Why you shouldn’t keep working just because you’re working from home

Illustration of woman working on a computer with the words 'Breaking News' on the screen
Step away from your screen (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

As we settle deeper into self-isolation, the days start to blur into one.

Many people are having difficulty adjusting from weekdays to the weekend (is there really a difference anymore?) especially as, barring key workers, we are working from home.

If you’re lucky enough not to have been laid off as a result of coronavirus impacting the economy, you might also be feeling increased pressure to perform in order to keep your job.

So you answer a few extra emails even though you’ve finished your shift.

Or maybe you say yes to a late-night Zoom call with your boss, because you’re afraid to say no (after all, what else would you do with your evening, since you can’t go out?).

It might be tempting to continue working, but here’s the thing: don’t.

Now more than ever, it’s important to separate your work self from your private self, and to look after your mental health.

Having said that, not everyone has the privilege of being able to work less right now, but if you can shut the laptop and step away – then do.

‘It’s easier to work longer hours when you aren’t changing location and have less to actually do, but you need to make an effort to nudge your brain out of ‘autopilot’ mode so it can be more receptive to new ideas,’ Dr Tara Swart, a neuroscientist, who specialises in helping people with brain performance and managing stress, tells us.

‘In order to cope with the constant barrage of information, your brain naturally develops a kind of personal “algorithm”, which filters the millions of messages it receives every hour and allows it to short-cut basic decisions on your behalf.

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Don’t spend your entire self-isolation time working (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

‘If you get into the habit of working more hours of the day at home you’ll wear yourself down as a result.’

Think of it like this: just as your body needs to rest after a rigorous workout, your mind needs to recharge.

If you keep working when you would normally stop, you risk burning yourself out – and it will could lead to impaired emotional processing, decision-making or decreased attention span, explains Dr Swart, who works with the smart brain supplement brand, Heights.

Other symptoms of over-working your brain include stress, anxiety, insomnia and burnout, as well as depression, increased blood pressure or even more life-threatening illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and stroke.

How to split your work time from your downtime

‘Often people see working from home as a breeze; a relaxing and easy pace of life, with abundant flexibility and choices,’ says Deborah Bulcock, a burnout expert, nutritional therapist and author.

‘The reality can be quite different. It takes real discipline to work from home successfully – to be highly effective in your role, stay well and healthy, and reap the benefits of the flexibility that is available to you.

‘When your office is less than a minute’s commute from your bedroom and the laptop is always there winking at you, it’s very easy and common to spend extra hours each week working.’

Deborah explains that we spend more time on work when working from home because of a variety of factors, such as making up for the commute time that we no longer have to endure, because we feel grateful for the opportunity (even if we haven’t requested it ourselves, but COVID-19 has forced the decision) and because we’re afraid of getting ‘caught out’.

Deborah gives her top tips on how to prevent from burning out:

  • Maintain routine in your day and set clear boundaries – the time you get up, the time you start work, the time you finish as well as what you’re doing after work.
  • Get dressed in a way that enables you to be productive – for some this is loungewear and for others it’s workwear, but definitely get dressed with a purpose.
  • Don’t automatically offer your commute time to work – consider how you can use that for your own wellbeing and enjoyment.
  • Take breaks that nourish you – your brain needs downtime to perform optimally so plan those breaks in, and take them.
  • Factor social connection into your day, whether that’s small talk at the start of a virtual meeting, or a phone call just to chat.
  • Stay well-hydrated, plan your meals in advance and give yourself time to eat mindfully.
  • Keep moving – we move much less when we work at home, so find ways to get those steps in, find some great desk stretches and maintain your activity routine.
  • Get outside and soak up the natural light, even if that just means drinking your cup of tea outside.

If you can, create a workspace – whether that’s an area of your kitchen table or an actual work desk, and make a point to not use this space unless you are actually working.

Make it your own; buy some plants, drink fancy coffee in a nice mug and tell your partner/friends/housemates that this office space is yours, and yours alone.

And try to keep the kids from invading it as best you can (though admittedly, if they’re young that’s a bit harder to do).

If you’ve never worked from home before, it’s understandable that you might worry about stepping away to make a cup of coffee, get some fresh air or just take a 10-minute break to refresh your brain.

But it’s unlikely that your manager is monitoring your every move; and even if they are, you are within your right to take breaks throughout the day – in fact, it’s been shown to improve productivity.

If the situation is causing you stress, you could ask your manager for a virtual face-to-face chat and raise your concerns. Or speak to a dedicated mental health officer in your company, if there is one.

Adam Zargar, who has a psychology degree and is the director of UAE coaching, suggests getting an ‘accountability partner’ to help you take breaks when you need them.

‘Have an accountability partner who at the same time each day will message or call during your scheduled breaks,’ he says.

‘Pre-arrange coffee or lunch breaks together online. This is a great way to force you to stop in intervals as you feel like you cannot let that person down.

‘It is the space between the notes that makes great music. The magic happens in the pause.

‘Your work quality will be better when you rest up and then when you work it is more focused.’

Above all, try to accept that these are strange times and that most people, bosses included, know and understand this.

There’s an unprecedented global pandemic happening, so cut yourself some slack, and try to enjoy some of this self-isolation time by having fun and reconnecting with your loved ones, too.

MORE: How to make sure you can switch off and relax when you’re working from home

MORE: Where I Work: Veronica, a digital marketer and content creator working from her parents’ house in Milan, Italy during the coronavirus lockdown

MORE: How to work from home when your children are home too during the coronavirus lockdown

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/04/shouldnt-keep-working-done-12507462/?ITO=squid
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