People share their experiences of starting new jobs remotely in lockdown

Illustration of a woman on a laptop, lying on a sofa
People are getting to know their new roles without colleagues around to help (Picture: Ella Byworth)

Starting a new job can be incredibly overwhelming.

There’s a new clan of colleagues to get to know, a different boss to work with and the role itself to get to grips with.

But coronavirus lockdown has resulted in a very different experience for those starting new jobs.

Not only are new starters socially isolated from their entire team, but they’re also having to navigate a new role with nobody around.

Hannah Hart started her new position as tech writer in early May – when the UK was in its seventh week of official lockdown. 

She explains that one of the most daunting aspects is thinking about how she was going to fit in virtually.

Hannah says: ‘Obviously, using Zoom has made the getting-to-know-you process more difficult, as for the most part when a Zoom meeting is arranged, it’s not to socialise.

‘I do miss some of the downtime I used to have around the office where you really get to know people, like during lunch. It’s those little five minute conversations that are so important.

‘I think anyone starting during lockdown misses the buzz that’s there for the first couple of days when you’re new – the new routine, the chats, the lunches. It’s the small rituals we miss out on now.

‘However, this is something happening to so many people as a result of a global pandemic and if it means that I miss out on certain aspects of in-person training in order to keep myself and others safe, then that’s a choice I’m more than happy to make.’

While it’s been challenging at times, Hannah says her colleagues have been great at asking if she needs help.

She adds: ‘Asking questions over Zoom is actually one of the best ways of proving you’re listening to what’s being said.

‘It was important for me to remember that as strange as it is for me, being new and being inducted via Zoom, that all of my coworkers are in the same boat. They’ve never had to train anyone through Zoom either so that was a great equaliser from the start.’

a drawing of a zoom conversation
Zoom has been a crucial tool for new starters (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Katie Booth – who started as Head of Growth at a small startup in early April – explains the social side of work is something she has also found challenging.

She says: ‘It’s definitely funny to think I’ve only seen everybody’s head and shoulders for months now.

‘It’s harder getting to know people on a more personal level from behind a screen as the tendency is to just talk about work and you miss out on the casual lunchtime or water cooler-type chats. 

‘It’s more challenging building relationships with the team virtually rather than in person.’

But Katie adds that it’s actually been a nice way to ease into a new role.

She adds: ‘Starting a new job is usually an intense and pretty stressful experience that can be overwhelming, but being at home means I can do it from the comfort of my sofa, take a few minutes out to make a coffee, meditate, or chat to my housemates, find time to exercise and not worry about fighting my way onto the Northern Line every morning.’

illustration of person staring at themselves on a Zoom call
Zoom leaving-dos are now a thing (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Amy Turk, started her new role as a Marketing Executive on 14 April but, due to coronavirus, she didn’t get to properly say goodbye to her former colleagues.

Thankfully, her old company threw her a Zoom leaving-do.

Amy tells ‘I felt so sad that I was leaving a job with a bunch of people I loved without being able to go out with them and even give them a hug goodbye.

‘I was gutted that I had to work the last two weeks of my notice from home so I couldn’t soak up the great office atmosphere we had there.

‘My Zoom leaving-do was so fun but obviously not as good as a proper one would have been. Everyone changed their Zoom background to something to do with me, it was hilarious.

‘I’ll miss working with them all loads but it was the best send off I could have had under the circumstances.’

Daniel Thompson is another individual getting to grips with his new position in lockdown. He started a new Head of Marketing role in mid-March.

On his first day, Daniel travelled from London to Liverpool for a coronavirus meeting. Later in the day the company gathered in the boardroom to watch Boris Johnson announce the closures of pubs and events.

Daniel says: ‘That was my only day working in the office as I travelled back to London later that day and have been working from my kitchen ever since.’

He adds: ‘I have had a bit of an advantage in getting to know my colleagues as I was taken on a ski trip in January where I got to meet some of my colleagues, as well as a day in the office meeting various people a few weeks before I officially started.

‘I do feel I’ve missed out on some aspects such as after work drinks and getting to know people a bit better, but I’ve also been surprised at how well people have pulled together and how technology now means we can get on with the job in hand.

‘If anything, it has just got me more excited to get into the office when it’s safe to do so.’ 

Illustration of someone writing an email on their laptop
People have had their new equipment delivered to them (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Leila Jones started her PR Executive role in early May, after virtually working her notice for her former job. 

Ahead of starting, all of Leila’s new equipment – including a laptop, monitor, keyboard, mouse and stationery – was delivered to her house.

She tells ‘I’ve had inductions across all departments, and my manager made sure to structure my calendar in the first week so that I had time to digest post-video calls – as being on video calls all day can be draining. We’ve also had regular check-ins which have been really helpful.’

Leila says that while it can feel isolating at times, she doesn’t feel like the experience has negatively impacted her.

She adds: ‘It feels lonely sometimes, as I’m working in my spare room, but I don’t feel that I’m at a disadvantage in terms of doing the work as everything was put in place to give me the best start possible.

‘I’m lucky that I was used to working virtually and I’m quite independent anyway, so I feel like I’ve made good progress in the role so far.’

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