Joe Wicks: How to stick to healthy habits when lockdown ends

Joe Wicks shares how to keep up your healthy habits when lockdown ends pic: Getty
Keep the same Joe Wicks energy even when lockdown ends (Picture: Getty/

So many of us have made a conscious effort to get healthier and more active in lockdown, so now we’re worried about sustaining our new habits as lockdown rules ease. 

New research from recipe box company Gousto, shows that more than one in ten (11%) Brits say lockdown has encouraged them to start exercising for the first time in years. 

Almost a quarter (22%) of people are now working out at home, thanks to the inspiration of ‘The Nation’s PE Teacher’, Joe Wicks – and 26% even say that they’ll keep working out at home, rather than paying for a gym membership. 

Thankfully, Joe Wicks has shared his top tips for sticking with these new healthy habits and keeping your fitness motivation alive, even as the pressures of normal life start to return.

Make the most of your home

‘You don’t need a gym or lots of equipment to get fit and healthy,’ says Joe.

‘Lots of people have been getting creative and finding space at home for exercise. I’ve always believed in the power of home workouts because it’s so much easier to maintain a daily routine when you’re exercising on your own terms.

‘I’m a big fan of HIIT training and you can do it anywhere; at home, in the garden or even in the park.’ 

Rise and shine

Joe says that healthy habits are all about planning and sticking to a schedule. Which might mean getting up earlier.

‘I love to exercise first thing in the morning, it wakes me up, boosts my energy and sets me up to win the day,’ says Joe.

‘It’s also a perfect way to make the most of the longer days. Plan your workouts in advance and try and stick to them like appointments you can’t miss. 

‘If you can’t train in the morning, that’s fine, it’s all about finding what works for you. Remember, whatever time of day you exercise, it’s going to make you feel awesome physically and mentally.’

Keep cooking

So many of us have been honing our culinary skills during lockdown, Joe says you should keep prioritising making fresh, home-cooked meals even when lockdown ends.

‘Cooking at home with fresh ingredients means you know what’s going into your food,’ says Joe. ‘You can have loads of fun experimenting with different recipes and that’s one of the things I love about Gousto.

‘The new recipes combine high carb, post workout recipes with low carb recipes for less active days, so there’s always a banging, balanced recipe to try.’ 

Make exercise fun

‘Exercise should be fun, not something you dread,’ says Joe.

‘We’ve all found new ways to workout during lockdown and most don’t need equipment, or even much time.

‘Put some fun into your routine: do a HIIT workout in the front room, walk a new route, offer to walk a neighbour’s dog or go for a run with someone from your household.

‘It doesn’t matter what exercise you do, find something you enjoy and you’ll find it much easier to stick to.’ 

BBC Children In Need and Comic Relief 'Big Night In'
Don’t forget the fun factor when you’re working out (Picture: Getty)

Get some fresh air

While gyms are still closed and the days are nice and long, Joe says you should tak advantage of the natural world and get out as much as possible.

‘I love getting outside and going for a long walk in the summer,’ Joes tells us.

‘We’re all finding a new appreciation for getting outside, so try to keep that going as we get back to normal. Get out into the garden or find a local, quiet space to do your workout.

‘If you’re not feeling a heavy workout every day, a light walk and some fresh air will still make you feel great.’

Find a balance

When it comes to a healthy diet, Joe says it’s all about balance – and makins sensible choices.

‘Cutting any food group or depriving yourself of the foods that you love is not sustainable,’ he says.

‘If you make balanced food choices most of the time and stay active, you absolutely shouldn’t feel guilty about treating yourself to an indulgent meal or a delicious dessert.’

Make the time

When lockdown ends, life is going to get really busy again, really quickly. So it’s important to be adaptable about fitting fitness into your schedule.

‘So many people are super busy at the moment, juggling home working, childcare, home schooling and other responsibilities,’ says Joe.

‘Other people are finding they have more time on their hands than ever before.

‘As our routines change all over again, it’s important to make time to look after yourself.

‘Quick daily workouts and easy home cooking are a great place to start.’

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MORE: What to expect when gyms reopen

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