Where I Work: Emma Gannon, the writer and podcaster working from her flat in Hackney

where i work: emma gannon
In today’s Where I Work we talk to podcaster, writer, and author Emma Gannon (Picture: Emma Gannon)

As the coronavirus lockdown makes more of us work from home, our daily mini series Where I Work is going inside people home offices – from the fancy dedicated rooms to the makeshift bed desks.

We’ve (virtually) met the CEO of Nicky Clarke, activist Gina Martin, and marvelled at an interior designer’s gorgeous garden studio.

Today it’s time to see how Emma Gannon, 30, is working from home amid the pandemic. Emma is a writer, the podcaster behind Ctrl Alt Delete, and the author of Ctrl Alt Delete, The Multi-Hyphen Method, and the soon-to-be-published novel Olive.

She’s working from the Hackney flat she shares with her fiancé Paul, a designer and film maker.

emma gannon at her desk in hackney flat
Emma is working from the flat in Hackney she shares with her fiance (Picture: Emma Gannon)

Hey, Emma! Do you always work from home or has coronavirus changed things?

I work for myself, so I occasionally would work from home if on a deadline or want to spend the day writing.

I used to prefer getting out of the house to work most days though, I wrote basically all my books in cafés, and I like the social aspects of my job (which I now obviously miss!).

I would usually work from Soho Radio Studios (where I record my podcast) or The Wing (a member’s club off Oxford Street). I’d also have maybe one day a week having meetings in central London.

I liked that feeling of ‘coming home’ from a day of work, so working from home full-time, like everyone else, has been a bit of an adjustment. I’ve had to create a new barrier between work time and leisure time i.e. keeping work and play in separate rooms.

Bit niche, but I recently discovered a YouTube playlist that plays the AMSR sounds to create the atmosphere of a busy coffee shop, which I’m loving!

Talk us through your working-from-home space

I have a very simple desk set up. Laptop, a stand (so I don’t hunch my back), pile of books that I am currently reading or have just read; room spray; hand cream and eye drops (I recommend, but our eyes get so dry from looking at screens!).

emma gannon working from home setup
Emma thinks it’s key to have a desk that faces away from the rest of the home (Picture: Emma Gannon)

What are your personal rules for getting stuff done at home?

I don’t like working from the living area because I associate that with down-time (Netflix and wine) so I’ve set up a little desk in the corner of my bedroom as my new work space.

I once read Emma Jane Unsworth say it doesn’t matter where your desk is, all you need is just a small space to be facing outwards, so that you can leave all your other life admin behind you for a bit.

People say you shouldn’t work from bed, but I remember Phoebe Waller-Bridge once saying she wrote her award-winning scripts in bed. I think the odd day in bed is fine if you want to, but I think it’s very important to have a routine while we go through this tough time and treat the day like a proper work day (which means getting dressed, have breakfast at a table, work at a table or desk) as having some consistency is useful for keeping motivation up.

I think it’s important to make sure we are getting out for a walk once a day, have regular breaks and being kind to ourselves.

emma gannon
She also strongly recommends eye drops (Picture: Emma Gannon)

What’s a working day like for you?

Every day is totally different, so it’s impossible to tell you any sort of routine.

I get to my desk for about 9.30 or 10, I’m not an early riser and I love starting the day listening to a podcast like the High Low in bed with a cup of tea. I will be either recording a podcast; writing some of my new book; emailing, chatting to my team.

How do you keep work and rest separate?

Having the outward facing desk allows me to focus throughout the day uninterrupted and then when I shut my laptop, work is done.

I have an iPad that I use for reading articles in the evenings, or going on Twitter or whatever, but I try to use my laptop on the desk and leave my work there. It means I always have laptop-free evenings now which is nice.

emma gannon pile of books on desk
Every day is different (Picture: Emma Gannon)

Have you found working from home during lockdown challenging?

I don’t mind it to be honest and in fact I quit my job in 2016 so that I could have more freedom and work from home whenever I wanted to so I’m lucky in that respect that I am used to it. But of course it’s not just ‘working from home’ it’s ‘working during a pandemic’ so it’s definitely not business as usual.

One thing I’m missing is doing my interviews for the podcast in person. For me, the main joy of doing the podcast is having that IRL chat, with the body language and connection and conversation.

I’ve had to find ways to do the podcast remotely — and to make it sound better, having to record some of it from my bed!

I am missing human contact, as I’m sure everyone is.

And how are you doing mentally?

Every day is different. Reading the news is hard to stomach, and Twitter can be too much. I am just taking each day at a time, checking in on my friends and family, reducing screen time, and doing what I can via apps like Nextdoor.

I just feel extremely grateful to all our key workers. I recently started a book club so that I could create a cosy online community and raise some money for Mental Health UK, which has helped me a lot.

emma gannon bed where she records podcast
Emma records her podcast from bed (Picture: Emma Gannon)

What advice do you have for people new to working from home?

I would say to go easy on yourself. There is a myth that people doss around when working from home, but from my own experience, anecdotes and research, it’s not the case — we actually end up working more.

On the whole people are usually very focused and productive working from home because you aren’t interrupted by pointless meetings, or commuting, or office chinwagging. Therefore you are probably getting more done, so if you feel like cutting your day shorter, then maybe you should.

Maybe stopping at 3pm or 4pm (if you can) could be worthwhile right now.

Do you have a home office you fancy sharing? Get involved in Where I Work by emailing Ellen.Scott@Metro.co.uk.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/17/work-emma-gannon-writer-podcaster-working-flat-hackney-12568898/?ITO=squid
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