Naughty dog steals owner’s sex toy and cuddles up with it on the sofa

A naughty pup has given his owner the rudest shock of her life after he stole her SEX TOY from the bedroom and cuddled up with it on the couch
Halle and James were stunned to find their dog, Dammit Bobby, cuddled up on the sofa with a sex toy (Picture: Caters News Agency)

A naughty dog gave his owner quite a shock when he took a liking to her sex toy.

Halle Papson, from Florida, had just come out of the shower and walked into the living room when she saw her dog, named Dammit Bobby, cuddled up on the sofa with her dildo.

Halle, 24, reckons she and her husband James, 29, must have left the sex toy on their bed, where the three-year-old dog spotted it and decided to take it for himself as his new chew toy.

Dammit Bobby loves chew toys and Halle said it had been a few weeks since they had bought him a new one, so perhaps the theft was his way to express his desire for a new gift.

Once Halle got over her shock at the sight in her living room, she burst out laughing and tried to pry the sex toy from Dammit Bobby’s jaws – but the dog took off and ran around the house, still holding it tight in his mouth.

 Dammit Bobby the dog with the sex toy on the couch
The three-year-old pup refused to let go of his new chew toy (Picture: Caters News Agency)

Halle, a professional poker player, said: ‘I got out of the shower and went into the living room to see Dammit Bobby chewing on something on the couch.

‘Then I realised exactly what it was. He had stolen the toy from my bedroom and had it between his paws, going to town.

‘He just froze and stared at me. I screamed for my husband to come in because I was dying of laughter.

‘He brought his phone and took some photos, but then when we tried to get it off him he quickly clenched it tighter and began running around the house with it.

‘We finally got it back from him and it was all chewed up. It went straight into the trash.’

PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED Dammit Bobby with some of his other chew toys) A naughty pup has given his owner the rudest shock of her life after he stole her SEX TOY from the bedroom and cuddled up with it on the couch. Dog owner Halle Papson said she had just gotten out of the shower when she walked into the living room and was horrified to see her pooch had stolen her sex toy and was cuddled up it while using it as a chew toy. The 24-year-old from Jacksonville, Florida, USA, said that she and her husband James, 29, must have left the sex toy on their bed - but had no idea their pup would go in and steal it from their room. Halle said her three-year-old adopted pooch - named Dammit Bobby after a character in the popular cartoon King of the Hill - loves chew toys, but said it had been a few weeks since they had bought him a new one. The professional poker player said after getting over the initial shock, she burst out laughing and tried to pry the toy from their poochs jaws - but Dammit Bobby quickly sped off and ran around their house with it tightly clenched between his teeth. SEE CATERS NEWS.
His owners think Dammit Bobby was gently expressing his need for a new sex toy (Picture: Caters News Agency)

Halle said her pooch – who is a Boston Terrier/Spitz mix – is a goofy dog that loves to cuddle and enjoys being entertained with his chew toys.

But as he wears them down so fast, Halle often gifts him with a new chew toy, but it had been a few weeks since she had a chance to buy one.

Halle said she thinks this is why her pup was so keen to grab her sex toy- because he thought it was a new chew toy that his owners had bought for him to play with.

She said: ‘He seemed quite proud of his crime, although he was definitely acting guilty.

‘He thought he had hit the jackpot finding a new chew toy in our bedroom.

‘Dammit Bobby used to be an underwear snatcher, but only when he was a puppy. This is a whole new level for him.

‘After this we immediately went out and got him a new chew toy.

‘It was hilarious and something we will never forget. But I’ll be sure to hide any naughty toys from him in the future.’

Do you have a pet naughtier than Dammit Bobby? Get in touch to tell us all about their misdemeanours by emailing

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