Signs you may have working-from-home burnout – and what to do about it

Illustration of people sat on a sofa on their laptops
Are you able to log off and get some distance from your work? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

We are entering week four of lockdown, which means that those of us lucky enough to be able to work from home are closing in on a month in our makeshift home offices.

If you’re lucky, you might have found your WFH flow by now. Maybe you’ve adjusted the height of your desk, maybe you’ve started brushing your teeth in the morning, maybe you’ve finally stopped working from your bed.

But, no matter how organised, positive and proactive you are, there are always difficulties that come with working from home – particularly if you’re not used to it. And one of the biggest challenges is actually switching off.

With many businesses under undue pressure, you might find yourself shouldering some of that stress. Add that to the general stress of living through a global pandemic, and you might be hurtling towards burnout.

But working-from-home burnout can be difficult to spot. There’s no one there to keep an eye on you, make sure you’re not crying at desk, or remind you to take breaks. So have a read of these red flags to see if you might be suffering from WFH burnout.

How to tell if you have WFH burnout

Brendan Street, head of emotional wellbeing at Nuffield Health, says overworking can be a real trigger for burnout.

‘There is a limit to how many hours we can sustainably work in a day, every day, before exhaustion takes over and we find ourselves unable to cope,’ he explains, ‘an occupational phenomenon now defined by the WHO as “burnout”.

‘But what can we do to limit anxiety and the desire to overwork from taking over? Firstly, we need to recognise some of the signs we may be burning out.’

You struggle to put things into perspective 

People on the road to burnout often feel a mounting sense of helplessness. Your mind can feel like it is in ‘overload’ as you struggle to process the endless thoughts running through your head.

Once you reach exhaustion it can be hard to find solutions to even minor problems.

You’re having noticeable mood swings 

Those heading towards burnout might experience noticeable mood swings such as outbursts of anger or irritation.

You may put this down to being stressed, but left unchecked, stress in the long term can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, panic attacks and depression. 

You feel drained

From the moment you open your eyes in the morning, to when you close them at night, your job is all you can think about.

When you’re not working, you’re constantly thinking about what you could be getting done, instead of taking time to relax. Not giving yourself time to switch off, drains the body of energy resources. 

You may experience physical consequences like dizziness, tiredness, headaches, sweating and shortness of breath. 

You’re afraid to delegate

Even though you’re lacking energy, you find it difficult to delegate tasks.

It doesn’t matter if you’re passing work onto a highly competent team member or even to someone senior, the thought of not having complete control at this moment in time fills you with dread.  

metro illustrations
Are you feeling drained or emotional? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

You constantly check emails

Working from home means you must be organised when it comes to communicating with your teams.

If, however, you are permanently logged into your inbox and checking emails compulsively, until late at night you are not giving yourself the downtime that you need. 

How to deal with burnout

Speak to your boss

Brendan says the first step is to what you’re struggling most with when it comes to working from home. 

‘If you feel like there are individual factors like unrealistic deadlines, unmanageable workload or the company culture is not providing enough support through this difficult time, make a list of these issues and schedule time for a virtual call with your manager to address these concerns.’ 

Know your rights

Not everyone has a boss who is easy to talk to, we get that, if that’s the case then Brendan suggests learning about your company’s regulations.

‘If you think these aren’t being met, it might be time to speak to a member of HR,’ he says.

‘For example; The European Court of Justice has just ruled employers must take steps to make sure their staff are not exceeding the 48-hour maximum working week and are able to take adequate rest breaks, whether they are working from home or not.’ 

Trust your team

‘Trust your colleagues and co-workers to do the jobs they are trained to do,’ says Brendan. ‘If you’re a manager, encourage open communication and offer support when needed. Provide guidance to employees in relation to remote working. ‘ 

He adds it’s important to make a conscious effort not to micromanage people, instead, share calendars among each other, which can help teams feel more structured.

‘Know when to “clock off”, he says. ‘Employees should agree set, clear hours they will be contactable with a boss or team, so no one feels isolated.’ 

Schedule downtime

In stressful times like these, life really can’t be all about work.

‘Learning to turn off worries requires a concentrated effort, but certain practical and psychological techniques can help,’ says Brendan. ‘Take up hobbies, catch up with friends on the phone and learn to relax with stress management techniques like meditation and mindfulness.’

Don’t add time to your day 

This is an important one. It’s tempting to think you can squeeze in more work by springing out of bed and immediately logging on, but Brendan says you shouldn’t automatically use the time you would normally be commuting to add more work to your day.

‘Think about how you can use that time for your own well-being and enjoyment. Avoid working through your lunch break too.’ 

Use workplace support

‘If you think your mental health is being seriously affected, make use of your work’s well-being offerings,’ says Brendan. ‘Many businesses provide support for stress and personal problems through employee assistance programmes (EAPs). 

‘EAPS offer direct, confidential contact with experts who can support individuals with emotional distress, from family issues, work-related problems, addiction and mental ill-health.’

Speak to your boss to find out what resources are available to you, and don’t be afraid to actually use them.

This is a difficult, uncertain time for everyone, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re not being as productive or working as quickly as you normally do.

Positive, regular communication with your colleagues and boss will really help, and if you’re really worried about your mental health schedule a phone appointment with your GP to discuss your options.

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