Why it’s never been more important to be a cat lady

Illustration of a woman sat on a sofa, cuddling her cat
Animals bring us so much joy, comfort and sanity (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

For those of us who have been brought up around animals, pets are important.

When our parents were locked in deadend fights, we blocked out the noise by cuddling our furry friends. We cried tears of hearbreak into their fur and held them aloft a la Simba when we passed exams and celebrated birthdays.

But really, there’s never been a point in many of our lives when animals have played such a crucial role as they do right now.

Lockdown has meant social isolation from friends, family, neighbours, gym buddies and cafe comrades. When you step outside now (at least in east London), folk will do anything to avoid coming close or looking you in the eye – much less start a conversation. In a bid to avoid contact, postal delivery drivers leave parcels on your porch and increasingly infrequent supermarket shops have meant that even the most basic conversation is out of the question.

It won’t come as any surprise to pet owners to learn that cats and dogs can reduce stress, manage anxiety, ease loneliness and encourage playfulness.

Stroking, hugging or touching an animal can have a dramatic effect.

A 2019 study by Washington State University in Pullman recruited 249 students and divided them into four groups. One was given 10 minutes to play and stroke animals, another watched students play wiht animals while they waited their turn. The third group watched a slideshow of the animals and the final group simply sat and waited in silence.

The scientists found that the students who interacted with the animals had significantly lower cortisol (stress) levels after playtime – regardless of how stressed they were in the beginning.

‘Just 10 minutes can have a significant impact,’ lead author Patricia Pendry commented.

Of course, exam stress is one thing and anxiety from a global pandemic is quite another. Every day we’re bombarded with news of the growing number of fatalities and NHS worries. We’re frightened for our own health and that of those we love.

And it’s for that reason that living with animals has become so important for so many of us.

They’re a lifeline of communication (even if the conversation revolves around just what a good boy our friend is and whether they’re ready for a Dreamies snack yet) and comfort. Whereas once we used to leave them all day, we’re now with our pets 24/7. They’ve become our work companions, our Zoom pub quiz partners and our Netflix mates.

In other words, more now than ever, our animals are fulfilling the roles normally reserved for other humans. In fact, many of us would be hard-pressed to think of another human we could go through months of lockdown next to without a regular row. Lockdown has given us a chance to enjoy our pets, to spoil them with our constant company and to be comforted by their boundless joy.

Allie Brooker’s pup is keeping her sane

This pup is keeping his owner sane
(Picture: Allie Brooker)

‘I finally get to spend even more time with my fave girl – she’s loving the sun too!’ says Allie.

‘I think we’re keeping each other sane.’

Lisa Bowman is keeping busy in Sri Lanka with her two toothy companions

Pets keeping us sane in lockdown
(Picture: Lisa Bowman)

‘My dogs give me purpose as I have to feed them and they make me smile when I wake up as they sleep in my room and cuddling them calms my anxiety,’ Lisa explains.

‘Sherlock is also really naughty so that’s a great distraction from the apocalypse.’

No one’s looked at us in recent months the way Phil’s cat looks at him

Pets keeping us sane in lockdown
(Picture: Phil Haige)

Lockdown may actually have helped keep Jessica Scott-Reid spot her dog’s health issue

Pets keeping us sane in lockdown
(Picture: Jessica Scott-Reid)

Jessica says: ‘I’ve found being in lockdown with my pup has allowed me to better notice some health issues she’s been having that I hadn’t noticed when I was living a normal, busy life.

‘We’re more in tune with each other now.’

Claire Bass really doesn’t need any human interaction thanks to Henry

Pets keeping us sane in lockdown
(Picture: Claire Bass)

Claire is spending lockdown with Henry, who was rescued from a dog meat farm in South Korea by HSI Global.

‘I think he’s loving having me a home all the time and he gives the best cuddles ever, which we both find very relaxing.’

While I’m as needy as my little cat these days

Pets keeping us sane in lockdown
(Picture: Miranda Larbi)

And Penny Varvarides’ cats are just glad someone’s around to see them play in their jungle gym

Pets keeping us sane in lockdown
(Picture: Pennie Varvardies)

Penny two ‘fur pals’ certainly have a good space to play in. She told us: ‘I’m sure I wouldn’t be having such a lovely time in isolation if I didn’t have them.’

Changing times

The stereotype of ‘cat ladies’ and mad animal lovers has changed in recent years and this crisis seems to confirm just how unfounded those ideas are.

According to the American Pet Products Association, 73% of millennials in the USA have a pet, while a recent Mintel investigation found that 54% of millennials would rather cut back on personal spending than scrimp on their four-legged friends. And if those findings were gathered before this crisis, imagine how this devotion will increase afterwards.

Forget lusting after a lockdown girl/boyfriend, there must be loads of people out there wishing that they had a furry friend to pet.

‘Lockdown has literally made me want a dog,’ Quincy Dash told Metro.co.uk.

‘I’ve been seeing/looking at nothing but dogs on Instagram. Maybe I’m bored or it’s the IG algorithm but once we get over this, I’ll be heading to get a Cocker Spaniel!’

Animals are important and we’re lucky to be able to live alongside them – now more than ever.

If you don’t have a pet, look out for signs of wildlife on your daily walk and remember that once this is over, rescue centres will be back open and city farms are free to visit.

Do you have a story you want to share with us? 

Get in touch by emailing MetroLifestyleTeam@Metro.co.uk.

MORE: Google 3D animals: how to see a tiger, lion and panda in 3D

MORE: Celebrate Easter with these pictures of cats looking holy and godlike

MORE: Don’t panic, you can let your cats out during lockdown

Coronavirus latest news and updates

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/11/never-important-cat-lady-12542698/?ITO=squid
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