‘Whatever you do, don’t do DIY cosmetic procedures at home’, says expert

woman getting lip filler treatment
Put down the needles (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Time in lockdown – and all the Zoom calls that have happened as a result – has forced us to confront our looks without all the luxuries we’ve come to rely on.

While many of us are hating our dark roots and grey hairs, others are missing their usual tweakments or newly considering cosmetic surgery.

That desperate urge to look our best, coupled with the fact that nonessential treatments such as lip fillers and acid peels don’t permit you to break lockdown and go to a professional, is making at-home DIY treatments feel deeply tempting.

Reports of ‘non-essential’ procedures being performed privately have surged since the government lockdown was introduced.

Save Face, a government approved register of accredited cosmetic practitioners, has received more than 65 complaints over private treatments being advertised on social media since March.

But an expert begs us not to go there.

Dr Oliver Amar, a plastic surgeon and the co-founder of cosmetic treatment specialists Uvence, has a direct message: ‘whatever you do, don’t use DIY cosmetic procedures.’

‘Cosmetic procedures are becoming more of a regular staple to ensuring a client can look and feel the way they desire,’ Dr Amar explains. ‘For some, cosmetic procedures and the result thereof represent a major facet in their self-identity and confidence. Similar to that of getting your hair cut or wearing makeup, cosmetic procedures (particularly non-invasive procedures such as dermal fillers and Botox) are becoming very much the cornerstone of one’s beauty regime.

‘By removing the ability to receive treatments, some patients are experiencing higher levels of stress and anxiety due to the potential impact that not having a treatment may have on their appearance. This anxiety can push people into pursuing alternative options – options that could cause significantly more harm than good.’

The risks of DIY versions of cosmetic treatments are high.

Outside of a medical environment, you face the risk of infection, which can have results far worse than just a bit of swelling.

What it's actually like to have adult acne Metro graphics/ Getty
It’s tough to be confronted with looks you’re not happy with (Picture: Metro / Getty)

Products and devices claiming the same benefits of pricey professional treatments can often not only be ineffective, but cause damage to the skin, leaving you with pain, scarring, and longterm effects that might not be simple to fix.

As tough as it might feel to go without cosmetic tweaks, your best bet is waiting until lockdown is over and clinics are open again rather than risking your health and looks by attempting a treatment at home.

Dr Amar explains: ‘Whilst having a lack of access to beauty treatments can have a negative impact on people’s mental health and confidence, it is not recommended to use at home machines or devices as a replacement for medical aesthetic treatments, as it can be harmful when people try and perform these types of treatments on themselves.

‘There are a number of concerns as to why this is the case; incorrect device settings may be used, the devices may not be used properly and the device may not be suitable for the person’s skin type, all of which can cause harm.

‘The risk of infection is also a huge concern, as without the expertise to recognise early signs and treat it, it can be incredibly dangerous.

‘As a company, we are doing everything in our power to ensure so that when safe to do so, we can begin providing treatments again to clients. Whilst we would like to get back to providing treatments we are also not wanting to put any of our clients or staff at risk by opening prematurely or before it is deemed safe to do so.

‘For the time being, while more invasive treatments cannot be completed, it is important to focus on lowering stress levels and practicing self-care, as these are impactful, proven and safe ways of improving one’s self-image.’

Hold off, stay safe, and leave the cosmetic treatments to accredited professionals you can trust, who will only do cosmetic bits in safe and hygienic medical settings.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/29/whatever-dont-diy-cosmetic-procedures-home-says-expert-12774491/
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