I’m Not Your N*****: Young Brits share their experiences of modern racism

Racism comp
The exhibition explores uncomfortable conversations about racism (Pictures: Bollo Brook Youth Centre)

Over the last few weeks it has felt as thought people are finally beginning to see the scale of racial inequality in the UK – and a hard hitting online exhibition is aiming to keep that conversation going.

I’m Not Your N***** is a virtual exhibition that showcases the attitudes of young Londoners – and delves into their lived experiences of racism.

The aim of the project is to encourage challenging conversations and uncomfortable discussions around race, inviting the public to think about their own identity and talk openly about how they experience inequality in their lives.

Sonny Inglis, one of the artists said: ‘None of my friends worry about what can or can’t be said, and racial terms are thrown around as insults and compliments with little concern about causing offence.

‘To some people this can seem shocking, but maybe it is far healthier than the quiet judgements and polite keeping a distance that prevails in a mainstream society – so desperate not to be seen as racist, but also so scared of young people like me.’

Sonny’s experiences undermine the common misconception that racism is getting better or is no longer a problem in the UK.

‘These tales of modern day racism will not find easy answers in good intentions or policy changes alone,’ adds Sonny.

'Who does she think she is?' (Pictures: Bollo Brook Youth Centre)
'Do you know where I can get some weed?' (Pictures: Bollo Brook Youth Centre)

‘It is only by asking ourselves difficult questions about our own conditioning and the role of race in ours and others’ experiences, like we have in the project, that we can really start to understand the role of race and racism in our society.

‘What remains clear is that race is very much relevant in the lives of young people today, and racism is far from dead.’

18 year old Ami is another artist involved in the creation of the exhibition, and she wants the work to show just how powerful young people’s voices can be.

'Why do poor people wear expensive brands?' (Pictures: Bollo Brook Youth Centre)
'Seems angry like ass black boys.' (Pictures: Bollo Brook Youth Centre)

‘I hope this project shows that young people, when provided with a voice, have a lot say about issues that affect us all,’ she says.

‘I hope the website encourages others who have not been able to speak out to do so and know that people will listen.’

‘This project has shown the depth of knowledge young people hold and how much we can learn from listening to them,’ adds Colin Brent, a senior youth worker at Bollo Brook.

'She looks friendly for a black girl.' (Pictures: Bollo Brook Youth Centre)
'Looks like a mug shot.' (Pictures: Bollo Brook Youth Centre)

‘I hope people will engage in the difficult conversations and that these can help lead to much needed societal and structural change.

‘A pat on the back was not what they were looking for. This was not just something to put on their CVs. Rather, they wanted to encourage the audience to continue with these difficult debates, exploring the differing takes on the use of the N-word, questioning the relationship between class and race, picking at the very concept of race itself.

‘In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, this could be described as a timely release. However, the conversations could also be seen to be 400 years late. This only adds to their urgency. The website will hopefully allow the voices of the young people to reach new audiences. More than this, we hope it will encourage people to start their own conversations, however uncomfortable they may be.’

Tate exhibition
The Uniqlo Tate Lates exhibition, February 2020 (Picture: Tate, Jordan Anderson 2020)

The website launch is part of an ongoing project, supported by national charity The Equality Trust, that has seen the young people hold a meeting with Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, feature widely in the national press and have their art displayed at the Tate Modern.

The exhibition has been re-worked and taken online due to Covid-19, to enable these powerful young voices to reach new audiences and be heard as part of the global civil rights movement we are currently living through.

The activist artwork centres on a series of nuanced and diverse recordings, that explore and challenge attitudes towards, and experiences of race and racism.

At the heart of the project are the narrative portraits – featured above – which explore how people’s prejudice can build narrative. Where does a person’s identity end and the identity that others assign begin?

Do you have a story to share? We want to hear from you.

Get in touch: metrolifestyleteam@metro.co.uk.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/22/im-not-n-young-brits-share-experiences-modern-racism-12886047/
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