Do you have FOMU (fear of meeting up)? Here’s how to deal with it

How to be a better listener
Feeling nervous about meeting a virtual date IRL? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Lockdown may have spelled the end of FOMO, but it’s sparked a new catchy phenomenon: FOMU.

FOMU stands for fear of meeting up, describing all the anxiety surrounding actually seeing people IRL instead of over Zoom after months of life in lockdown.

FOMU has been coined by dating app Badoo, so naturally they’re discussing it in terms of nerves around meeting someone you’ve been virtually dating, but FOMU can also pop up when your pals ask for a socially distanced catchup in the park and you feel immense anxiety around doing so.

Badoo’s survey of 1,003 single adults aged 18-65 years old from the UK found that three in five (that’s 60%, maths fans) single people are feeling anxious about going on dates in real life again, due to worries of catching or spreading Covid-19, increased social anxiety, and feeling shy about meeting people they’ve only spoken to online in real life.

Along with FOMU, people surveyed said they’re reluctant to go back to real-life dating after months of enjoying doing things virtually.

We’ve been enjoying being able to date without having to spend money or travel.

Despite this, lockdown measures being eased has encouraged people to slowly get back into the dating game, with a third having planned a socially distanced date for the weekend and 23% of those surveyed saying they plan to make up for lost time in lockdown by going hard on dating.

Persia Lawton, a dating expert and love coach, offers some tips for overcoming FOMU in the world of dating and relationships – and the key, as with many things, is communication.

Plan your date together in advance over video call

‘It’s always worth communicating with your date beforehand about how you’re both feeling about the current guidelines, and how you’re going to approach the date knowing the rules in place,’ says Persia. ‘It’s important to be honest about any nervousness you feel, especially as the chances are that your date is probably feeling the same.

‘This will also enable you both to know what the other looks like and help break the ice so that you’re not going into the date totally blind.

‘A good suggestion would be to decide on a park that is in relatively easy reach for both of you. You can then each bring your own blanket, food and drink (and of course hand sanitiser!) – just be sure to position your blankets a good two metres away from one another.

‘You could also choose to go on a socially-distanced walk or bike-ride.

‘As with normal dating, I’d also recommend creating a mental checklist of questions to ask your date, just in case there are any awkward pauses.’

Talk about your nerves

You don’t need to pretend you’re totally chill with all that’s going on. It’s normal to feel anxious and it can help loads to talk about it.

Natasha Briefel, UK marketing director at Badoo, says: ‘Meeting someone IRL after being in lockdown for so long is nerve-wracking, but once you’ve been chatting to someone for a while and you feel comfortable with them, it’s a natural step to take.

‘It helps to get to know your date on a deeper level beforehand by chatting via video call – you’ll definitely be able to get a sense of your chemistry.

‘Your date is likely to be nervous too, so just be honest about how you’re feeling, and the likelihood is that you’ll be able to chat through how the socially distanced date will work and it will put your mind to rest. As we enter a new stage, with lockdown measures relaxing and everyone trying to find their feet, we urge daters to approach this period with honesty and kindness, as we all try to adapt to another new normal of courtship.’

Illustration of two men on a their phones having a virtual chat
Virtual dating is where it’s at (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Embrace going slow with the physical stuff

You might be allowed to meet up in the park, but bear in mind that the rules around lockdown still prohibit having sex at home or getting physically intimate.

Don’t look at this as a bad thing. A ban on sex can stop you rushing into things.

‘These new guidelines mean that you and your date won’t be going back to one another’s houses to get in between the sheets any time soon,’ Persia explains. ‘This is a good thing, as it enables you to really suss out whether you’re actually compatible before things get physical – meaning that if you wind up being ghosted or your date tells you that they’re not really feeling it, it will hurt a hell of a lot less than if you’d had sex (or even kissed!).

‘Start thinking of socially-distanced dating as courtship, and it all becomes really rather exciting!

‘After all, good conversation is arguably the biggest aphrodisiac of them all (and just think how good the sex will be if/when it does happen!).’

Celebrate a low-cost date

Having dates in the real world doesn’t mean you have to rush back into expensive drinks and dinners.

Persia says: ‘With very limited options as to what you can do (i.e. you have to be outside and maintain two metres distance), there will be minimal regret over picking a shoddy venue.

‘Plus – you won’t have to shell out a small fortune for ridiculous meal or bar fees, deal with frustratingly long queues or suffer through the diners on the table next to yours eating or talking too loudly – the benefits just keep stacking up!’

Embrace the weirdness

Look, we’re in a pandemic. Dating right now is going to be very strange.

You’re going to need to be with someone who’s able to take it easy and have a laugh at just how surreal this new world of dating can be.

‘This is such a bizarre situation that it will certainly give you and your date a topic of conversation, if nothing else,’ says Persia. ‘I think the anxiety people are feeling around FOMU is as much about being out of practice of dating IRL as it is about contracting the virus itself.

‘But, fear not, dating is really just like riding a bicycle – you never really forget.

‘Remind yourself that you will (hopefully!) never have to date like this again in the future, so you may as well make the most of the novelty while it’s here. After all, one day this will no doubt serve as a hilarious story to share with your grandchildren!’

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