People are planning a huge orgy after lockdown to end ‘the longest dry spell in history’

Poster asking for Orgy
Philadelphia, are you down? (Picture: Bob and Alyssa)

What are your post-lockdown plans? See loved ones? Go travelling? Have an orgy?

The global pandemic has halted all our usual activities and there’s one thing on people’s minds more than others – sex.

One couple from Philadelphia is facilitating the opportunity to hook up, with one giant orgy.

A lighting engineer named Bob and a sex therapist named Alyssa wanted to give people a laugh (…and an orgasm, we imagine) during the health crisis and suggested the group event.

They put out 30 Avengers-themed posters advertising the ‘post-pandemic pan-Philadelphia orgy’ as a joke at first.

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But Alyssa, 26, and Bob, 25, received so many enquiries, they are now planning to host the orgy in their South Philly neighbourhood.

The couple says they haven’t done anything like this before but are looking forward to ‘ending the longest dry spell in history’.

Poster asking for orgy
Orgy-lovers, assemble (Picture: Bob and Alyssa)

‘Humanity is currently in the middle of the largest dry spell in all of history, that’s what inspired the flyers,’ Bob tells the New York Post.

‘It may seem strange to advertise an orgy in such a public way, but yes, we wanted to bring a smile to our neighbours’ faces.

‘The demand is overwhelming. A lot of messages are just, “is this real?”

‘I think we turned down some people at the beginning because we didn’t realize we were for real.’

They say they’ve received more than 80 emails enquiring about details.

The pair landed on an Avengers theme because it allows everyone to be creative and also wear masks.

Alyssa added: ‘We just like spandex, bodysuits, and tights. It seemed like a sexy, easy theme, and since this is new for us, it felt good to have some direction.

‘[The reception] really took us by surprise.’

Alyssa and Bob reckon their apartment may be too small for the orgy when it eventually happens but are certain it will go ahead.

‘No matter how big this gets, we’ll put something together,’ said Bob.

‘We don’t know what the future holds for us. We just want something to look forward to.’

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