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee came back as positive on June 9. Daisy is pictured with her new son, 2-week-old Elijah.
New mum Daisy holding baby Elijah (Picture: North News & Pictures )

‘A nurse asked me if I could be pregnant and I said no but they did a test anyway, just to check, and that was when I first found out.

‘From there everything went very, very fast. I found out I was pregnant at around 3pm and they sent me for a scan. That was when I found out I was actually 37 weeks pregnant and the pain was probably labour.

‘They told me I was around 5cm dilated and my baby was going to be coming pretty soon.

‘It was all going so fast, I tried to ring my mum but I couldn’t get through.

‘It was just me in the hospital, just me and the midwives. They were brilliant.

‘I was just in total shock the whole time, just thinking “oh my god, I’m about to have a baby”.’

Dated: 22/06/20 Daisy Young from Crook, Co. Durham, who didn't know she was pregnant gave birth just four hours after going into hospital with stomach pains that turned out to be labour. The 21-year-old hadn't gained any weight, except a few pounds she had put down to her new job at McDonalds, and had no symptoms of being pregnant when a test taken at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee came back as positive on June 9. This picture shows 2-week-old Elijah.
Elijah was born happy and healthy (Picture: North News & Pictures )

Her healthy baby boy Elijah John was born weighing 6lbs 13 at 6:48pm, just under four hours after finding out she was pregnant.

She said: ‘I had no idea what had happened, shocked doesn’t cover it.

‘I didn’t have a bump. I hadn’t been sick except for two days back in November when I was off work but I didn’t think anything of it.

‘I have stayed in my size 10 clothes throughout.’

Daisy, whose son Elijah was born weighing 6lbs 13, had regular periods throughout the pregnancy and always used contraception.

The family think the baby might have been lying on Daisy’s spine due to her 5ft 8 height, leaving him concealed and a total surprise.

She added: ‘It has been a shock to become a mum overnight but a brilliant one.

‘He has changed my life, for the better. I love him to bits, I loved him straight away. Elijah is a wonderful baby, he is so laid back, which explains alot!

Dated: 22/06/20 Daisy Young from Crook, Co. Durham, who didn't know she was pregnant gave birth just four hours after going into hospital with stomach pains that turned out to be labour. The 21-year-old hadn't gained any weight, except a few pounds she had put down to her new job at McDonalds, and had no symptoms of being pregnant when a test taken at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee came back as positive on June 9. This picture shows Daisy with her parents, Maggy (corr) and Graham with their new grandson Elijah.
Daisy, Elijah, Maggy and Graham (Picture: North News & Pictures )

‘When I finally sent my mum a text I just said, you need to call. I don’t think she expected a baby. I couldn’t have coped without my family.’

The family have been helped by friends, hospital staff and social services.

Since Elijah’s birth they have been collecting as many newborn baby items as possible, given they were totally unprepared.

Grandmother Maggy, 54, who is a pub landlady, said: ‘When I got her text I thought it must have been a car accident, not a baby.

‘When I walked into the hospital room I could just see the love she had for him. I could see the love in her eyes.

‘I spoke to a midwife who said in her entire career she had never seen a mum come into hospital in labour, not know she was pregnant, and have a baby the same day.

‘When I finally spoke to Daisy on the phone I just looked at Graham and said “hello Grandad”. I didn’t know what else to do except get to her as quickly as possible.’

Graham, 55, who works for Northumbrian Water, added: ‘Elijah has changed everything, but in the most positive way.

‘Daisy has always been caring and nurturing and she is just a natural mother, we are so proud of her.’

Daisy, who is unclear who the father is, had been a student at Dundee University until last year but is now hoping to transfer to the Open University in October to study business management.

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