Massive two-stone cat called Fat Boy Little Head baffles vets by being totally healthy despite his size

Manson the cat, also known as Fat Boy Little Head thanks to his massive size
This is Manson. He is large. (Picture: Mercury Press)

Manson the cat is just an absolutely massive boy. There’s no two ways about it.

The nine-year-old tabby weighs two stone – making him the size of a small dog.

But despite his hefty size, Manson’s owners say he’s perfectly healthy, leaving vets baffled.

Melanie Be, 28, from Silver Spring in Maryland, noticed Manson piling on the pounds after being neutered when he was a little older than a year.

The previously skinny and unsociable kitten’s personality softened as he started racking up extra pounds on the scales.

Now he’s a massive bundle of snuggles, loving nothing more than cuddling up with Melania and her boyfriend Alex Cha.

Alex Cha, 35, Manson the cat and Melanie Be, 28
Manson loves to cuddle (Picture: Mercury Press & Media Ltd)

Despite Manson weighing almost three times more than the average cat, artist Melanie says she feeds him no more than her two other regular-sized cats and claims vets aren’t at all worried about his weight, despite cruel trolls online telling her she’s killing her pet.

Melanie said: ‘My boyfriend got Manson in 2012, and back then he was normal-sized but not very sociable or nice.

‘I had never seen a cat so big in my life when I first saw him.

‘After he was neutered, he started to get bigger and bigger and that’s when he became super sweet and friendly.

‘We have two other cats which are average size and Manson doesn’t eat more than them.

‘He gets wet food in the morning and at night and dry food throughout the day which he shares with the other cats.

‘He’s a lot hungrier than them though and if I’m eating he will try and snatch the food with his paws.

‘The last time he went to the vets he weighed 24lbs and broke their record for the largest cat they’d seen.

‘He was in the weight range of a small dog, like a Boston Terrier.

9 year old fat cat Manson, who weighs two stone
His owners say he’s fed no more than their two other normal-sized cats (Picture: Mercury Press & Media Ltd)

‘The vets don’t know why he weighs so much – they always do blood tests to see if he’s heathy and they say he’s fine.

‘Other people are absolutely amazed how big he is.

‘Everybody I’ve met says he is the biggest cat they’ve ever seen.’

While Manson weighs almost triple the amount of Melanie’s two other cats, Monkey and Mimosa, the gentle giant is easily scared and often gets chased away by 14-year-old Monkey, the most dominant of the three.

The tabby loves nothing more than lounging around and sleeping most of the day, but struggles to climb onto Melanie’s bed because of his size so prefers snuggling up on the floor.

He has become a celebrity among Melanie’s friends who encouraged her to set up an Instagram page for him in his nickname, ‘Fat Boy Little Head’.

The page, @FatBoyLittleHead, has since racked up more than 10,000 followers in just over a year and Melanie now shares regular updates of Manson’s life in the flat with his growing fanbase.

Melanie has had hate mail from people who accuse her of overfeeding Manson – a claim she denies.

Melanie said: ‘Recently I got messages from one person saying that I’m killing him.

‘I explained that he goes for regular check-ups at the vets, but they kept harassing me.

‘I blocked them, but they kept making different accounts. They were really crazy.

‘Luckily 99% of people online love him and are huge supporters.

‘Manson spends most of the day sleeping, but he has trouble getting up to the bed because of his size.

‘When it’s feeding time, he will be running at my boyfriend – I’ve never seen a cat run as fast as him.

‘Other than sleeping and food, he’s a fan of death metal whenever we put it on – it’s one of the few things that wakes him up.

‘Now that a lot of my friends know him, he has become a bit of a celebrity.

‘I think he loves all the attention. Often he just stares back at the camera when I try to take a photo, like he’s posing.’

Do you have a pet who’s even chunkier than Manson? Get in touch to share their story by emailing

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