Lockdown has made me question where my personality ends and my mental illness begins

Illustration of woman with red hair, dressed in a light blue shirt and white trousers holding her hand over her face and looking as if she is thinking 'sigh'
In the past few weeks, I’ve really struggled to identify which emotions belong to lockdown, to my mental illness, or simply my personality (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

‘Emotional rollercoaster’ has become a key phrase to describe 2020.

May I also offer up ‘psychological waltzer’, ‘mental merry-go-round’ and ‘crisis carousel’ as apt alternatives. Except unlike fairground metaphors, which succeed in depicting the highs, lows, twists and turns of recent months, in real life there’s no telling how long the ride will last. 

My emotional state in lockdown has been as strong and stable as Theresa May’s time in No.10. (Is anyone else starting to miss her?) At times, it has felt like my neurons have formed a coup against me. Sometimes I fight back, but more often than not, I succumb.

As a naturally anxious and sensitive person, I’m no stranger to emotional extremes in everyday life, never mind the midst of a global pandemic. However, in the past few weeks, I’ve really struggled to identify which emotions belong to lockdown, to my mental illness, or simply my personality.

Humans are made of physical stuff, yet the chemicals and hormones that race around our bodies have emotional consequences. As someone who has suffered with mental illness since childhood, it’s really difficult to know what is the disorder, and what is me.

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Am I depressed because of the depression? Am I depressed because of a series of unhealthy choices I have made? Or am I depressed because I’ve been isolated for 12 weeks?

Our usual reference points have been taken away from us in recent times. The standard way of telling that my depression has got the better of me is when I don’t leave the house for days and wake up in tears. Right now, I don’t have a choice on the former, and as for the latter… well there’s a lot to be upset about.

As someone who is open about their mental illness, my distress is often dismissed as emotional instability

Humans are also made of experiences. The vast difference of our lived experience has been highlighted by recent protests and policy changes. Our opinions, our systems and our politics are being challenged and changed for the better.

How one reacts to these issues will depend on our personal experience and emotional involvement with them. Certain conversations will be relatively new to white people who have thus far been blind, or wilfully ignorant, to the oppression they have been party to. Wealthy folk may never have lost sleep over how to feed their children during school holidays.

Staying calm in 2020 is less about emotional mastery, but more a thing of privilege. If you’re not angry, then you haven’t been listening.

When I express emotion, I worry about being judged. I often gaslight myself into thinking that something really wasn’t that bad, that I overreacted, that I didn’t handle a situation as well as I could have done. I worry that by expressing my emotion I may lose the people around me. It’s a common symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder, a condition which I have formerly been diagnosed with, but I believe is also a symptom of the human condition.

As a woman, I know all too well the feeling of having my passion labelled as hysteria. As someone who is open about their mental illness, my distress is often dismissed as emotional instability. People have questioned the cause of my emotions and in turn, I’ve questioned them myself.

It’s difficult to stay rational when we are living in irrational circumstances

I then wonder if it’s my internalised misogyny making me monitor myself. After decades of believing I won’t be taken seriously if I have tears streaming down my face, I started focussing more on staying calm than expressing myself. For men, who have been conditioned to believe that displays of emotion equate to weakness, expressing feelings can be all the more difficult.

During lockdown, getting perspective on certain issues is hard. With our main source of connection to the outside world being our social media bubbles, when someone outside our echo chamber shares an opposing view, it’s harder to respond in a calm, reasoned fashion; especially when it feels like the world is on fire.

It’s difficult to stay rational when we are living in irrational circumstances. Arguments will be quick to develop, especially when we have only seen the same four walls or the same four family members for a quarter of the year.

Questioning why you feel a certain way, analysing the source of your emotions is a good thing, but denying them altogether is not.

Challenging your principals and beliefs can feel exhausting, but it’s the only way to develop personal growth and understanding. Whether our emotions are influenced by global events, lockdown restrictions, mental health or simply our personalities, we can’t choose how we feel, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

Having your opinion challenged is different to having your feelings invalidated, so next time you find yourself in an intense disagreement, be vigilant as to which is happening.

Speaking up for what you believe in leaves you open to judgement, and it can feel like a very lonely place up above the parapet. I know. But if you find yourself being criticised for the way in which you express yourself (your emotion, your passion) rather than the content of your argument, it’s their problem, not yours.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing claie.wilson@metro.co.uk

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/19/lockdown-has-made-doubt-mental-health-12875613/
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