Times have never been tougher for small business, here is how three entrepreneurs are hoping to weather the pandemic

There can be little doubt that the world as we know it has been turned upside down. There is no parallel, nothing we can look back on to show us or our politicians what to do in the most devasting and shattering situations we are all experiencing.

But alongside the appalling impact on so many, and the strain on the NHS, the crisis is also bringing out some unique responses to the challenges. 

This is nowhere so true as for small businesses which as a sector have been particularly hard hit.

Thousands of small business owners across the UK have already felt the affect of the
Young man talking on the phone in his home office

Thousands of small business owners across the UK have already felt the affect of the 

GoDaddy, which has always specialised in supporting entrepreneurs, is particularly committed to helping small businesses during these unsettled times.

They are providing free resources and tools, including articles and videos addressing specific challenges presented by COVID-19, as well as ensuring their normal services and support are still available.

GoDaddy customers will also receive free digital marketing and collaboration tools so they can keep their customers informed and engaged during this time.

Despite the efforts of the government, and services provided by companies such as GoDaddy, each business will have to weather this storm in a unique manner, and the coming weeks are going to be tough.

Here, three entrepreneurs discuss how they are coping so far, the impact it has had on their business, and the changes they are making.

Founder of Palm Visual, James, says they are looking to update our websites while we work from home; adding more product photography and video
Founder of Palm Visual, James, says they are looking to update our websites while we work from home; adding more product photography and video

James Lynsay, founder of Palm Visual, a video and photography company specialising in capturing events:

As well as trying to carry on with existing projects as much as possible in the current circumstances, James describes how they plan to diversify their offering, moving online with how to tutorials, as well as preparing for business once the crisis ends.

‘Things have definitely changed for us since the start of this situation,’ James explains.

‘Unfortunately all of our upcoming work has been cancelled and there has been few offers of new work in the last couple of weeks.

‘We’re looking to update our websites while we work from home; adding more product photography and video, and looking into live streaming and producing ‘how to’ tutorials. We are finishing off current projects and planning future shoots with clients (where possible) so we can book in dates as soon as possible when this is all over.

As well as working on the website, James is letting clients know they are able to shoot and edit remotely
As well as working on the website, James is letting clients know they are able to shoot and edit remotely

‘Also, we are using this time to approach current and potential new clients who need product video and photography.

‘We want to inform them that we are reactive in the current climate and that their products can shot in our private studio by one person, and then worked on by our usual editors and retouchers at home to achieve the same high standard.

‘Small businesses need to remember that we have saleable skills that people want and need, and look for ways to use them without having to physically come into contact with people.’

He advises: ‘Think carefully about how to let people know you are ready to use your skills to help them achieve things for their business, in this time of possible growth.’

Ruth Bradford, founder of The Little Black and White Book Project, has taken the difficult decision to stop taking orders
Ruth Bradford, founder of The Little Black and White Book Project, has taken the difficult decision to stop taking all orders

Unfortunately, not all small businesses are able to keep functioning in the current climate, something Ruth Bradford, founder of The Little Black and White Book Project, fully sympathises with.

She has made the tough decision to pause her business, which produces books, flashcards and more for baby and toddler development, during the lockdown.

‘I have taken the difficult decision to stop taking orders on all of my channels. I feel like I cannot justify trips to the post office, putting them and myself at potential risk.

‘Unfortunately most orders wouldn’t fit through a normal postbox so I’ve decided to press pause for now.

Ruth is mainly working on designing free content for kids to keep them amused during lock down
Ruth is mainly working on designing free content for kids to keep them amused during lock down

‘This is a bit devastating, to be honest, as things were really starting to turn a corner this year with some momentum, and there is so much I could be doing for business development but that’s the way it has to be for now.

‘I am mainly working on designing free content for kids to keep them amused while they are at home and keep up my brand presence. I think it is so important as a small business to try and stay as visible as possible, offer kindness and help where you can.

‘I have had the most amount of traffic to my website ever since I really started talking about all of the free activities I offer so that’s a big positive and I hope that people remember me when we all get back to normal.’

Ruth admits: ‘It’s going to be a tough few months of paying bills until I can open for orders again.’

James Slacke, founder of bamboo fashion retailer Swole Panda, says online sales are so far holding steady, and that he is shifting focus away from wholesale
James Slacke, co-founder of bamboo fashion retailer Swole Panda, says online sales are so far holding steady, and that he is shifting focus away from wholesale

For other business owners, like co-founder of bamboo fashion retailer Swole Panda, James Slacke, coping with the fallout of the pandemic has meant addressing both the distribution of staff, and the balance between high street sales and online.

‘All of our sales reps have stopped selling due to the downturn of footfall in the high street.

‘Everyone has started working remotely and the warehouse has split its staff with 50 per cent working from home and 50 per cent working in the warehouse. This then changes every 2 weeks.

Co-founders James and Oliver Slacke say they have been fortunate that their summer product was delivered before the lockdown
Co-founders James and Oliver Slacke say they have been fortunate that their summer product was delivered before the lockdown

‘Luckily most of the product for the summer landed in January so we missed the closure of the factory during January and February, and the Autumn winter stock has just started production and everything seems to be running smoothly.

‘However, the wholesale side of the business has come to a complete standstill which is a little worrying. Online is running at around about the same volume as usual so hopefully this won’t take a downturn.’

What GoDaddy is doing to help small businesses

 Resources and Community

GoDaddy have developed a dedicated website for small businesses and entrepreneurs with a library of resources, including articles, videos, how-to lists, to help them adapt to the challenges presented by COVID-19. 

The website is a place for entrepreneurs to connect with one another, share ideas and learnings, and lend support. 

Essential tools 

We’re giving customers free digital marketing and collaboration tools so they can keep their customers informed and engaged during this time.

Bespoke Guides

GoDaddy Guides continue to answer the phones and chat 24/7 and offer a helping hand. (We’re having our Guides work from home now so there might be increased wait times…we’re all in this together).


Our services are up and running so our customers can keep their online businesses open. This is an uncertain time for our customers, but they can take comfort in knowing we’re here to support them and help them stay open for business online.

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/15/times-never-tougher-small-business-three-entrepreneurs-hoping-ride-pandemic-12520108/?ITO=squid
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