Scientist, 73, boasts age-gap sex with lover, 29, is ‘best I’ve ever had’

Two photos side by side of Paladin Knight and Sarah Bower.
Sarah Bower, 29, and Paladin Knight, 73, have been dating for around 18 months. (Picture: Sarah Bower/

A 73-year-old grandfather has bragged about how sex with his 29 year-old lover is ‘the best I’ve ever had.’ Paladin Knight, a retired physicist with three grandchildren, has boasted how he is madly in love with freelance photographer Sarah Bower despite being a self-proclaimed ‘dinosaur’.

Paladin, from Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, has been in a relationship with Sarah, from Cologne, Germany, for 18 months. The couple first met when Sarah couch-surfed at Paladin’s home while traveling across the US in July 2017, with the scientist offering his home as accommodation for travelers.

Almost three years later the couple have said they are more in love now than when they first met, and have bragged about how their sex life is the best either of them have ever experienced.

Paladin, who has two children aged 40 and 42, said: ‘It is the best sex I’ve had in 73 years.

Sarah and Paladin at a lake in Yellowstone Park.
Sarah first met Paladin when she coach-surfed at his house whilst on a four-week holiday to the States. (Picture: Sarah Bower/

‘With her being so young I was sure that nothing would happen. I’m a dinosaur compared to her.

‘But when we first got together it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Things in the bedroom are just great.

‘Let’s just say we do it more regularly than an ordinary couple. When we are together it’s at more than once a week.

‘I am more in love with her now than when we started out.’

And Sarah is just as satisfied with her sex life as Paladin. Hailing her elderly lover’s prowess, she said: ‘All of my other boyfriends who were much younger, in their 20s, have nothing on him.

‘It is the best sex I have ever had. The connection we have on a personal and intellectual way makes it so much better.

‘I was excited and of course nervous, because by that point we had already known each other for a long time.

‘I was curious at what it would be like. It didn’t bother me at all that he’s older than me. I’m so surprised at how wonderful our relationship has turned out to be. When I look at him now I don’t see the difference in age.’

Paladin lives alone, having previously split up from his wife of 25 years. When Sarah came to stay three years ago the pair began to bond as friends, fueled by their many shared interests.

Sarah and Paladin photographed together.
Divorcee, Paladin, said he is ‘madly in love’ with his German girlfriend, Sarah. (Picture: Sarah Bower/

Sarah said: ‘When I was there first off it was so nice. We laughed a lot and shared interesting stories. When I was traveling I tried to choose hosts I could trust and he made me feel safe.

‘When I left we said we would keep in touch as friends and to begin with that is all we were.’

Paladin added: ‘We started out emailing each other and they just got longer and longer, and more personal too.

‘We said we should arrange to meet up again and I said I could visit her as part of a trip to Europe in Spring 2018, but that fell through.

‘So Sarah arranged to come over to mine in the October to stay at mine again as a friend. Neither of us planed it to turn out how it did to be honest.

‘But when you are emailing someone for that long you have to have some sort of attraction to them. I liked her, but I thought I had no chance at all.’

Sarah said the couple ‘laughed a lot’ and their bond as friends grew stronger. She said it felt like they had known each other for 20 years because of how well they got on.

She said: ‘He understood me like no one else ever has done. We grew so much closer. It felt perfect and like something out of a movie.

‘I started to realize there was more to us than just being friends.’

Sarah Bower and Paladin Knight.
Since they started dating Sarah and Paladin have taken it in turns to make the 4,800 mile journey to visit one and other. (Picture:Sarah Bower/

Paladin said: ‘I felt the same way. I have never met anyone who makes me feel like she does.

‘We began to see each other as soul mates but I still thought I had no chance. I thought I was way too old for her.

‘And on the last night before she flew home I told her I loved her.’

Sarah admits she was taken back by Paladin’s admission and instantly began to wonder if the circumstances – including the 4,800 mile distance between their homes and the 44 year age gap – were right for her.

She said she mulled over the idea for weeks when she got back to Germany and the pair arranged to meet up again in Paris to try and figure out the logistics of a potential relationship.

But Sarah now confesses she always knew there would only be one outcome from the December 2018 break – with the couple having their first kiss as she picked Paladin up from the airport.

It was during the same trip that the lovebirds climbed into bed together for the first time.

Paladin said: ‘That kiss started it all really. I have never experience anything like that before. It was the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life.

‘I had no idea she was going to be such a great kisser!’

Sarah Bower and Paladin Knight.
Paladin and Sarah said their relationship has been welcomed by friends and family. (Picture: Sarah Bower/

Sarah, who has only ever been in a relationship with men a similar age to her before now, said: ‘It was just amazing. We walked across Paris hand in hand and when we went to a park in the city centre he shouted over to me from the other side “I love you Sarah”.

‘I realized I had found something really, really serious. It was so different to any relationship I’ve ever had before.’

The couple have been together ever since that five-day break in Paris and have taken it in turns to take the 10 hour plane journey to visit each other in their respective countries.

Despite such a large distance between where they both live, Sarah and Paladin have said they have no intentions of moving in together.

Instead, they visit each other once every couple of months.

Sarah said: ‘I tend to spend my summers at his house and we see each other several times a year. When we are apart I realize how much I miss him.

‘We both have a lot of friends and family where we live and have too many people we don’t want to leave behind. We do miss each other so much at times.’

And the couple say they are surprised by the positive reception their relationship receives while out and about.

Sarah explained: ‘I have never experienced anything negative and people have never said anything evil to us.

‘Most people like to think it’s romantic and that’s how it should be.

‘He has never had anyone say anything nasty to him either.

‘We are really happy and it’s just wonderful how everything has turned out.’

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